
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · 都市
20 Chs


I don't know what happened but I liked this empress better than the other one.

"Come on, let's go ;says with a smile.

"Alright your Grace but may I , ask where we are going.

"We're going out to town; I answered not sure exactly why.

" But why do that your Grace when you can just send the maids there for you.

"Yes, I can do that but I prefer going there myself, I answered as I heard a knock on the door soon after, Lin Zao run to get the door only to find Cocoubine San Yao standing there with a pretenticous concerned look on her face but I could see through any act of her's after the life I've lived as an outcast in my previous life and the way people treated me.

"Cocoubine San Yao what brings you here?; I asked with a polite smile ☺️.

"Your Grace or should I even call you that, yes I mean after all you don't deserve to be given that title, once favoured by the emperor now left like nothing but trash; she exclaimed with an evil looking grin on her face.

"How dare you talk to her Grace like that 😠, exclaimed Lin Zao furiously but I held up my hand to stop her.

"Cocoubine San Zao, what brings you here this fine morning; I asked again with a polite smile.

"(What she didn't get offended, at first she would turn this palace upside down if anyone offended her but now she looks....) 😒 I came here to inform you that all the cocoubine's are sitting in the Nahala hall waiting for you.; she said in a disrespectful manner.

"Alright you can go ahead, I'll be right there ☺️; I said with a smile as San Yao turned and walked away.

"What now my Grace😕 ; asked Lin Zao in a confused and worried tone.

"It's like what I said, I've already made my decision we're going to town😏.

"But your Grace, what about the meeting 😖; Lin Zao asked in a worried tone.

"What meeting 😶? I asked with a wicked smile on my face 😈. Now come on let's go. I pulled Lin Zao along even though she was protesting but I chose to ignore her words. We went around town but the town's people were looking at us as if they've never seen me before.


"Your Grace, there's a lot of staring at us; Zao said anxiously.

"Ignore them Zao; I exclaimed. We walked around for time mesmerizing everything as I was in awe of everything I saw.

"Stop there!!!, hey thief stop right there; said a store vendor as he chased after a little girl who later bumped into me.

"Hey are you alright?, I bent down to help the girl up as I could see myself reflect in her. She immediately brushed my hand off.

"Hey you thief, give me back the food you stole; said the vendor angrily.

"I...I...I.. didn't steal anything, I was very hungry so I just took some bread. Soon crowd gathered,

"You thief😠, said the vendor as he launched forward to attack but I immediately stood forward. Sir how much does the bread cost? I asked with a firm look.

20 tales of silver; he said with a wicked smile 😈. Such a rip off, zao! yes your Grace;she answered.

"Give this man 200 tales of silver; I said calmly as everyone's jaw dropped, yes your Grace zao answered as he handed over 200 tales of silver to the vendor. I won't stand here and watch innocent children get mistreated anymore!!!😠; I exclaimed full of anger.