
Love by Agreement

Getting married was never a plan for Juliet! She just wanted to change her name, make friends, and enjoy college. But when her friends set her up for a surprise blind date, destiny plays a wicked game and surprises everyone. Entering the café as the most ineligible bachelor of her time, she exits the gates with a fiancé at her side and walks straight into a church to hear the melody of wedding bells. What will happen when she realizes she is not a bachelor anymore, and not only is she married now but also famous? Marrying the heartthrob of the entertainment industry who also happens to be the CEO of one of the most famous publishing houses, might put her in problems. But what will happen when she finds out her fake husband also happens to be the son of the present mafia king? ......................................................................................................... “How am I supposed to not run? Why didn’t you tell me before?”, she asked. She was almost yelling. But Ben had already cleared the place for them to talk. “Because I knew you would run away. And I couldn’t have let you make that mistake.”, he answered. “But tell me, how can one not run?”, she asked with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Some people can’t. I am sorry you got dragged into this, but I promise I will protect you. And you will soon be free, but if you want to live and want your family to live, just do as I say.”, he tried to convince her. “Who are you going to protect me from? If your father is mafia king, it makes you what- a mafia prince?”, she asked looking at him with questioning eyes.

The_Luna · 都市
14 Chs


One makes new mistakes every day, every minute, maybe even every second! But there is one peculiar thing about mistakes. Mistakes are considered good, a much-needed lesson if they teach you something life couldn't. But what if you learn nothing? What if you never wanted to learn?

Abrams bought another tub of chocolate ice cream, and tapped her card. Instantly $14.5 were deducted and unlike Leo she smiled at the bill.

"I don't think this will work Rams!", Leo muttered. He tried to whisper, but Abrams heard it.

"It will!", she replied. There was no tension in her voice. She was calm. Very unlike Abrams.

"But if you ask one more time, you are most welcome to leave me alone here!", she continued. And there she was, the Abrams we all know.

"B-but what if Elise gets mad?", Leo asked.

"But isn't she already?".

Leo nodded. Abrams was right. It is better to try than to give up without any efforts. What harm could Elise do? Just maybe break their bones? Oh, that can be managed! Right?

"I hope we don't die!", Leo sighed.

"Oh please!", Abrams said and walked out of the store proud of her plan.

"Where are we going now?", Leo asked chasing his best friend.

"A few more things are left!", Abrams jumped excited.

Elise was sitting in a corner sulking over the unfinished assignment due in two hours and her completely invisible draft of the next chapter, due in one hour.

"How am I supposed to manage this all?", she complained to no one. Is talking to themselves a signature habit of all the writers?

"Ugh! Why is life so hard?", Elise screamed as a tear rolled down her cheek. Crying when frustrated, yet another habit of Elise's.

"Hey! Are you okay El?", Leo peeked slowly from the half-closed door. He heard her scream and he knew she is all riled up.

"Nothing is okay Leo! I am drowning in work! I can't breathe!", Elise cried as her breathing got uneven.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down! El you need to breathe slowly. Take in deep breaths. You are having a panic attack!", Leo ran towards his best friend and sat beside her, engulfing her in a soothing hug.

"Why me? Why is my life such a mess?", Elise cried in Leo's arms.

"Everyone's life is a mess El. Yours just seem a little messier these days, that's all. It will be fine! You got to breathe!", Leo whispered in her ear.

"I'll miss all the deadlines!", El cried as her breathing became a little normal.

"It's okay to miss deadlines sometimes El. You can't always be the perfect person you try so hard to be. It's okay to rest sometimes love!", Leo was right. Elise wanted to be this perfect person. The best in everyone's eyes.

"B-but they will all be disappointed!", Elise snuggled closer.

"No one will be disappointed if you miss one deadline. We are all humans and we all need a break sometimes. I'll call your editor and tell her you are not well. Just mail your professor for a little extension. You deserve a break, El!", Leo said and picked up El's phone to dial her editor's number.

"Are you sure they will not get angry?", Elise asked.

"I promise, they won't!", Leo smiled at his best friend.

"I am still angry with you though!", Elise muttered as she picked up her laptop to draft a mail.

"I know!", Leo replied with a light smile.

"Will they deduct my marks for this extension?", Elise asked. She had never done this before.

"With your reputation, not a chance!", Leo replied.

"My reputation?", Elise asked confused.

"You are the one who is always punctual. Asking for extension once would not affect your marks.", Leo explained.

"I hope they don't deduct my marks, or I'll be just angrier with you!", Elise clicked the send button and looked at Leo.

"Leo where are you?", Abrams entered the room looking for the friend missing in action.

"What are you doing here? Apologising without me?", Rams looked at Leo questioningly.

"No! Elise here was feeling a little low. I was helping sort her work out.", Leo was the best cover up one could ask for.

"El! Are you okay?", Rams asked looking closely at her best friend, who still had remains of tears on her cheeks.

"Were you crying?", Abrams asked looking worried.

"It doesn't concern you!", Elise replied and stood up to keep her laptop on the table.

"El! I am sorry! I really am!", Abrams walked towards her best friend.

"Okay! We have prepared an apology for you!", Leo intervened.

"Prepared an apology?", Elise looked confused at her best friends.

"Yeah! Come with us!", Abrams continued and took Elise by her hand. Thankfully Abrams's hand was not jerked away.

"It better be worth my time!", Elise threatened.

"It is! I promise!", Leo was the one to answer this.

The three of them walked down the stairs into the living room.

"Close your eyes!", Abrams said to Elise.

"but why?", Elise was a little unsure. She looked at Leo and he stepped forward and kept his hands on Elise's eyes.

"Done!", he said.

"What are you guys doing?", Elise asked with her eyes closed shut.

"Just stay quiet!", Abrams said and lead the way.

"You can open your eyes now!", Leo said taking his hands off.

Elise slowly opened her eyes and saw a sheet castle in the middle of their living room. There were dim lights and bags full of popcorn, tubs of her favourite ice cream. She looked to the other side where Harry Potter was waiting patiently to get played.

"Wow! You guys!", Elise took some time to take in the beautiful sight in front of her. It was her dream to have a movie night in a sheet castle with lights and her favourite snacks. And let's not forget also her favourite people.

"We are sorry El! We had no idea our little plan would make your life this messy!", Abrams apologised sincerely. Elise looked at her best friends and finally gave them a hug.

"It's not okay! But I love you two a little too much to stay angry with you!", Elise said while hugging them both.

"We love you too El!", Abrams said and Leo hummed.

"And now, we know what time it is!", Leo suddenly screamed.

"It's time for Hogwarts!", Abrams continued the screaming making the other two laugh.