
114 - From the ashes: Plans for the night

The wind of beginning November, with the characteristic smell of the changing climate, along with the one of the coming winter, took advantage of the door getting opened to rush into the car. The young woman with warmer clothes to protect her sat down on the passenger seat and put back down the barrier to stop the wind, enjoying the controlled atmosphere of the car.

"Hi, mom~"

"Hi, sweetie. How was school today? Did you learn anything new and interesting?"

Faced with Evelyn's smile, from the backseat, Jason turned from energetic to disinterested and a little sulky.

"No. Learning with Uncle Ryan is more interesting. Miss Moore's class is boring, school is boring."

Evelyn could only placate the little genius:

"Don't worry. You will be spending the night with your Uncle Ryan, so you will be able to find something more interesting to do."

"Just the night?"