
Chapter 19 Nineteen

against the principles I set for myself:

1. Do not play pranks on other ballerinas.

2. Do not backstab your best friend

3. Do not fall in love with a guy you just met and barely know.

I know I should not be falling for him but I just can t help it. How can I not be suffering the case of butterflies when I recall his ethereal voice? He should be pursuing a singing career not an engineering him. I can envision him on stage, performing to adoring fans. The image makes me . . . jealous. He should not be performing to anybody but me. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. Would he be giving me all that attention if he did? I do not think so; Malik does not seem like the type of guy who would hurt someone he loves like that. But you can never know. Human beings are full of surprises. You think you know someone and it turns out that they were living a fake life along, like Cleo did.