
The Duke

At Duke Wincast's residence. 

An old mansion, so big and full of ancient furniture. This huge mansion was quiet, no one was seen except the butler and a few old maids. A black car stopped at the terrace and a young and tall man got out. The butler greeted him before leading him inside the mansion.

"Good Morning, My Lord. Sir Henry is waiting for you." A butler knocked on the door before facing the Wincast family's leader.

"Send him in!" he replied. The man grabbed his rod. A shiny black wooden rod with the Wincast family emblem helped him walk to the chair.

Duke Wincast sat straight behind his desk. He occasionally rubbed his forehead while checking the newspaper on the table. His gray-green eyes kept moving as he read the news. All news was about the opposite party who challenge the Royal family.

"I am facing you, Duke." A handsome young man with blond hair entered. He was Henry, a commoner who had served the Wincast family for generations.