
Love bound by a curse

In this time line he was a bad boy and she was a sweet and caring girl , their first encounter wasn't pleasant and she didn't remember . Forced to take a scholarship she didn't apply for Juliette Damien is sent to an academy filled with bloodthirsty vampires . And there was when her life took unbalanced turn for the best and worse . Bullied , beaten and disgraced in certain occasions the bad boy decides to make a hectic decision just because he was bored with his empty life . " You are my girlfriend ! so act like one " his voice dropped , and his anger rised like nothing she had ever seen before . " But_but I don't want to be yours to control anymore , I_I want to be with someone...I love and live my life however I__want to ......pleas..." her lips trembled as she held back her tears , she tried to step away from him but his strong arms held her captive between the himself and the cold wall behind her . "Juliette ! you wanna live your life.. love " he breathed enraged by her very words . His red eyes turned darker as he stared at her frightened and teary eyes and then at her neck where he could see her pulsating veins . Pulling himself away from her he stepped away from her , turned around to leave . " Fine if that's how you felt about all this , then I won't stop you from going to him ! . I don't wanna see your face ever again " He added with a sad smile of disbelief . Seeing him like this broke her and his words didn't settle in her heart cause she felt unfamiliar pain and deep sadness . She felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water in her face .....her heart ached as she looked at his retreating back , she wanted to follow him . Her feet couldn't move and her knees gave away , she let herself fall on the cold ground. Tears sreamed down her face furiously like waterfall . " Am sorry ! I really am....I have to save my family first if I hadn't done this they__they would have killed them " she muttered to herself. The only reason she did this was because Helen and her family had threatened to kill her family if she didn't make Drew hate her and give up on her . She decided that it was for the best . But all of them didn't know the twist in time and fate . The lowly human they claim her to be is actually the reincarnated vampire princess , who has yet to unleash her incredible powers that used to be feared by every single being in arcadia . Her powers were unmatched due to the curse that laid in her blood . Cursed by a witch to have silver essence in her blood that could kill anything whenever she wanted to . But no one knew that the lame and boring Juliette Damien is the Princess Silver ,who could wield any weapon and turn it into silver by her will . She was someone you wouldn't like to cross pass with , her overbearing arrogance , aura and pride that made anyone cower in fear but not the Murray Knight who always got in her nerve and didn't cower in fear . But she was yet to remember her past life and identity.. But there's another twist that is bound to cause destruction and massacres to all the realms . The demon's essence that lies on the Knight's soul , it's been suppressed for many decades until the day his beloved had died protecting him . The demon's essence in a vampire's body destruction is bound to happen...... Both cursed and in love ! tragic ! stay tuned.....

Rebecca_Kabigi_1647 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 23 : You found me....at last

**Caution**Mature content ahead ***

To viewers who don't fancy reading mistreatment scenes please pass this chapter **** But if not read away my dear 'Crystals ' of hope .....

****************** here we go***************

Days ago Julie had received a letter from her long time crush Henry Rhune , it said that he was shifting to her Academy in three days . He was her child hood best friend and crush so she was so ecstatic about the thought of him studying here with her .

****In the gym class (P. E )**** playing dodge ball.

" Julie I bet you're pretty happy about his arrival ?" Jane asked with a pant after dodging a ball , " No am not _ !!!....I mean I am cause his my friend " Julie quickly replied with a small blush .

Her brown eyes wandered around before they met with the black ones that almost froze her entire being but only for a brief moment before Julie looked away to only dodge a ball .

Drew stared at Julie for a minute longer before his eyes narrowed at someone who was aiming the ball at the little sheep , he looked over at Julie who had no idea .

" Julie Damien ' he called in a normal tone but she still heard him as if she was waiting for him to call her . He stared at her but didn't take any of his graceful steps towards her but his stare made her heart shudder in excitement and worry .

All this while the balling continued but slow in motion it was like everyone was frozen in time , but not her since she could see everyone move and act slowly .

' What is this ? magic , or maybe she was on the verge of her death and the devil staring at her without blinking was ready to take her to the gates of hell ' she thought gravely in her mind as she stared at the handsome devil . And as if knowing what she was thinking his black eyes narrowed at her before he stepped out of the gym with a bored expression on his face .

As if being compelled by his eyes she followed him out , just as after Julie had step out everything turned back to normal . The ball that was meant for Julie's precious face hit he wall furiously leaving cracks on the wall .

And when Julie finally regained her strayed consciousness she was in the school garden sitting on the bench .

' What am I doing here ? wasn't I in P.E class ' she asked herself in disbelief forgetting the incident of time manipulation but she still remembered following Drew who was nowhere to be found , a look of disappointment flashed across her face before it disappeared without a trace .

