
Midnight is coming

When I walked out of the apartment, I especially take the keys to the old car and while having them I walked to throw away trash and when I have done this, I walked to the garage and when I started it I waited for some time to let it work. When I was doing it I changed the radio station as some pop was going on and when now rock was I drove out. 

When I was driving to shop I come there, after some time and while being there I bought what I needed to and while having it I packed everything in the car and then I drove back. When I come to our building, I parked on the spot in which I could see oil stain "so time to take you to the mechanic" I said in a low voice and when I take all shopping, I walked back to him. While being there I looked at Sophia who was watching something on TV and then she asked: "so you bought everything".