
an old love that still not finished

hyo joo and Nana get back to their dorms. Nana little run to their room.

"it's cold " Nana said

she open their room with but it's locked. she rub both of her hands and put in her face to make it warmer.

Hyo joo open the door with her key, Nana run so rush and throw herself to the bed.

"ah... it's warm " she cover herself with blanket

Hyo Joo just laugh looking at her, she actually feel cold too but her body feel too tired after empty out her feelings.

she put her jacket and bag at her desk and go to wash her face.

"Hyo Joo..." Nana called her, Nana's head pop up from the blanket

"hm..." Hyo joo answer lightly

"when you back here?" Nana ask

"about a week ago" Hyo Joo said while get up to her bed and cover herself with blanket

"you better take of your coat first " Hyo Joo said

"ah yes, I'll gonna call Bom too"

Nana get up from her bed and take out her phone from her coat pocket.

"Bom-a... yes I'm at dorm now... yes... ah okay... see you tomorrow. bye... love you"

Nana smile happily and put her phone at the table and hang her coat.

Hyo joo then remembered she promised to call her brother today. Hyo joo search her phone at her bag and jacket but it's nowhere to found.

"what are you looking for?" Nana ask

"my phone" Hyo Joo answer while keep searching her phone

"it's the ring tones on?" Nana ask

"yes" Hyo Joo said, she look at her trousers

"let me call it, your number still the same right?"

Nana said

"yes" Hyo joo sit beside Nana at Nana's bed

after a second they hear the phone connecting voice

"ah it's on"

they try to hear the voice at their room

"it's not here " Hyo Joo said

"wait" Nana said

"what?" Hyo joo ask

"someone pick up"

"hello" someone a boy picking up the call

"who is this?" Nana ask

"oh Nana, it's me Hyun Jae" the voice said

"Hyun jae? shin Hyun Jae? how can...." Nana words stop, Hyo Joo close Nana's mouth with her right hand and click end the call with her left hand

"ah why you did that?" Nana upset

"I'm sorry, hehe" Hyo Joo said

"explain!" Nana said

"what? what to explains ?" Hyo Joo go to her bed

"your phone at Hyun jae's" Nana follow her to her bed

"ah I don't know" Hyo joo cover her face with pillow

"you went to his apartment?"

"not like that" Hyo joo suddenly sit

she tell everything about what happened last night and today before they meet.

"wah..." Nana amazes

"you two really like to hurt each other" Nana said

Hyo joo just pout her lip. she doesn't know what she want and now her phone at hyun jae's.


meanwhile at hyun jae's apartment

"look" Hyun Jae said

Bom look at Hyo Joo front screen Pic.

"wah" Bom express his surprise feeling

ring ring, the phone ringing again. it's written Yoon.

"should I pick it?" Hyun Jae hesitate

"no, don't answer it. it's Hyo Joo personal things. she might be angry if you answer it" Bom wipe shaving cream from his face with tissue

Hyun Jae put the phone at his desk and let it ring until the call off, but then Yoon call again.

"he calls again. why he calling Hyo Joo at the middle of the night?" Hyun Jae bit upset

"hey, just let it. let's play some game" Bom said and dragging Hyun Jae out from his room.

they sit at the couch and begin to play online game. Hyun Jae so bad at games, he easily get beat by Bom.

"ah, so annoying " Hyun jae upset

"hey, how you really bad at this, hahaha" Bom laughing

the phone ringing again, hyun jae already upset and he just getting more upset after seeing there's so many call from Yoon in Hyo Joo's phone. he lost his control and pick the call

"hello" Yoon said

"why you keep calling her?" Hyun Jae upset

"who is this?" Yoon asking

"I'm HYUN JAE" he said

Bom hear his loud voice and walking to Hyun Jae's room

"why Hyo Joo's phone with you?" Yoon ask

but suddenly Bom grab the phone without give Hyun Jae chances to answer

"ah hello, I'm Bom. I'm sorry Hyo Joo's phone is left here. we will give it to her tomorrow" Bom said and ended the call

Hyun Jae sit at his bed still upset

"hey, I said don't answer it. you looks so immature " Bom said

"I'm so upset, who is him keep calling Hyo Joo. why he keeps calling girl at the middle of the night. when someone didn't pick your call you should stop call them but he keep calling her " Hyun jae said

"and you?" Bom ask

"why? what about me?" Hyun Jae stomping his angry foot

"and who are you to Hyo Joo?" Bom ask as he walks to the chair and sit

"what do you mean I'm Hyo Joo..." Hyun Jae words stop at the time he realized he is nothing to Hyo Joo, he's just part of Hyo Joo past, her ex boyfriend.