Deciding to head back she came across a bunch of mean looking girls who forcefully pushed her in the boys changing room which was empty .

' You little whore how dare you cling on Max on your initiation night , you truly do spread your legs for every man don't you ? ' one of them spat in utter disgust .

" Answer her ?! " another girl yelled as she pulled Julie's hair harshly .

Julie whimpered and tried to fight back but was overpowered by the four girls who tied her hands and mouth with a piece of cloth .

They kicked , scratched ,and pushed her roughly on the ground Julie tried her best and held back her tears as hard as she could but some still escaped .

" Since you so like to cling and seduce , will give you a heads-up ! " they spat with clear evil intentions flashing through their hatred filled eyes . Holding up the scissors close to Julie's frightened face they cut her shirt randomly as Julie tried to struggle to free herself to no avail .

Moving to her gym shorts Julie tried to plead through her eyes but none of them noticed or just didn't care , tears were quick to roll down her cheeks like hopeless waterfalls .They were stomping her dignity and self worth and they didn't care if she was to end up traumatized for life .

After cutting her shorts randomly her underwear sticking out the most they opened one of the lockers and pushed her inside locking it .

" Now you can have all the fun and taste every boy in the football field " they left right after laughing their eyes out .

Now left alone Julie cried and tried to recall what she had done so inappropriate with Max that was making her go through this torture . She felt a bit better knowing the locker wasn't stinky or dirty to her bitter relief .

She tried to wriggle her hands out of the bound to no avail since the ropes were tight on her fragile hands , incredible pain surged through her whole being in waves that couldn't be tamed .

After failing miserably on her first attempt of escape she tried making some kind of noise that might make someone come inside and probably help her .

She tried moving her legs but they hurt like hell and couldn't seem to move at a good rate . Since her hands were bound she couldn't make enough noise so she decided to bang her head on the locker's door .

' bang ! bang ! ' she hit her head on the door several times but the hall was empty and so were the classes since studying hours had ended ages ago and everyone was outside far from the classes .

Warm liquid flowed down her face after hitting her head so hard so many times , the pain doubled her existing soreness to the max .

The unbearable pain and crying weakened her and after a while she lost consciousness hoping that her friends would know that she was missing and look for her . she hoped they would .

After a few hours Julie was awoken with by the sound of a group of boys who she figured were the football players , dread filled her face at the realization that one of them owned the locker she was pushed into . And by how she looked now . she feared the worst. .

' why ! why ! why me ? what did I do to deserve this ?" she sobbed internally with hopelessness filling her once hopeful eyes .

" Something smells funny in here " one of the boys who was a vampire stated as he scrunched his nose but all of them shrugged it off , when they started to change taking or putting stuff in their lockers , Julie's heart dropped when she peeked through the levers on the locker's door , she saw one chubby ginger haired boy make his way towards the locker she was in .

The boy opened the locker and when his eyes fell on Julie they widened for a moment before he shook his head and removed the cloth from her mouth before unbinding her hands slowly and discreetly .

" Don't worry I won't lock it but you'll have to go out after we leave , you should report this to the principal " he whispered pitifully before he took out a clean towel and closed the locker but didn't lock it .

After a while the group left chatting and laughing merily , after making sure they had left she slowly opened the locker .

When she tried to step out she fell on the floor due to lack of enough strength , she now regretted accepting the scholarship and coming to this horrible academy were the students were merciless and horrible bullies .

She stayed on the ground for minutes trying to regain her strength .

Getting up from the ground she looked down at her tattered cloths before pulling a clean towel from the chubby boy's locker .

Wrapping herself in it however she could before stepping out of the room by the support of the wall . The windows showed that the sky was darker than usual with distant thunder and lightning .

Her swollen eyes were hazy and tired , sweat dripped down her aching forehead stinging her bruises more than necessary and so did the scratches that also met with the salty sweat .

She stumbled and tripped along the way fear and worry marred on her face but she still didn't give up or lose hope despite the darkness .

When she reached the stairs that led outside she smiled bitterly but still hopeful that she could pull this off .

Just when she had taken a couple of steps she tripped on the stairs . She closed her eyes expecting the big fall and additional pain but none of that came cause someone had caught her .

Opening her tired some eyes . she looked up only to stare at the deep black eyes filled with something that she denied but it still wasn't deniable .

The emotions in his eyes seemed to weigh her down but still a small smile appeared on her bruised face "You found me....at last " Julie uttered slowly due to her dry and sore throat . Lighting flashing across the hall

The words Julie had just uttered gave out a different meaning to Drew more than she wanted them to mean.... perhaps .

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! ....

***Bullying can happen to anyone anywhere some worse than others but we should stay strong and not let them break us cause behind those hatred filled eyes....they are just hopeless souls..

Rebecca_Kabigi_1647creators' thoughts