
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Nadine The Pawn


"Is that her?" Angelo asked, gesturing to the beautiful blonde lady that was shopping with her boyfriend.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Lilith asked in astonishment.

"It's pretty obvious..." Angelo said, his voice betrayed his immense surprise and interest in Elora. "look at her spirit aura, it's just phenomenal."

"I know right?" Lilith beamed proudly, she was happy that she had something to offer to Angelo to arouse his surprise.

"If she wasn't a prime key to our goal, I would've lured her in and eaten her, she must taste so delicious!" Angelo said absentmindedly as he stared at Elora with a craving gaze.

Lilith instantly frowned and rolled her eyes– as someone who just slept with her, she was expecting him to have some respect for her but it seemed that Angelo would always remain the same and would never see her as nothing more than a fuck buddy.

Angelo and Lilith were in their invisible forms, a form that divine and demonic beings assume when they don't want the humans to see them. They'll be physically present in the place but one will be unable to see them because they're invisible.


"I call this an apology outing..." Derek said gleefully as he led Elora from one shelf to the other, "just take anything you want." Derek's father was the owner of the company where they both worked so Derek had access to lots of money at his disposal, he was quite wealthy.

"This is too much..." It was too much for Elora because she blushed aggressively and walked shyly as Derek literally dragged her all around the mall. "But I should be the one apologizing."

"That doesn't matter now, does it?" Derek said carelessly without even looking at Elora's face as he dragged her to another shelf after she had finished selecting what she wanted.

"N..." Elora's reply hung in the air as a familiar face came around the corner of the shelf.

On seeing the person, Derek's eyebrows curved up mockingly and his lips curved into a derisive smile. "Hey Nadine..."

Nadine's gaze instantly became very grave and hard. She looked in their direction and acted as if there wasn't anyone there, she looked as if she was just seeing through them. Despite her attempts to ignore them, she still didn't miss Elora's subtle action of rolling her eyes and hooking her arm around Derek's arm as if she was trying to say, "he's mine you boyfriend thief! Stay away!"

Nadine simply ignored them and walked away leisurely. Elora stared after her with a mixture of remorse and anger in her eyes.

"Don't look at her like that," Derek said softly to Elora,

"Like how?" Elora asked, looking as if she had been caught doing something improper.

"Pity..." Derek said, "you shouldn't pity her at all, I didn't want to tell you about this but I think I should before you go settling things with her."

"Tell me what?"

"Nadine tried to seduce me at the office." Derek lied while smiling cynically,

"What?!" Elora retorted, "she did what?!"

"Easy now, it's all in the past." Derek said and held Elora tighter because he knew that if he didn't, she would probably run after Nadine and confront her.

"When was that? Derek tell me, when was that? And why didn't you tell me when this happened?" Elora was almost screaming inside the mall.

"When it happened doesn't matter, what matters now is that we don't have anything to do with her," Derek tried to console her, "she won't be able to try and break us again."

"I guess you're right." Elora sighed and turned to stare in the direction that Nadine went with spite in her eyes. Nadine wasn't there any longer but she wished that she could just kill her from there.

'Good... Now she'll never ever be able to come between us... Never' he thought,

"Alright easy now, let's finish what we came here to do." Derek said and tried to drag Elora to another shelf. He noticed that she wasn't cheerful so he asked, "what's wrong babe?"

She pouted and didn't say anything.

"What's the matter?" He asked softly as he faced her and grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to himself.

Her eyes widened in surprise and a small smile formed on her lips, "m...m..my mood.."

"I see... will this make you feel better?" He asked mischievously,

"Will what?"

"This." He said and quickly but softly brought his lips down to meet hers. He heard a small gasp from her but she didn't stop him so he continued.

His lips were about to pry hers open when they heard someone scream, "Get a room!"

They laughed in each other's faces and reluctantly disentangled from each other's embrace and continued their shopping. Derek couldn't deny that that ordinary slight kiss stirred up the demon in him and for the rest of the shopping exercise, all he could do was stare lustfully at Elora while consoling himself that he just needed to wait a little bit longer– for the right time.


"Interesting..." Lilith said with a wicked smile on her lips,

"Hmm?" Angelo who had been picking his fingernails throughout the entire event raised an eyebrow at Lilith.

"What?" Lilith retorted, "don't tell me you weren't even paying attention."

"What if I wasn't?" He said blandly,

"Argh!" She groaned and turned away, "you're so annoying."

"You have a plan." Angelo said,

She sharply turned back to him, "what? How did you know?"

"Whenever that wicked smile appears on your face, I know that there's something cooking inside that wicked head of yours."

A big smile appeared on Lilith's lips, "Awww... I'll take that as a compliment."

"Whatever," Angelo drawled, "so what's it about?"

Looking in Derek and Elora's direction, Lilith said, "I think I just found the perfect way to get Lucian's bane on our side."

"Uh-huh?" Angelo gestured at her to proceed,

"Did you see the look on the eyes on that girl that passed them?" Lilith asked,

"Yeah... What about it?"

"She's Elora's former best friend."


"Yeah... The both girls fought because Lucian's bane thinks that she's trying to steal her boyfriend by warning her against him, not knowing that the girl is actually warning her genuinely, the boyfriend actually has evil evil thoughts against her." Lilith explained,

"Okay?" Angelo failed to see how Lilith's explanation related to their goal.

"The best friend already bears hostility against them and so that makes it very easy for me to manipulate her and get to Lucian's bane."

"Wait... I don't understand you, I thought Lucian's bane and her best friends aren't on good terms."

"Yeah... But I'll make them settle soon. The boyfriend already bears evil thoughts against Lucian's bane and sooner or later, the evil thoughts will manifest and he'll break her heart. Then, she will realize that her best friend was right all along and they'll reconcile..." Lilith smiled wider,

"By then, you'll be in full control of the best friend and you'll have full access to Lucian's bane to make her do anything," Angelo finished it, "that's smart Lilith, that's really smart."

"This is just the beginning, Lucian will die and we'll become the next second strongest in Hell." Lilith had already projected herself as Angelo's first lady in the future.

'Maybe... Just maybe' that was Angelo could say in his thoughts.

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