
I could hear doors open

While I wake up I could feel that Sophia is still sleeping and while I don't wanted to wake her up I try to fall asleep more. While almost falling in dreamlands one again I could feel that she move so I ask her "what you doing"

"nothing," she said and give me kiss. After she done I could feel increasing necessity to use bathroom. While I start getting up I could hear her saying "don't get up I will make your food"

"ok but baby could you start my PC," I said to her.

"ok" I she answer. When she go out my need to go there rise and when I couldn't take it I move fast to bathroom. While being there I do what I needed fast and while coming back I could hear Sophia voices but I haven't pay attention to them.

While I come back I look at my PC so I choose to watch something. While thinking I look at my group chat and I could see there some recommendations of series that I haven't watch yet.