
Love At Heart

Amy Wu has always been a sucker for blue-eyed men. Maybe that has been the reason they had all toiled with her feelings and pretended to love her, when all they wanted was her wealth. To use her name to get into anywhere because of her influence. The last relationship lasted for a year and she had thought it would be permanent - not until she was left on her own again. She met another guy, amidst the mistrust, fights and all, she managed to enjoy what being loved really meant. was this going to end like the rest of them?

Commyvic · 都市
6 Chs

A New Beginning

Chapter 3.

The house was bigger than Amy expected, with the agreement she had with her Mom, there was nobody in the house apart from the guard at the gate.

She walked first to the bar and poured herself a drink, Amy carried the cup to the room, with her traveling bag in her hand.

She smiled at the sight of the room, she had always loved pink, and it was decorated with the color. Her pictures had already been hung on the wall. Looking at it reminded her of days when she loathed men, it was time to get back to being herself- paying men back in their own coins.

Her phone rang, she picked it and sat on the bed.

'Amy, what do you think about the house?'

'Momma, I love it. You sound tired'. She voiced out.

'Yes, there has been a series of meetings, and I don't want to miss any bit of them'. Amy could tell her Mom was tired.

'You should take some rest. You are not growing any younger'. Amy said, meaning every bit of it.

'Okay…. Turn to the left. We aren't going that route…'. Clara said into the phone, she must have been talking to the driver again.

Amy wondered if they were giving her a tough time.

She dropped the phone beside her and stood up, walked to the bathroom to take a bath.

She was soon done. She jumped on the bed, her life was going to change, and she had no idea of how.

Amy got out of the car and walked inside the company. The other workers were waiting for her at the door. She was amazed at how they were organized.

'Hello everyone'. She waved her hand. 'I am Amy Wu, the new Director here'. She smiled.

'I hope we all get along, and work effectively to promote this company'.

They all clapped excitedly, whispering among themselves. Amy bey she heard someone said "Wow! She looks beautiful". If she was beautiful as she had heard people say, why do men treat her like they want? A question that might take her forever to answer.

'I am Brian, no one hates me hers because I am….'. He turned to the others.

'What do you call me?'

'A fool'. They chorused, giggling.

'You heard them right?'. Brian turned to Amy.

'Anytime you need help, feel free to come to me'. He grinned, beating his chest.

'I look forward to working with all of you, and in hope….' Amy bent and saw a figure putting her head on the table.

'And, who is that? Don't you think it is too early to sleep?' Amy asked with a frown.

'She doesn't like to be disturbed. Actually, she took a break off today'. Brian scratched his head.

'Off? I don't seem to get you'. Amy frowned.

'She came to say hello today'. There was something in his voice that made Amy suspect he was not telling the truth.

'Since she had come to work, she should perform her duty. And, I saw some tables outside while I was coming in, they were dusty. She should clean them'. Amy pointed toward the door.

'Once again....' Someone burst in, his hair was ruff, shirt nearly unbuttoned, Amy could see the golden flesh underneath, and at one her face flushed. Long fingers went to the button to adjust them, making a quick run to his hair, he walked toward her- at least that was what Amy thought before he came to a halt beside her.

'I am sorry for coming late'. His calm voice said before finally walking inside.

'He is the manager here'. Brian said as if reading her thoughts.

Without thinking, Amy ran after him, and stopped in front of him, panting.

'Courtesy demand you greet me when you see me'.

'Greet? Who are you?'

Amy could bet there was a hint of disgust in his voice.

'Someone who will not bother to get you fired if the situation arises'. She allowed herself the satisfaction of giving him a provoking smile.

'Somehow, I find this funny. Get back to work, I will address all of you soon'. He brushed past her.

His cologne lingered there even after a few seconds he had left. Amy found herself sniffing the air for it.

'I will get this too'. She muttered to herself before walking to the office.

She met the office and peeped in. Hoping to meet a cleaner, she was surprised to see the man who had left her earlier arranging some files in the cabinet.

Mistaking him for a cleaner, Amy dropped her bag on the table and walked to the window.

'You ought to open this'. She touched the window and walked to the door to allow him to do it.

'I am busy, I have a lot of things to do today'. He apparently did not have the slight idea of whom he was talking to.

'What are you paid for, if you cannot carry off your primary assignments? There are really a lot of things I will change here'. Amy folded her arms and looked around.

'Hey watch your tongue'. He raised his head and walked over to her, a smirk at the corner of his mouth, it disappeared as soon as he got close to her.

'Shoe girl?'

Amy stared at him. She remembered him at once, but other than admitting it, she frowned.

'I am Amy, the director of this company. I should say this if you have come here. Talk of wasted breath!'

'I am Larry Letty'. He extended his hand for a handshake.

'I guess, the cleaner here? You don't have to tell me before I know'. She waved her hand in the air.

'I guess you are missing things up here. I am the manager of this company. Get that somewhere in your small brain'. He returned his hand to his pocket when Amy would not take it.

'How possible is that?' Amy stared at him, unbelieving.

'I don't know'. He shrugged.

'Hey help me scratch my back. It hurts'. Even before Amy could protest, he had removed his shirt, and turned his back to her.

The golden flesh stared at her, Amy was tempted to touch it, but stopped right on her track when she realized what was happening.

'What! Are you insane? This is an office. If you need a massage, go somewhere else'. Amy shouted. She could feel her face burn with self-conscious colour again.

'I didn't mention a massage. Just help me scratch! You sure have something dirty in here'. He almost touched her chest.

