
Love At Heart

Amy Wu has always been a sucker for blue-eyed men. Maybe that has been the reason they had all toiled with her feelings and pretended to love her, when all they wanted was her wealth. To use her name to get into anywhere because of her influence. The last relationship lasted for a year and she had thought it would be permanent - not until she was left on her own again. She met another guy, amidst the mistrust, fights and all, she managed to enjoy what being loved really meant. was this going to end like the rest of them?

Commyvic · 都市
6 Chs

A day

Chapter 5

Some hours in her house.

Amy turned blindly to reach for the phone. Who the hell was disturbing her late at night?

She picked the call and placed it on a loud speaker.

'Hello Amy, sorry for disturbing you, but can you come outside now?' She recognized who it was at once.

'Have you gone insane? Don't you even have regard for my privacy?' She was almost shouting.

'Sorry about privacy, but you need to come out now'. He hung up before she could say another word.

At first, she was not going to leave the bed, but thinking about being fired got her wearing a cloth and rushing outside.

Amy peeped at the door, confirming if he was really there.

'What took you so long?'. He narrowed his eyes on her.

'Or, do you deliberately keep me waiting outside?'

'That doesn't matter now, what the heck do you want to tell me?' She demanded impatiently.

'You are supposed to answer every one of my questions'.

'If you don't mind, I am going back in'.

'I don't mind'. He shrugged, before adding 'Just be ready to say a goodbye to your job'.

'Just tell me what you are here for'. She said almost ruefully, trying as much as she could to control her anger.

'Tomorrow, come early to work'. He waved a hand in front of her face.

'Is that your reason for coming?'

'What else?'

'You are really insane'. Any uttered angrily.

'Sure I am, and I don't care'. He said flippantly, it made Amy more mad at him.

'And, don't you think it is a common courtesy to tell your boss to come in? Are we supposed to discuss outside?' He turned to face her.

'I don't agree that you are my boss. You are just being too bloody persistent, that I think I might as well give you the chance to disguise like one'. Amy hoped he could get the anger in her voice.

'And who comes with different sandals to meet a co-worker?' He pointed to her legs.

'That is because I just felt…. I couldn't find the other pair, so I decided to wear this'. She quickly covered herself up.

'I see'. He smiled. Somehow, it got her heart skip, the thought of what happened earlier resurfaced, she couldn't believe she had the lips on her some hours ago.

'I really want to go, this time around'.

'Wait! You promised to do something about this. I feel pain there'. He touched his face.

'Okay, come inside. Let me get something on it'. She said sharply, to save him from further complaints.

'I hope you don't have a dog in here'. He peeped in, before walking inside.

'I do, they are on my bed'. Amy shrugged.


She turned to look at him.

'You sleep with dogs?' There was disgust in his face, one which she couldn't understand.

'Yes'. She shrugged. Suddenly realizing what he was thinking, she covered her mouth in a grasp.

'Who does that? It is not what you think!'

'And what was I thinking?' He asked tauntingly.

'Forget it'. She glared at him before walking inside.

He walked in and glanced around, his face held an amusement Amy wished she could know what it was about.

More than that, she suddenly became aware of him as a man. The thought of having him alone with her made her heat skip a beat.

'Wow! Smells nice'. Larry sniffed the air.

'Yes'. Amy said stupidly, not knowing what she could have said.

'Do you live alone?' He asked when he finally sat on the sofa, drawing his legs up.

She sat opposite him, made sure a coffee table Was between them.

'Yes. Apart from a few times when I get company'. She added the last bit with a grin.

'You party?'

'Yes, and I get drunk, get pulled by men back to the house'. She had expected him to look at her in shock, but when he smiled, she blamed herself for lying. Just what was she getting at anyways? Trying to make him jealous? She cured under her breath.

She brought the first aid box close to the sitting room and put the kit on the table. She half expected him to reach out for it, but was surprised when he didn't make any move.

'That is what you need to apply. It will get better'. She pointed to the kit, should he have not noticed it.

'Do you think I should apply it myself when you are responsible for it?' He frowned.

'Yes. At least I provided what you need to heal'.

'This is not going to work, dear'. The way he pronounced the word made her cheek heat considerably, she was only grateful to the dim light.

'What?' She inserted as much surprise as she could to her voice.

'Put it yourself'. He adjusted himself on the sofa, putting down his legs.

'Geez! Don't you know anything?'

'I guess I am just too lazy to do it'. He dawdled.

She stood up, opened the box with care, hoping she would just be as natural as he was. She held the ointments to her face. She expected him to close his eyes to make the situation look less awkward, instead he stared at her face.

'I am not going to hurt you girl'. He pulled her closer to him, holding her waist.

'I didn't say you were going to'. She defended.

'It feels cool to be like this. Just the two of us'. He muttered huskily.

'You must be drunk Larry'. She blamed herself for pronouncing his name, it sounded like a flirt.

