
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · 都市
20 Chs

Self Defense

What?!!, how dare you do that. You have no authority to do that!!; exclaimed San Yao furiously.

"It's looks like you haven't had enough; exclaimed the Emperor furiously. Guards!! send her away and give her 180 strokes just as she wanted and bare in mind that Emperess also has the same power as I do!!.

"Thank you, your majesty; I exclaimed in a flirtious way.

"I'll be heading to my place for some work now, if anything come to me! ; exclaimed the Emperor as he walked away but was pulled back by the Emperess.

"Come on now, enough with the work. Let's go out; I exclaimed as I dragged him away.

"Your majesty; exclaimed one guard in defense but immediately kept quiet when the Emperor shot him a deadly glare.

"Where are we going?!; asked the Emperor.

"To somewhere special to celebrate your return; I said with a smile as I pulled him off into one of the couches and rode off, soon we arrived at the town's square.

"The town's square?!; asked the Emperor with a confused expression.

"No silly, of course not; I answered with a giggle. We got of the couch as I dragged him along, I could notice people staring and whispering as we walked along the street.

"Hmm, before we to where I want us to go, let's have lunch first. It was a long ride here and I think that must have made you hungry; I exclaimed as my stomach grumbled.

"Yes I think I'm very hungry; exclaimed the as he laughed.

"Hump! don't laugh at me!; I exclaimed. Zao?! I called out.

"Yes, your Grace!; she answered as she came to me.

"Do you know of any good places to eat?!; I asked.

"Yes, your Grace. I think a new restaurant just opened right behind Lil' pens gift shop. It's been quiet popular these days and it's known for their good and quality food but high prices.

"Okay, thanks; I exclaimed. Let's go your majesty, I said as I pulled him along but just as we were about to arrive a guard suddenly came across us.

"Your majesty, your Grace. I finally found you;he said as he bowed breathing heavily.

"What is it?!

Your majesty, may I speak with you alone; asked the guard as he moved aside with the Emperor, I could see they were discussing something important. I watched as the Emperor's expression changed from one to another soon he walked towards me with a stern look.

"What happened?! I asked concernly.

"It's nothing you should worry about, I'm heading back for a minute, I'll be right back I promise so stay inside don't come outside okay; said the Emperor with a stern look.

"Well okay but is it something important; I asked concernly.

"No! it's not, don't worry; he said as he kissed my forehead and disappeared. I always wondered how he could just disappear and reappear all of a sudden as if he was a ninja.

"Your Grace, what are we going to do now?!; asked Zao .

"Now?!, now we're going to fill our stomach to the fullest; I exclaimed as we walked into the restaurant but the moment I opened the door, everyone's stare shifted on me, immediately they started whispering and gossiping.

"It's her, the unfavoured Emperess Lin Juluu. It's said that after the death of her child the Emperor became cold towards her and now treated like a cocoubine; said one person.

"Yes, yes and it's said that she was deprived of all her wealth and apparently she's nothing but a poor woman; said another as they laughed.

"And have also that she was soo cruel and unfavoured that the Emperor and Emperess Dowager almost took her title away from her; said another.

"Your Grace?!, all what you're saying is not true!; exclaimed Zao furiously to the people.

"Zao! that's enough; I said with my head bent down.

"Ahh!! look! isn't that her maid?! such a poor girl, being treated horribly and she still remains faithful, such a naive girl; laughs.

"I am the owner of this restaurant and this is no place for a freeloader like you!! leave immediately; exclaimed one girl as she walked boldly towards me. I am We...

"Shut the hell up!; I exclaimed. No one asked you for name, are you really that boastful; I exclaimed with a sneer.

"YOU!! how dare you to...

"Zao?!; I called out cutting her short.

"How dare you ignore me?! she exclaimed.

"Hand me the gift box I received this morning; I said as I smiled devilishly.


"Your highness, should I punish that boastful servant; exclaimed someone.

"No!, let her be and let's enjoy the show.


"Here is it your Grace; said Zao as she handed me the box, I opened it and pulled out a vase placing it the hand of the girl.

"What's this?!; she asked arrogantly as she attempted to open it.

"Don't open it and don't drop it either; I said with a devilishly smile. What I'm about to do serves as a warning to anyone who bad mouth me or my subordinates. I took out a wipe and began wiping the soo called owner.

"Ahhh! what are you doing?! stop wiping me!!!; she screamed in pains as I continued wiping her until she dropped the vase.

"Zao?!; I called out, go back and hold your breath!! hurry!!.

"Yes your Grace; answered Zao as she run back and held her breath. Immediately the whole place was filled with gas and the screams of people, some couldn't take the pain and passed out, others bleed to death whiles others knelt down crying and begging.

"This serves as a warning to anyone who dares to disrespect me, next time I won't go easy on anyone; I exclaimed as I threw a different vase on the floor breaking it and letting out the antidote in a gas form.

"Zao!, you can breathe now!; I exclaimed. Come on, let's go; I said as I walked out with Zao.


"Your highness, thanks for giving me a head start, if it wasn't for you I could have also gone through what they went through. Your highness, what do you think that was?!.

"I don't know but that person seems to be really interesting!; he said as he smiled.

"Your highness, I've never seen you smile before.

"Look into that person and let me know everything about her as soon as possible.

"Yes! your highness, will do.


"Your Grace, what was that about?!; asked Zao confusedly.

"It's just a little trick I learnt for self defense; I said with a smile.

"Wow🤩!! you're soo amazing!!; exclaimed Zao as she praised me.