
Chapter 13

The mansion was cold. Dark. Almost depressing. The male sighed as he tried to get comfortable in his bed, but no, it seemed like another sleepless night was going to haunt him. The guilt of everything was eating away at him, he couldn't sleep, he was paranoid and he felt like he couldn't trust anyone. Not even his brothers. Not even the people he loved to death...

He needed to talk to her. She probably didn't want to see him, never mind talking to him. He sighed for the tenth time that night. Why did his life turn out like this, like one big messed-up disaster? He was happy, so very happy before his father came and ruined his life. Good riddance to bad rubbish. But even though Chris hated his father for making him give up so much, there was still some part of him that wished everything could be different...that everything could be better. But what did he expect? His life had only been filled with disappointment so far, so why did he allow himself to expect more?