'Probably'. His eyes were on her face.

'I can't believe I kissed those lips some hours ago'.

'I hope you forget that. It makes me feel less uncomfortable to hear it'. She removed his hand from her waist, in the attempt, deliberately pulled a mark on it.

He winced in pain and stared at her.

'I am sure you are going to give me scars all over my body soon'.

'If you don't mind the way you talk, I guess yes'. She walked to the window and pulled it open to allow the breeze in.

'I think that is all. You should go now'. She glanced at him.

'I need something to cool my throat. I am thirsty'. He yawned.

'If you want to sleep, go home. I don't allow people in my house just anyhow'.

'Even your Boss?' He grinned.

'Yes, even you'.

'This house looks big. I can't believe you live alone'.

'Who said I do?' She suddenly retraced her steps and sat at the edge of a chair, opposite him.

'I thought you said…' The confusion in his face made Amy more encouraged to continue.

'My children are on a vacation with their dad. I decided to stay alone, while they are away'. Somehow the smile on his face made her realize he had caught her lies.

'I feel rather hot here. Are you sure it is not hot tonight?' He relaxed on the sofa.

'I wonder what they are doing now. Probably enjoying the breeze from the beach'. Amy muttered, as if lost in thought.

She walked to the bar, pulled out a bottle and brought it to him.

'I hate this. Gin should do'. He waved at her face.

'Okay I get you. I hope you go after drinking'. She returned it and came with a cup, set it in front of him, and signaled him to pour it.

'You scratched this. You remember?' He raised his hand.

'You are impossible!' Amy sure was getting more angry, if what he thought he had done was bad, now this was worse. Turning her to a slave, even in her own house!

'I want just a little'. He took the cup and sip, dropped it back on the coffee table.

'Help yourself'. He moved the cup to her.

'Oh! Thanks I really don't need it. I was sleeping when you called, all I want now is to get back to bed'. She dismissed.

'If you don't want me to believe you have something in this drink, you had better take a sip. I have heard of men drugged by women'.

How dare he suggest something like that to her? She took the cup and gulped down the content. Poured herself another and did the same. She repeated the process until the gin was half way gone.

'Wow! You are a good drinker. I can't drink that fast'. A tingle was on his face.

'You are the weirdest man I have ever seen. You are….' She coughed, the drink was having an effect on her already.

'I hear women say that when they get fascinated by my look'. He touched his face lightly.

'What do you think you are? A fool. That is what you are. Imposing yourself on a woman and talking nonsense really is a bad idea. You have got no sense too, if I might tell you'.

'I am going already'. He stood up and adjusted his clothes.

'Better'. Amy not the least hiding the disgust in her voice.

'I hope you enjoy your vacation too'. He said tauntingly.

'My vacation? Who spoke about vacation?'

'Your kids and husband….'

'Kids?' She said the words before realizing what she had said earlier.

'You cannot fool a man, and especially not me'. He winked.

'Since you know already forget it'. She shrugged and stood up to replace the cups back in their place.

'I am drunk. You made it worse by offering me another one'. He sighed.

'You asked for it. And you are not going to blame me for it. Are you?' She raised her voice.

'I have no choice'.

'You confuse me. What are you trying to get at?' His every word irked Amy.

'Nothing. Come early to work tomorrow'. He gave her a warning look. Somehow, she nodded her head.

'Are you not going to see me off?'

'I will be glad to, if that would make me get my sleep back'.

'I am sure you are not married yet'. He suddenly turned toward her.

'How is that your concern?' She narrowed her eyes on him.

'Nothing, because I cannot have a married woman as my secretary'.

'Who wants to be your secretary? That is the last thing I would do'. She almost shouted bitch, but stopped herself and instead gave him a fake smile.

'You are already'. He grinned without taking his glance from the road.

The night was peaceful and still. The sky was clear and inky black, sprinkled with shining stars and a bright crescent moon. Amy could just make out the dark silhouette of buildings against the horizon.

In the distance, the faint hum of traffic drifted through the night air, punctuated by the occasional honk of a car horn. The headlights of passing cars pierced through the darkness, creating a soft glow that illuminated the street below.

She breathed in the crisp night air, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. All was quiet, yet there was a subtle energy in the air that spoke of life and movement. It felt like a moment of stillness before the hustle and bustle of the day ahead.

She bit at her lips, hoping she could stop working in the company, and probably find somewhere else to go.

'Have a nice travel'.

'You might as well add a trip'. He opened the door and got in.

Amy was aware of the grin taking total control of her . She closed the door and attempted to walk in, but fell before taking the last step to get in the door.

Hurriedly, Larry got down from the car, thinking something was wrong with her, he placed his ears close to her chest to check if she was still breathing.

A few minutes later, he went back to the car, having tucked her in her bed. He entered his car and zoomed off.