
Love and Lies | The rose and The thorn series

Lucy, a woman from a normal family, gets caught in the Mafia mayhem when her boyfriend gets caught. She doesn't expect anything unusual, just a common instinct to be set free. That was until she falls in love with the mafia leader, Marcus. Marcus adores Lucy only because she looks like his dead girlfriend, Susan. He imagines her as Susan and finds out that Lucy is very different. He regrets concluding that looks were enough for Lucy to replace Susan. The tale starts twisting when Lucy learns about Susan and finds out the truth, but it seems that is not the "only" truth. A guy who thought who lost his only love, a girl who thought she was abandoned by her only love. Will they ever be able to accept each other??

nikethsivani_ · 現実
15 Chs



Susan was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw Lucy today. Everything about her was astonishingly similar to Susan, the same eyes. The nose was designed to perfection. The lips could almost make anyone believe anything.

Susan was dead, and there is no way she could come back. I slam my fist against the bathroom mirror, which would fall apart if I remove my fist now. The shattered glass comforted my distress. I couldn't wait to know her name, that was why I woke her up. I saw her while she slept, to make myself believe that my eyes weren't betraying me.

I turn on the tap and let the water run. I look through my black eyes, which looked tired as usual.


A voice whispers on the back of my head as I splash the water on my face. An exquisite memory of an unforgettable person. She was my entire life, till the day she left me. I had tried to move on from the pang of eternal guilt stabbing me every day.

I reach for the tap and turn on the shower. The water was cold, and I thought I deserved it. Ego was my worst enemy, and I couldn't cry even if I wanted to. A Mafia man never cries, not even for the woman he loved, it was simply a reason to make me feel strong. It felt stupid as I leaned against the wall and sobbed, nothing could stop me from missing her.

I wanted Lucy to be safe, only because it calmed my mind. It feels like I'm doing something to Susan, something which I should've done to her. Kept her safe.

Even if I am forced to kill Lucy, I doubted whether I would do it. I grab the towel and head for the door. I see Aiden leaning on the bedroom door and sighing as soon as I stepped out. He walks towards me and cocks his eyebrows.

"Marcus," He responds to the silence as I wear my clothes inside the screen.

I knew what he is going to ask me, and I didn't want him to know about Susan. I am his boss, and I can never let him know my weaker side.

I walk back outside, facing him.

"What is wrong with you," he was the only person in my mafia to speak like that to me. One reason is that he's my cousin, and the other is that he is the only companion I've got. He wasn't old enough to join the mafia 5 years ago, or he would've been nagging me about Lucy and Susan.

"Why would something be wrong with me?" I slam the question as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"We should've killed her, but you lifted her yourself and settled her in the mystery room," He cocks his eyebrows again. Mystery room, that is how the people around here talk about Susan's room. It has never been used, but it is cleaned every day. Her clothes are cleaned by me, whenever I miss her.

"Because I have a plan," I lie most convincingly.

"And you're not gonna tell me, are you?" He questions me.

"No," I answer and wear my watch, which was gifted by Susan on the day I was called as "The Mafia man" by the most renowned newspaper. It wasn't a compliment by the newspaper, but Susan found that cool.

"Come on," He shrugs and leaves the room. I sit in the bed as I wonder what Lucy would be doing. I decided to check her out.

I stroll towards the mystery room and I understood that everyone was noticing my weird attitude about Lucy. I am known to be a cold-blooded killer. My softness towards her triggered all of their brain cells.

I pick up the food parcel from the kitchen and continue walking towards the mystery room. Since this was the mafia lounge, there were always people who live here. I was supposed to go home last night but I stayed here because of Lucy.

I open the door to find Lucy napping on the couch, but in a new outfit. Her lips were so identical to Susan. For a moment I simply glared at them, and I wanted to kiss her. I should be out of my mind to think that. I didn't have answers to the question Aiden imposed on me earlier, because I was confused myself.

I just wanted to keep her here, and I had no intention to let her go.

I stood watching her as she slowly opened her eyes, and this time, I am not responsible in any way.

"What do you want now, you're here to insert some spices in me?" I've never heard such nonsense in my life.

"What do you mean," I questioned her. I seated myself on the stool, which was placed near the couch she was sleeping on.

"I thought you guys wanted to eat me, why else you'd want me clean?" She sulked when I sat down.

"Of course not, we want you safe so that we can strike a deal with Ethan," I lie and I wonder how many times I've lied since she arrived here.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she looks away. I didn't want to see tears on the face of a girl who I once had in my arms.

"Don't use me, he'll hate me then" Her reply made me jealous. There could be only one reason, I wanted her to be with me in the place of Susan.

"Ok," I answer, not sure what that reply meant.

I place the food parcel on the table before her. She grabbed them less reluctantly than the last time. I study her as she engulfed the salad in no time, and I wished I had brought them earlier.

There seemed to be a commotion outside, but I didn't bother to check until Aiden pounced in.

"What is the matter?" I ask.

"The Skulls, they are trying to invade our territory and we've captured them here," He says.

"Skulls?" Lucy joins the conversation with a slight edge in her tone.

"Ethan is here," Aiden smirks as her eyes bulge.