"Hyun Jae, you and Hyo Joo it's not dating anymore. and answering her call is not a polite action. it's her privacy. it's not your rights " Bom said , he scratching his head. he got a little headache over his friend attitude.

the phone ringing again, it's from Yoon again

"answer it" Bom said

"you said don't answer it ,now you ask me to answer it. stop confusing me" Hyun Jae said

Bom can't hold his patience anymore

"hey, answer it, he knows the phone with you but he calls again it's mean he wants to talk with you. you stupid kid" Bom give the phone

Hyun Jae bit afraid of Bom

"hello" Hyun jae said with calm voice

" why Hyo Joo's phone with you? are you getting back together?" Yoon ask

"...no" Hyun jae said with heavy low voice

"listen, I really didn't like you since the beginning. I keep asking what's Hyo Joo look from you? what's makes you better than me? "

Yoon at other country LA , it's morning at his place around 7 am. he sits at park bench after jog a while ago.

while he asking about how Hyun Jae better than him he reminiscent his past.


6 years ago

Yoon (2nd grade middle school) and Alex (2nd grade at high school) went out to other middle school.

"where are we going?" Yoon ask

"to my sister school" Alex said

"uh sister?" Yoon confused

"my step sister, my sister from different mother" Alex said

"here" Alex grab Yoon hand, they hides behind the bushes

" why we hiding?" Yoon ask

"if she find out me, she will run" Alex said

"she afraid of you?" Yoon ask

"no, she afraid of my mother. if I meet her directly or get caught keep an eye for her my mother will make her in trouble " Alex said

"your mother is something " Yoon said

"yeah I know. I just miss my little sister. I wonder if she's alright at school" Alex said

"it's her" Alex said and point to a short haired girl with black sweater

"ah she wear my gift. she's so cute right " Alex smiling

"oh" Yoon said, Yoon doesn't belive his eyes. I mean she's just ordinary girl. not some popular pretty girl but his heart beats so fast

"let's go" Alex said

"ah?" Yoon wake from his daydream

"let's go follow her" alex said

"I need to make sure she get home safely. my spy said someone following him recently " Alex said

"spy?" Yoon keeps surprising by Alex action

"I pay someone at her school to keep an eye of her" alex said

"he said someone following her home several time. but nothing happened. but today I gonna catch that pervert" Alex said

Alex and Yoon following from a far. after a while someone that the spy talk shows up. he's wear same uniform with Hyo Joo. he keeps following Hyo Joo for a while. but he keeps getting closer and closer to Hyo Joo. Hyo Joo seems sense someone following her just walk faster.

Alex starts suspicious and when there's a chances he grab the boy bag and drag him to some alley.

"why you following her?" Alex said

"I.. I... I..." the boy scare to death

"Alex let him go first, let's talk well" Yoon said

Alex let the boy

"you know her?" Yoon ask

"yes, she's Kim Hyo Joo my classmate" he said

"why you follows her?" Yoon ask again

"I.. I... I want to give this" He take out some gift

"a gift? aren't you a pervert " Alex look at him with scary eyes that Yoon never sees before

"no... no... I.. I want to thank her for being nice with me" he said still in fear

"ah my sister is an angel, from now on don't follow her anymore. you suspicions, you can give it at school why you keep following her for days?" Yoon ask

"I don't have encourage, if I do it at school Hyo joo will feel uncomfortable" he said

Yoon nodded like he understand what this boy means

"Alex he doesn't have any bad intentions" Yoon said

"I take this, I'll check it first. if it's safe I'll give it to Hyo Joo" Alex said

"let's go" Alex said

Yoon pat the boy shoulder

"but who are you?" he ask

"I'm his guardian " Alex said

from that time I secretly come to hyo joo school several time at Alex back.

year after that Hyo Joo get attacked by girls from Alex school who thought Hyo Joo flirt to Alex.

next year HYo Joo enter same high school with Yoon. they became closer as they also practiced taekwondo together with Alex. since Hyo Joo moved to Alex house it's getting easier to close with her.

