
Chapter 1

Looking outside the window, trying to figure out where is she. She whisper " Am I missing?", asking her self. After some time, Ian see a familiar building. She ask the taxi driver, to stop near the gate.

Upon arriving to her destination. Ian goes near to guard, and ask for direction. The guard tell her the way.

Ian continue her way in, she was busy admiring her place while walking. Didn't notice the person infront of her, she end up bumping to that person.

"Ouch!" she exclaim. Ian caress her forehead softly. While scolding herself inside her head. 'why your so clumsy! You even bump to the wall! The innocent wall..'

Ian is busy scolding herself, didn't even notice that she bump to a person not on a wall. While scolding herself she heard a voice. "Huh?" she say, before lifting her head. Ian swallow her saliva upon seeing the person infront of her. 'I didnt bump to a wall, i bump to a hansome man'. She told to herself. The man repeat his question, " Are you alright?" he said with corncern.

"Yes, I'm fine", she want to congratulate herself for not stattering, and hiding her shriek. And told herself, 'ugh, I'm being flirty inside'.

He lean closer to her before speaking, "Glad to hear that". He touch her forehead.

Ian caught offguard, she step back and removed his hand. She look away to hide her cheeks. "As I have said, I'm fine", Ian made herself sound annoyed, to hide her embarassment.

He lean closer to her ear and whisper , " You look cute when you blush". He flash his killer smile.

Ian blush even more upon hearing those words. The man laugh, and made her feel annoyed. 'what he think he is? Is he toying me..grrr'. She said to herself.

He stop laughting, seeing her look displeased. "Before you get mad, I'm Mark Neil Rosario". Introducing himself to the woman infront of him and held out his hand. He waited her to react and reach out to his hand. But she ignore his introduction.

Ian feel displease, she shook off his hand. "Ian", she brieftly said. She took the chance and ask him, " Where is room 409?".

"We are standing in front of it", Neil answering her.

She look at the door, and look back at him. "Geezz.. Thanks". Ian is about to go inside when the man infront of her stop her. She glare at him.

Neil raise his two hands, and smile "I'll wait for you in the cafetiria". He leave without waiting for her answer.

Lunch break come, and she going down in the stairs. Trying to figure out where is the cafeteria. Ian is about to take the left way. She heard someone calling her and its coming from her back. Ian tilt her head and look who's calling her. She saw a familiar figure. 'its him again', she wispher.

"I'm glad, I waited for you". Neil smiled a her.

"Why are you doing this?", Ian ask him frankly.

"I feel hurt, you don't remember me". Neil puff his cheeks and put a pleading eyes.

Ian eyes widen in suprise, "kram - kram". She shouted.

"The one and only", he show her how hurt he is.

"I'm sorry, its just i didn't see you for so long. and puberty hits you hard". Ian explaining her side. "And you didn't introduce yourself", she added.

"I introduce myself remember?", Niel pointed out.

Ian make an excuse, "What I mean you didn't tell me that your my cousin".

Neil sigh in defeat, he know he won't win. He change topic, "let's eat, I'm famished".

"I'm hungry too". Ian agree, " lead the way". Asking Neil to show her the way.

The cafeteria is not crowded, Neil ask Ian to reserve a table and he will get there food. Ian agree and get them a table. She didn't wait long for Neil to arrive with there foods.

Neil serve the food to her. "Here is your favorite " placing a transparent box, inside is a black forest cake.

Ian's eye twinkle, she put the cake near her. She was busy admiring the cake when she remember something. Ian ask her cousin without looking at him,"how did you know my schedule".

Neil stop eating and answer her, " since I know your course its easy to know sched. And it is post in the bulletin board." He explain.

Ian form a wicked smile. "Since you know my schedule. Will you do the honor to fetch me ". She ask sweetly.

Neil sigh before speaking, "if you promise not to call me 'kram - kram' here in the campus".

Ian put her forefinger in her chin thinking, before talking, "ok, i won't. But why you don't want them to know your cute nickname". Asking in the curious way.

Neil tell her his reasons, "It might destroy my image here in campus".

