
Love Me

Four years later...

Okinawa, Japan.

A small boy ran in the airport yard, he deliberately ran so he could immediately hug his father. This silver-haired boy looked very happy.

"Daddy." He called and gave his dad a warm hug.

"RAY DON'T RUN!" shouted his Mommy. Afraid that the boy would fall during running with his little feet.

"Hello, Champ!! Do you miss me, Boy?!" Alex lifted up Ray's tiny body, this three-year-old baby boy was so adorable in Alex's eyes. His chubby cheek was always red like a tomato.

"Daddy, why have you gone so long this time?" Rayden asked curiously, Alex couldn't be beside Hima all the time. Jayden could suspect his presence in the Netherlands and Japan at the same time.

"Daddy has to finish college and also work. If Daddy doesn't work who will buy you a robot?" Alex kissed his son on the cheek and tickled his belly.

"It's ticklish, Daddy." the baby boy giggled, ticklish by his father's fingers.