
Love bound by a curse

In this time line he was a bad boy and she was a sweet and caring girl , their first encounter wasn't pleasant and she didn't remember . Forced to take a scholarship she didn't apply for Juliette Damien is sent to an academy filled with bloodthirsty vampires . And there was when her life took unbalanced turn for the best and worse . Bullied , beaten and disgraced in certain occasions the bad boy decides to make a hectic decision just because he was bored with his empty life . " You are my girlfriend ! so act like one " his voice dropped , and his anger rised like nothing she had ever seen before . " But_but I don't want to be yours to control anymore , I_I want to be with someone...I love and live my life however I__want to ......pleas..." her lips trembled as she held back her tears , she tried to step away from him but his strong arms held her captive between the himself and the cold wall behind her . "Juliette ! you wanna live your life.. love " he breathed enraged by her very words . His red eyes turned darker as he stared at her frightened and teary eyes and then at her neck where he could see her pulsating veins . Pulling himself away from her he stepped away from her , turned around to leave . " Fine if that's how you felt about all this , then I won't stop you from going to him ! . I don't wanna see your face ever again " He added with a sad smile of disbelief . Seeing him like this broke her and his words didn't settle in her heart cause she felt unfamiliar pain and deep sadness . She felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water in her face .....her heart ached as she looked at his retreating back , she wanted to follow him . Her feet couldn't move and her knees gave away , she let herself fall on the cold ground. Tears sreamed down her face furiously like waterfall . " Am sorry ! I really am....I have to save my family first if I hadn't done this they__they would have killed them " she muttered to herself. The only reason she did this was because Helen and her family had threatened to kill her family if she didn't make Drew hate her and give up on her . She decided that it was for the best . But all of them didn't know the twist in time and fate . The lowly human they claim her to be is actually the reincarnated vampire princess , who has yet to unleash her incredible powers that used to be feared by every single being in arcadia . Her powers were unmatched due to the curse that laid in her blood . Cursed by a witch to have silver essence in her blood that could kill anything whenever she wanted to . But no one knew that the lame and boring Juliette Damien is the Princess Silver ,who could wield any weapon and turn it into silver by her will . She was someone you wouldn't like to cross pass with , her overbearing arrogance , aura and pride that made anyone cower in fear but not the Murray Knight who always got in her nerve and didn't cower in fear . But she was yet to remember her past life and identity.. But there's another twist that is bound to cause destruction and massacres to all the realms . The demon's essence that lies on the Knight's soul , it's been suppressed for many decades until the day his beloved had died protecting him . The demon's essence in a vampire's body destruction is bound to happen...... Both cursed and in love ! tragic ! stay tuned.....

Rebecca_Kabigi_1647 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 8 : Make you see stars tonight , part 1

Just outside the cafeter mmia the hire were two boys who were wrestling or you could put it as fighting . " You are but a piece of shit " one of the boys who were fighting on the ground insulted the other , " Come on ! only a piece think of another cause all the curses you have just uttered are lame and out of date " the other boy grinned as he punched the other one's nose . " Fuck you !!! arrogant player " the other boy who had pale red hair said as he touched his bleeding nose . " You know what this is a waste of my time , cause all you do is talk endlessly and not fight me , are....you.... perhaps afraid ? okay beg me and I won't punch your already broken nose again " the other boy who had raven black hair tried to negotiate arrogantly . But the red haired boy was having none of it and so he threw punch but ended up having his arm twisted . " Let me go do you think you will get away with what you are doing ??? the boy who had pale red hair shouted while in pain . " And what makes you think and say that ? cause as long as I can remember I always get away with everything " the boy with raven black hair said with a prideful smirk on his face . " Don't be too prideful just because you are a pure blooded....." the pale red haired boy had his words cut short by a punch on his face that made him stagger a bit but he didn't stop nor did he realize that he almost gave away their secret of being vampires if Drew hadn't punched him on the face . He charged at him in full force punching and kicking with no direct spot though he managed to land a few blows on Drew but he got his butt kicked more than he's blows . In between the fighting Drew and Julie's eyes met but only for a moment before his dark and hollow eyes left her blown and confused ones . Drew kicked the other who fell again a few steps away from him . The boy laid there for a minute or two before he slowly got up ready to charge in again but stopped mid way when he saw someone who was partly the reason for this fight . It was Helen his cousin who slapped him so hard that he tasted his own

