
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · 若者
36 Chs

Seriously, are you stalking me?

Uhh, I am sorry. I didn't see you.

I needed to stand up. However, at that point, I fell again and hurt the injury on my arm once more.

"Mia! Are you okay, darling? Come here," says grandpa while helping me to stand up.

I hiss in pain, and grandpa looks at me with shock.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he asks me, worry visible in his voice.

No, I am okay. I say to grandpa.

I look at the boy I fell on.

I extended my hand to help him up.

I am sorry. I didn't mean to knock you over.

He stands up without grabbing my hand.

"I think you are in much more pain than me," he says and then leaves.

"What does he mean? Are you okay? What happened?"

Grandpa! I am okay.

Nothing happened.

He looks at me with shock in his eyes.

What? What happened? I ask him while looking around me.

"You called me grandpa," he says, smiling.

Oh, it is just that?

I thought something else.

Out of nowhere, he put me in an embrace, and that is when I jerked in pain because it was hurting soo much.

"You are really hurt, aren't you?" he asks me seriously this time.

Yeah... Yeah, a little bit, but I am fine.

You don't have to worry.

"I was already suspecting something when we were in that house and, then again when you didn't want to put off your jacket although you had it hot. I didn't think it was this terrible, though. Tell me. Did they beat you up?" he asks me.

Grandpa, could you not ask anything, please?

I will tell you when the time is right.

I could see he was hesitant.

"Fine, but I really hope it will be soon," he says while walking to the woman who welcomed us inside.

She got his coat and helped him to put it on.

He thanked her, and we walked to the car again.

This time he didn't wait for me but went in first.

Robin smiled at me and gestured for me to go in while he put his hand up so I wouldn't hurt my head.

I said thanks to him and gradually headed inside.

By this time, my body was aching, and I didn't know how I would survive this, but I trusted that everything would be alright this time.

*Grandpa's Pov:*

Her face was getting paler.

I could see that she was falling asleep.

She must be tired and in pain.

I wasn't mad because I knew she was lying to me.

I was angry because we weren't by her side when she was going through all this.

I know she needs time to trust us and tell us everything.

I am just hoping it is not as bad as I am thinking.

Robin, let us stop by the nearest pharmacy and get some painkillers for Mia.

"Yes, sir," he says and drives faster.

After five minutes, we arrive there, and Robin goes out quickly.

I touched Mia's forehead, and she was burning.

I gently open the zipper of her jacket, but then she wakes up and stops my hand.

Mia, you are burning up.

I was merely opening your zipper.

I told Robin to get some medicine for you.

"Oh, when did I fall asleep?" she asks me.

Not long ago. I say to Mia.

She tries to sit appropriately, but I stop her.

Just lie down for a bit more until we reach the airport.

She nods her head, and Robin comes in the car again.

"Sir, here. I brought some water as well," he says, handing the medicine with water.

Thank you, Robin.

Mia, eat the medicine, and you will feel better.

I open the bottle for her and help her drink it.

That is it.

Good girl.

Now go back to sleep.

I will wake you up when we arrive.

She nods her head and goes back to sleep.

I put off my coat and put it on her.

"Sir, you are too kind," says Robin looking at me through the mirror.

Kindness only is not enough.

She must have gone through a lot. I say while sighing.

"Don't worry, sir. She is in great hands now," he says, smiling.

I really hope so.

"Huh, are you suspecting something, sir?" he asks me.

I was just thinking about why my son found out now that Mia was living with her aunt, not her mother.

Who told him, and what was the reason behind it?

"Maybe you are overthinking it, sir? Maybe the aunt told him," says Robin.

No, I know how much she hates him.

She will never contact him herself.

There must have been someone else, but who can it be and why?

"Don't worry, sir. I will try to find out for you," says Robin.

No, Robin.

Try not to stress over it.

Whoever was behind it should be somebody brilliant.

That person must have a motive behind this.

We will find it out sooner or later anyway.

I don't want to take any action right now.

"Okay, sir," says Robin.

**Mia's Pov:**

"Mia, we are here."

Oh, we are here already?

"Yeah, wake up, or else we will miss the flight," says grandpa.

He gets his coat off me and helps me to sit.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks with concern in his eyes.

I smile.

Yeah, much better.

A little bit dizzy but I will just sleep on the plane, and then I will be fine so don't worry about me, okay?

"That is what you said before, and look how you turned out," he says while looking away from me and getting out of the car.

Robin goes out of the car, but grandpa tells him not to bother.

He walks over to my side and opens the door for me.

"Come, darling. Don't overdo it, or else you will hurt yourself again," he says while gently grabbing my hand and helping me up.

I didn't say anything because even if I told him not to worry, he would still do it anyway.

And honestly, this was something that I didn't get to enjoy when I was young, so it is nice to see someone being considerate about me.

I was holding onto his arm, and we walked in.

Robin was walking behind us with my bag and baggage from grandpa.

We check in, and we go on the plane.

Woah, how can it look like a hotel even on a plane?

I always only saw this on tv.

I never thought I would get to experience this myself.

"You can take a break now and take a shower if you want. It is that way," he says.

"I will tell them to prepare some new clothes for you. What do you prefer?" grandpa asks me.

Just something like this. I say.

"I knew you would say that, so I already told them to get it for you," he says, smiling.

But what if I said something else? I ask him.

"Then I would have told them to change it," he says.

I go into the bathroom and take my clothes off.

I go in the cold shower.

I hiss in pain.

My entire body feels soo sore.

How will I bandage them again?

After taking a long shower, I go out and put on a robe.

What will I do now?

Shall I just go out?

I open the bathroom door.

No one is here.

There were different pairs of clothes ready for me.

There was a band-aid on the bed as well.

Grandpa must have noticed my wounds.

But how will I do it myself?

I slowly open the door and see if I can find grandpa anywhere.

There was no one there, so I walked a little further, but someone came out of nowhere again, and we bumped against each other.

I almost fell but held onto his chest to save myself.

"What is with me and bumping with people today?" he says, and I say the same in my head.

I winced when he grabbed my shoulders to push me away a little.

I look at him.

What... He was the handsome boy from before at the restaurant.

We looked at each other for a while.

"It is you again?" he says.

It is you as well.

"Don't you know anything else, then bumping into people?" he asks.

I didn't do it on purpose. I say to him feeling annoyed at his behaviour.

"I only pushed you a little. Why did you wince like that?"

Why is that any of your business? I say to him.

"You are pale, and you are walking like you are in pain, which means that you have wounds that have not healed yet," he says as if he could read me.

How did you know that? I ask him.

"I am just familiar with this," he says.

Is that a good or bad thing? I say more to myself than to him, but he hears me anyway.

"Both have their ways. Do you need any help?" he asks me.

And why would you ask me that?

"You are in my room," he says.

I mentally slap myself.

How could I do that?

"Aren't you here with your grandpa?"

How did you know that?

Seriously, are you stalking me? I ask him.

"Could say the same about you."

"I heard it when we bumped into each other earlier," he says.

Oh, that is why.

I am sorry. I apologize.

"Then could you go out?" he says, pushing me, but this time it was gentler.


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