
Eating pasta

After few minutes of flying Sophia said to me

"Come with me to sofa we don't need to sit at our seats it's private plane so we can move there"

Hearing her I needed to think she probably had some plan that we move there. I had mind fight what to do but I sit there. While I was there I look at papers what Sophia had. Most of them were losses and higher ranks personnel who work there. One of it take me it was my friend who I know from who knows.

While she was checking she start deleting some names knowing that it want go from they branch. While she look at his I said "you can delete it too I know him and if he be one of those people I will take care of it. He will give back all money he take from company"

Hearing it she move her head to me and said "are you sure about it"

"Yes we talk a lot and around two months ago he said me that he finally be going to be promoted so he couldn't start doing it while I was checking all papers it all start six months ago. They probably don't wanted to normal employee have extra money. And he don't steal I know him to long"

"Ok I trust you but if he is one of them you will pay for it and most important think he could burn your cover that you don't understand them"

"Don't worry in what I remember he is at business trip and he will be back when we want be there."

"Ok" while she said it she kiss me on the cheek. Sophia take me from surprise and I couldn't react on time. After hour she put all papers to her bag and she come closer to me.

At that time I was reading some novels so I didn't notice her movements. While we were looking at each other stewardesses come and she said

"It's now lunch time by American time so we can serve you some food did you want?"

We both nodded and wait what she will give us. It was pasta with oysters meat. Looking at them I remembered that I never eat them so I try. While we were eating stewardesses come one again and she ask vine for it.

"I don't drink" I answered but Sophia take one glass of it. when she finish eating and drinking she lay on me and fall asleep. While I was looking at her she probably hadn't have good night. I let her sleep on my shoulder. After few minutes she go down to my thighs. She sleep so peacefully so I don't wanted to wake her up. I read some time but when she lay on me I couldn't go for my powerbank and my phone was almost off battery.

While looking what I can do I saw newspapers. First think I done I check a date on them it 'they are from today so time to read' I said to myself and take one of them on front page was written "Infinity project start. Big hopes for movies industries". Reading what they write I nod with what they said it could be big but time show if its good opportunity to them. I read all news there and I almost start doing crossword puzzle at the end pen I take from her bag that was close. I make some but some I left 50% undone.

When I finish with it I take another newspaper and there was another title "One of biggest companies create charity to fight with domestic violence" when I read it I said "I hope they will fight with them and people who done that should go to jail. How I hate them why it can't be peaceful word without it" While I was saying it pilot said we arrive to Europe. In Poland we will be in around 2 hours. Hearing it I wake up Sophia. When she move her head opening one eye she said to me

"what it's too comfortable but this hard think you could cut" hearing her I almost face palm myself if she know about what she is saying.

"we are in Europe I don't know where exactly so soon we will be arriving to Poland so wake up"