
Oh I'm not that stupid

When we were in the air for some time Sophia unlocks herself and she goes to the table. While I come after her she asks "so now what"

"Oh lets me see," Meg said and then she takes cards. While having them she starts to shuffle and starts giving us. While seeing it Sophia ask "so with what we are playing"

"Poker of course," she said and we start playing. 'Good lord helps me with playing it' I said to myself while looking at my cards. While we were playing for some time and everyone win and lose it's been hard to see who better stewardess come is and give us food. While I been observing it I said to myself 'oh some good food' and then she asks us "something to drink"

"Wine please," Mei said. 'You drinking again' I said to myself while looking at her and then I could hear Sophia words "not for her only she can today drink water"