
Finally I found you

When I saw someone try to help my father, I was in heaven knowing that they don't want to do it.

'looking at him he has similar posture as that man who saves them and stolen her first kiss even his movements are similar I need to ask him who he is and did he is the same person who helps them a few months ago' Sophia thought and she follows a stranger.

What first he does is go to the toilet to clean his hands and when I wanted to talk to him I heard that he talk to himself "I need to go smoke again and later finish that job from not my area f**k".

When I heard what he said I remembered that smoking room is big and in 1 place is the darkest (Sophia designed it to hear employees talk about)

Sophia goes there fast and when she hears him going there and he talks to himself loud 'he is some freak who doesn't care how other people see him' she thought and start listening to his words.

"save his life one ok but why that's f*****s don't want to help him. How stupid I hear that someone needs help rush without thinking and what he again needed my help. Why that must be him I help him one when he has that f*****g accident. Now that my f*****g higher up wants to fire me when I help CEO why he has to destroy his suit that cost a lot based on look. He was so proud of it I don't understand rich people who wanted to show up and care about the image not what they do. Bloody hell, I need to finish that paperwork".

He takes his phone looking at it and I heard his swear words that most I understand but not all because it was in a foreign language and then he said 'I need to stop again change my mind to English so time to work another way I will be travel by night bus'

Hearing his words Sophia was moved to know that person she fell in love was so close but so far away. She screams inside "IT'S HIM FINALLY I FOUND YOU!!!'.

After 4 cigarettes finish he wanted to work but then some drunken shareholders come seeing they " you have fired him from today so why you still here?"

Then he answers come quickly as the wind "You aren't my boss. Until I have it written on paper, I'm still an employee of that company. Why you both don't want to help him? Your suits are too expensive to destroy it? With money from here, you could easily buy we learn new and first help at school so I see without money from parents all of you are nothing. I need to go now to finish the work that I have from my skill not thanks to somebody and go home to rest after a good day at work."

After hearing his words it dumbfounded them. At first, I wanted to help him but now when I hear what his answer was I only wanted to clap for his courage.

'I  know his name is good that he work at my company so I have his all personal data. Good, that I hear his area of work is Europe its next floor from us. I can go check and see where he sits. Thanks that I will know almost everything about him hehehe'. She was thinking about it during walking away from the smoking area.

When Sophia was thinking about her, plan she hears voice coming from men toilet

"I will tell him you save him so you could marry her and then the company will be finally ours. Good, that this old man empire will be destroyed when you will marry her. I still haven't forgiven him he stolen my Angela and marred her. We need to work fast son,"

"ok father" Anthon Wu answer his with an excited voice

"Oh, son clear recording we don't want that to survive. Roland will destroy our company when he knows that we lied to him. Good, that most of the people there are my friends or they own me something so they lie for us,"

'I needed work fast I don't wanted to marry him when he is looking at my boobs his saliva almost drop every time from his mouth. First what I want to do is copy that recording good that I have my  with me. Second, I need to see where that man is sitting and remember it to find all about him and then look at my father. Probably the mother will be angry at me when she comes to hospital and I will be not there. I hope I will be faster than her.' After creating a plan Sophia does it.

When she comes to the hospital, she was faster than mother 'thank goodness' she said to herself and start searching in personal hospital, data who is that mysterious man who could save her father twice and stolen her first kiss.

After having his number Sophia wanted to call him immediately, but she remembered that vacations to him started so he probably now resting or still working so she decided that she will phone call to him in few days.