
Chapter 25 Twenty five

The vultures were circling.

Olivia Hill stood back, wineglass in hand, and surveyed the crowded ballroom. The fund-raiser was supposed to be more pleasure than business, but business was uppermost on the minds of her competition.

Across the room, Alex Reyes stood in a large group of people. He looked relaxed, seemingly in his element, an easy smile making his extraordinarily handsome face even more gorgeous.

It should be a crime for a man to be that good-looking. Tall, rugged, he looked every inch the kind of man who d be at home in the athletic wear his company designed and sold. There was an aura of confidence and power around him, and above all, Olivia loved a man who was sure of himself.

Given the long, searching glances they d exchanged over the last few weeks, she d be a fool not to entertain the idea of seeing where things could lead.

If he wasn t a prospective client.

A client she wanted to land very much.