
Chapter 26


Late in the night, that was all that could be heard. Constantly. Never ending. All the time. Rob still hadn't returned from his break, and the rest were already starting to think the worst.

From time to time, the doors to the waiting room would open, and everyone would jump up in hopes of it being Rob. But it never was. All those times they got hopeful, reality came and sucker punched them all in the gut. Mia, who hadn't slept in two days already, was worried the most. She felt it was her fault, on top of whatever he had heard when he was in the room with Damon.

The session with Damon may have been the last straw. The last little bit of stress tipped the scales for the worst. Things in the waiting room were a little bit better, at least. All the boys now knew of their long-lost brother. But regarding the situation they were in at the moment, it wasn't a top priority, and everyone just kept all their unanswered questions to themselves.