Ian laugh in this disbelief. "Ok.. ok..I won't. I have to go, I have a class, I don't want to be late". She get up and took her bag. She's about to leave but Neil call her and said,"Ian, wait for me". Neil get up immediately.

Ian waited for him. "You don't have to come", she said while walking. Neil insist sending her, "silly, I just want to make sure you won't get lost".

"I won't get lost, its on the same building. You were just being overprotective", Ian not buying his excuse.

"Me, overprotective? do I look like that?", he reason out. While crosssing his fingers inside his head.

Ian sigh, she know he won't admit it. She change topic instead, " by the way, i need your number". Shoving her phone to him.

Neil took the phone, he save his number and call his own number to get hers. He give it back to her, letting her see what he did. Ian took the phone, upon seeing what he did she raise one of her eyebrow and look at him.

Neil pass her leaving her behind. He only stop when they arrive on her next subject. "I'll fetch you later". Then he leave without her not letting ask more question and not waiting for her respond.

Ian shake her head. While entering the room. Just like earlier this morning the room become quite as she enter. And all eyes were looking at her. She ignore there look and proceed to the seat in the corner near the window. As she seated, they start talking. She could hear them, they were gossiping about her. She ignore them, by opening her phone, putting her headset and play her favorite song. She was busy listening to the song, but someone is poking her bag. She take a look, Ian remove her headset and look the woman behind her confusingly.

"Don't mind them, they were just jealous of you", she said.

"Yeah I agree with her, ignore them", the other girl said.

"Why would they feel jealous of me?" Ian ask.

Other girl but in, "well because no matter what they do, there dream guy won't notice them".

Ian look at them more confusing, "who are you talking about?" she ask again.

The girl from behind speak, "you don't get it?", she ask her back. Ian shake her head as the answer.

The girl in the front answer her, "were talking about the guy you are with".

The girl in her right continue, "the guy you bump this morning, the guy who eat with you during lunch and lastly the guy with you earlier", took a deep breath after finishing her explanation.

Ian look at them shockingly, "you mean Neil?", asking them. They nod in agreement. Ian speak again, "He's my cousin".

The girls start to widen there eyes, upon hearing her words. Afterwards they were all in deep thought. It took them awhile to speak. The first one that speak is the girl in her back. "So thats explain why he is kind and sweet to you".

Ian ask her, " Why? how does he treat everyone?".

"He treat everyone coldly especially girls. If its not important he will ignore you." the other explain.

"But he is not like that, he is playful and bully. He loves to bully me." Ian reason out.

"That's because you are blood related". The girl from the right said. Ian think about what the girls have said.

The girl from the front speak again, "We treat family and love ones differently, from everyone else".

"Thats why they though, more likely we though that you were he's special someone. And were sorry for that", the girl from the back said.

"Its fine, and I'm curious about something," Ian scratch her head and having a second thought of asking that question.

The girl from the back notice her reaction, she ask her to ask away. Ian ask any way, "Why those girls jealous of me?".

They speak in unison, "because you are with the campus heartthrob". Ian get shock, 'dang.. he was hit by puberty hard..tho i can't deny he is handsome' speaking inside her head. "Him a campus heartthrob, you need glasses", Ian said teasingly. "I admit he did change alot, but he's not that handsome", telling them to stop admiring him.

The three girls smile widely to her, and they say, " We like you..can we be your friends". They made a puppy eyes.

Ian look at them and smile awkwardly. The girl in her back speak, "oh silly us, we were asking you to be our friend. And we haven't introduce ourselves. Before anything else, I'm Jean Marie Duliar you can call me Jean or JM. You ca choose". Hending out her hand. Ian shake her hand with her.

"Oh..yeah" she clap before continueing, "I'm Maurin Macasipit, you can call me Mau". Said by the girl in the right side.

"I'm Jeline Rosales, they call me Jhen", she smile.

Ian introduce herself, "I'm Jillian Yu, my friends call me Ian", she said.

The three girls rejoice. They exchange phone numbers. They were busy exchanging cellphone numbers, that they did not notice the professor enter the room. Not until the professor clear his throat. They heard it and look at the front. They giggle on there misbehavior.