2nd grade High school

"be my girlfriend " Yoon said

Hyo Joo doesn't looks surprises

"stop it, you said it more than dozens since last year" Hyo Joo pack her book

"but I'm serious " Yoon said

"and I'm serious about my answer too" Hyo joo close her bag

"which is yes" Yoon said

"no" Hyo joo said

"there's hundreds girl out there want to date with me" Yoona said

"then date one of them" Hyo Joo said and carry her bag

"but I want you" Yoon follows her out from class

"Yoon" Hyo joo stop walking

"for me you always a friend. I'm sorry if it can't more than that. and I'm sorry if I confuses you" Hyo Joo then walk away

after that Yoon date many girl, but just one or two weeks he will feel bored with them. they always said you handsome, your smart, say how proud they dating him like getting a trophy. Yoon keeps make a scene to annoyed his girlfriend so they will break up with Yoon. some of them even slapped Yoon. he then famous for being a total bad boyfriend around school. but he didn't care , many girls in the line waiting for being his girlfriend. 180cm tall, school president, good at English, good at sport even dancing, his handsome face is famous around Seoul, he sometimes participates as model in small magazines, easy for him to get a replacement.

a week before graduation

Yoon ask Hyo joo to go out with him, just for eat lunch. Hyo Joo say yes. they eat at some cozy café not far from their school.

they begin to eat and talk also laughing. but for Yoon this not just. every time he spends with Hyo Joo is special for him.

"I love you" Yoon suddenly say it

"Yoon-a" Hyo Joo face changed

"no need to answer it" Yoon said

"I know your answer, I just want to try one more time. for the last time" Yoon said

"Yoon" Hyo joo call his name so soft that's makes his heart hurt more

"I'll study abroad. after graduation I'll directly going to LA" Yoon said without looking at Hyo Joo

they silent for a while. at the end Yoon can't look Hyo Joo in the face they separate after out from the Cafe. Hyo Joo looking at Yoon back as he walks away. but she doesn't know what to do, she doesn't have any special feeling to Yoon.


"hello you still there" Hyun Jae's voice wake him from his reminiscent


"I don't know why Hyo joo dated with me and nit you. you should ask it to Hyo joo itself. I'm sorry for answered your call without her permission " Hyun jae said

"as if compared to you yes you better than me in every aspects. tall, handsome, smart and strong" Hyun Jae said

"some traits is common to pick someone we fall to, but I think everyone have that click" Hyun Jae said

"what click?" Yoon ask

"I don't know since the first time I meet Hyo joo I just feel she's the one. I never know her before, never meet her, never keep an eye on her. she's just suddenly come out of nowhere and I just feel that "click" with her. I never feel like that before all my life" Hyun jae said

"hhhhh...."Yoon sighting

"are you an idiot?" Yoon said

"idiot, how ,you..." Hyun Jae said

"you can't find that kind if feeling at certain time, so you gonna wait it until you find it?" Yoon ask

"yes why not, it's worth to wait. and with her is a happiness things in my life. so even I need to wait more I won't mind of it" Hyun Jae said

"why you don't dating someone first and try to click with them?" Yoon keep asking

"for me it wasting of time also how will the girl feel if you dating her just to try and play. for me it will be hurt if I'm in their position " Hyun Jae said

Yoon silent for a while, know he knows why Hyo joo fall for Hyun Jae. it because his sincerity, he's sloppy but he's heart is warm. and that warm that Yoon can't give to Hyo Joo.

"now I know why she choose you" Yoon said

"oh? why" Hyun Jae ask

"not your business. I'll end my call" Yoon said

"wait" Hyun jae said

"you won't tell Hyo Joo about this conversation right? about I answered your phone earlier" Hyun jae ask

"I'll tell her. I'll tell her how stupid you are. how stupid you leave Hyo joo and how pitiful you can't get her back" Yoon said

"I don't think so" Hyun Jae said

"what?" Yoon ask

"bye" Hyun jae ends the call

"hello, hello... this ..." Yoon just rub his face he's got by him, Yoon is losing.

"yeah looks like it's time to end this one sided love" he put his phone and sipping his morning coffee.


"gyaaaaaaa" Hyun Jae yelling at his room

"I'm cool right, I handle it well right" Hyun jae acts like crazy

Bom just give him a clap

"look at this. it's not a mistake. it's real. I still have a chances... wooo hooooo" Hyun Jae so hyping up.

Hyo Joo phones screen on, there's a message from someone. as can see the wallpaper is picture of Hyun Jae and hyo joo together hugging and smiling. it's taken when Hyun Jae and Hyo Joo eat dinner at Hyun Jae's place they wear couple pajamas that night, eat some chicken and watching some movie at TV. they both look cute.


thank you for all the support

as my character is based on Golden child character please also support then for their Japan debut 26-1-2022. Golden Child Awoo