blood , " What the fuck do you think your doing Mikey , " who gave you the right to fight with him " Helen questioned with rage in her eyes . " It's not my fault he was the one who started it by saying that he was only using you to only satisfy his needs he doesn't love..... " the boy named Mikey tried to explain but ended up with another slap from his cousin . " Shut that garbage can of yours cause every world you utter is garbage " Helen said angrily as she turned her back on him to only console Drew by kissing him lovingly . The boy named Mikey left feeling embarrassed and purposely wronged . The students who were outside lost interest and went inside the cafeteria while some of them went back to what they were doing before the commotion . Julie and Sylvia went back in the cafeteria but we're surprised to not find Max and Jane anywhere , they looked for them for a while but they still couldn't find them so in the end they gave up and decided to look for Jane in her room . While they were looking for their friend in the cafeteria and her room , she was having her blood sucked by her so called friend Max . At the back of one of the lonely buildings Maz had pinned Jane to the wall with his face buried in her neck , his fangs had pierced through her delicate skin . Jane's eyes were closed her back being held securely while he momentarily pulled her closer as he sucked her blood . " M_Max I.... I feel like....am going to faint " Jane's voice came out as a whisper in Max's ears till he heard a voice that made him stop . " Max !!!what do you think your doing with that bitch ? ' Jade questioned as she made her way to Max who licked the blood leftovers from his lips . After he was done he carried her in his arms and replied " I was quenching my thirst what else would I be doing if not this ? " , " Okay but you better show up in my room in twenty minutes or else " Jade said with a vivid warning in her voice . ' come on stop being jealous of this poor thing " Max said as he stared at Jane's sleeping face warmly that didn't go unnoticed by Jade who glared at the girl with hate in her eyes . Jade turned on her heel and left , Max chuckled at her jealousy before he stared at her again she had dark brown hair that was long enough to reach her back , fair skin and long lashes that complimented her eyes Max thought in his mind as he stared carefully at Jane . By how she looked she resembled someone he knew and a lost memory appeared in his mind before it disappeared leaving only a lone pain and heartache . He moved in the shadows and was able to take Jane to her room , it was a relief that her window was open and the students didn't roam around near it he stared at her sleeping face after tucking her in and left after a while heading to Jade's room . When he reached there the door was not locked so he entered with ease and he locked it right after .The room was dark and the light came only from the open window since there was a full moon , " Jade!!!Jade!!!! Jade where are.... " Max's words were cut short by Jade's lips that had captured his . The kiss was lustful and hungry it might have been passionate in Jade's mind but to Max it was only lust . They kissed roughly and with frustration " Ooooh ! Max your..... amazing give me m_more...." Jade moaned as she felt Max's lips on her jawline , Max took her black gown off and Jade unbuttoned his shirt in a rush. " Don't rush it " Max whispered as he kissed , sucked and licked her neck while Jade unbuckled him , after taking their cloths off Jade jumped on Max crossed her legs on his back and they started kissing while struggling to get to the bed . When they succeed Max's lips traveled downward from her lips , jawline , neck to her collarbone he kissed, sucked , licked and bit her make her moan and get wet . " Babe you are ready for me , okay !!" Max whispered as he put his finger on her wet sex and that made Jade arch her back for more while moaning wildly . Max moved his finger back and forth in slow making Jade restless for more " Max....please..... hurry.....I.. need it please "Jade moaned when he put another finger . " Like I said there's no need to rush things the night is long enough to make you see stars tonight " Max whispered near her ear lustfully before placing another finger and Jade liked it .

Stay tuned !!!

Wanna read the next hot chapter then give this book a stone and you will get it fast .

don't worry it will be worth it *wink ! wink *

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