Amy moved some distance away from him.

'Dirty? You were going…..' She was suddenly short of words. Not now! She cursed softly.

'Forget it. I gotta do it myself if you cannot help me'. He wore his shirt back and proceeded to arrange the files.

'I hope you get out of this place as fast as you can'.

'This is my office. I was thinking of telling you to get out'. He said, busy with the files.

'You don't mean we are going to share the same office together?' Amy said wide eyed.

'I hope not, I will not want to spend an hour with you'.

'You make it sound odd. Should have been, I will not want to spend an hour in the same place with you'. She shrugged.

'I will appreciate it, if you can keep quiet'. He drawled.

'Here take this'. He passed a file to her.

She checked the content and frowned.

'You are not telling me to go somewhere now. Are you?'

'What else? We are going now'.

'We? You mean we are going together?'

'The moment you stop asking questions, we are good to go, and you will have something up there'. Larry pointed to his head.

'I will not hesitate to get you fired if you misbehave'. Amy found herself saying. She has not meant to say I, but the words forced themselves out of her mouth- if there was anything as such.

'You won't dare it'. He suddenly smiled jeeringly into her face.

'Point of correction I don't care to'. This time, it came in the flippant tone she had wanted it to.

'Meet me outside'. He said in a tone that commanded authority, that had Amy almost wishing she could have the same.

She sighed and sat in a chair, pulled at her hair. This was not what she promised herself. was she falling in his trap or was he getting her trapped in his.

Amy shook her head, and carried her bag. The damn heels were hurting her legs, she wondered how Emily could wear it easily. She should just get used to it, it was not as if she would not wear it forever. The thought of facing Larry had her mind skipping a beat.

'We have got to show him how tough I can be!' She muttered to herself, somehow it worked.

He sat at the back, legs crossed. He didn't bother to raise his head from the phone in his hand. The smile on his face made Amy quickly open the door and sit beside him. She peeped at what he was doing, but with no effort, she coughed.

The driver started the ignition and set the car to work.

'How long is the place?' She leaned toward the driver.

'About ten minutes drive'.

'I was hoping I could catch a sleep'. Amy muttered almost to herself.

'Sure, you might as well do ma'am'. The driver said with a smile.

A glance at Larry showed how engrossed he was with the phone. She grabbed the phone from him and threw it into her bag.

'You are not allowed to use your phone during working hours'.

'What sort of law is that?' He shouted angrily.

'My law'. Amy shrugged.

'Hey it is not funny. I am doing something important!'

'What is more important? Your phone or your work?' Amy stared into his blue eyes, but regretted it almost immediately.


'To have both, you need to save your work'. Amy said carelessly.

'No phone when you are at work'. Amy waved her hand at his face.

Larry suddenly grabbed her chin, his face disturbing centimeters away from hers. She tried as much as she could to keep her gaze on him steady.

'You should not toil with me'. His face spoke of the anger in him.

'Talk toiling, as long as I am here, you have no right to talk. Touching me as from now is forbidden'. She pulled his hand away from her face, making him stare at her in awe.

He gave a sarcastic laugh, finding it difficult to believe her words.

'Less I forget, stay two meters away from me. I hate clingy guys who would not allow me to breathe. There are a lot of rules, I guess I have to write them and give them to you. The moment you go against one, trust me. You are going to get fired. I hope you get me'. Amy looked out through the window.

'We are here'. The driver said at last.

Amy got out of the car and banged the door after her.

'Don't you think it is unfair?' Larry walked over to her.


'The door. You were going to spoil it!'

'I am yet to figure out your concern with it'. She walked in.

The interior of the hall is elegant and luxurious. The walls are painted with a beautiful ivory hue, and the floors are covered in a plush carpet with intricate patterns. The ceiling is adorned with stunning chandeliers that sparkle and shine, and the furniture is upholstered in rich velvet with gold trim. The overall effect is cozy and inviting, creating a perfect atmosphere for any special event.

The exterior of the hall is equally impressive, with its tall columns and ornamental architecture. The building is painted a warm white color, and the grounds are well-manicured with beautiful landscaping. The entrance is grand and welcoming, with a large front porch and outdoor seating area. A long driveway leads to the entrance, making it easy to get to the hall for any occasion.

The chairs were filled up, with only one remaining, Amy sat down, with Larry standing at her back.

Throughout the meeting, her mind was wandering to him. She felt the urge to look at his face. At last when she couldn't keep it, she raised her head to look at him. Sure, his mind was not with her as she had imagined. He listened with an attention she wished she could imitate.

'I can't wait to get home, honey'. Larry said into the receiver as soon as they were outside the hall, having managed to wiggle the phone out of Amy's bag.

From where she stayed, Amy could read his lips. She badly wanted to get away from the crowd that had come to wish her well in her stay in the company.

When she managed to pull away from them, She walked as fast as her legs could take her to the car, hopped in beside him.

'My legs hurt. I really need a massage'. Larry pouted as he spoke through the receiver.

Disturbed, Amy coughed, and reached out for the phone. Other than giving her, Larry continued to talk. Laughing loudly as if to taunt her.

Once at the company, Amy got in, checked the time and realized how much time they had spent at the meeting.

Without telling her goodbye, Larry pulled out his jacket and walked outside. A peep through the window suggested he was going home. Amy smiled at herself. She hoped she had managed to get him frustrated.

If only Amy knew all she had done had made no sense to Larry, maybe she would have stopped, or found another strategy to make him frustrated.