
Chapter 3 - And the MAGIC begins

Kiara (on phone) - I am not listening to you today. You have to come with me. I am totally messed up and what type of friend are you? Don't you wish to help me?

Anita - Stop over reacting Kiara. You have only not got matching jewelry for your lengha. And you are reacting as if some sky has fallen for you.

Kiara- Yes I haven't got matching jewelry. How will I look in my brother's wedding without a matching jewelry. If my future husband will meet me in his wedding and will see me not wearing matching jewelry what will he think of me? He might not even want to marry me. He ...

Anita (cuts her off in middle) - For God's sake Kiu.. just accept the fact that we two have only each others back. Life partners for us is just a myth. Aren't you burnt enough in one broken marriage that you want to visit that pain again?

Kiara ( A tear falls from her eye but she quickly controls her emotions) - Anu why are you so burnt. Arre your Hemant had no option unlike my partner. Why don't you accept that if he would have got the option he would have never left you.

Anita - Let it be. Kiara I am not feeling well we will go some other day not today.

Saying so she quickly disconnected her call. But Kiara was adamant today that she won't take a no from her. She can't let her friend suffer so long. She knew Anita won't pick her phone up today so she went for a shower and thought of paying her a visit.

After few hours..

Doorbell rang at Shah Residency and Vyom opened the door to find Kiara standing. Vyom was very delighted to see her.

Vyom - Hi Masi. What a surprise. Mom didn't tell me you are coming.

Kiara - Hi Beta. Its a surprise for her.

She kissed him on his forehead.

Vyom (irritated) - Eww Masi. Lipstick.

And he ran away to washroom to clean the lipstick mark and Kiara started laughing. By this time Anita who had heard her came out of her bedroom.

Anita - Kiu you are one very stubborn woman.

Kiara - Yes I am. (Draging Anita to her room. She open her wardrobe while Anita sat on coach.)

Anita - Why are you hell bent taking me out? As if everything will be fine once we go for dinner.

Kiara (taking out a beautiful one piece) - Yes you never know. Everything might just change in a fraction of second. (Holding the dress besides Anita) This really suits you.

Anita - Stop it Kiara. I am not wearing this. The one who loved to see.. (She couldn't continue)

Kiara sat besides her holding her hand.

Kiara - Anu I know its difficult but life has to go on. There can be comma's but till we breathe there is no full stop to life. Yes some chapters do complete as we walk through but only to have a new chapter at a new page. The remaining page of your last chapter has gone empty and NOW IT IS COMPLETE. YOU NEED TO TURN THE PAGE NOW.

Anita started crying and Kiara hugged her and let her empty out her heart.

My soul cries to be with you..

But life is so adamant to be with me...