
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · ファンタジー
25 Chs


"Gosh, I have to call 911..." Elora said as she fumbled with her handbag,

"You will do no such thing." Lucian said and appeared in front of Elora with unbelievable speed. She looked up at him and her body trembled with fear, the distance that he had covered in that second couldn't even be covered by the fastest man on Earth.

"W...what are you?" Elora stuttered,

Normally, Lucian was supposed to kill her and erase every evidence of his involvement in her disappearance but that feeling of attraction that he was feeling towards her made him to just erase her memory so that she wouldn't complicate matters.

He placed his index and middle finger on her forehead and she blacked out, falling into his arms. He had erased the memory of what she saw.

"Clean the scene." Lucian said to Razor and Andy who stood beside Zari's body.

"Yes sir." They said almost simultaneously,

"But where are you going sir?" Razor asked politely,

"I'll be back." Lucian said and left the alley with an unconscious Elora in his arms.

11:00 PM

Elora stirred awake slowly, her long eyelashes fluttered softly and she looked up into the worried but handsome face of a young man, he had red eyes and black hair with a sharp jawline that made his face look very masculine.

'Can a human really be this good-looking?' she thought, 'Am I sure that this is not an angel who has come to take me to heaven?'

His cologne permeated her nose and she snuggled her head closer to his body when something rang in her brain. The smell of the cologne was familiar, and the face of the man was familiar too!

She quickly shot up like a rocket and shifted away from him. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!"

They were sitting on a bench outside and Elora's head had been resting on Lucian's thighs throughout the time she was unconscious. As soon as Elora realized that, her cheeks flushed scarlet in embarrassment.

Lucian just stared calmly at her as she overreacted beside him, she was perched on the other side of the bench and she couldn't bring herself to face him knowing that she had just been in a compromising position with him.

"W...what happened?" Elora asked him, all she could remember was her searching for Lucian to apologize for her inappropriate attitude, she couldn't remember what happened next.

"Well..." Lucian started calmly, "I found you lying unconscious by the eatery."

"Oh..." Elora said quietly and fixed her eyes on her hands that were sitting on her thighs.

"Are you stressed?" Lucian asked, Elora could feel the concern in his voice.

'Wait... Am I dreaming or is this billionaire really talking like he cares about me?' she thought, 'No, that can't be possible, he's a billionaire, what will he want with a low life like me, I'm just deluding myself.'

"N...no, I'm not stressed."

"Then why did you suddenly faint?" Lucian lied smoothly, he didn't even give her the least clue that he was the reason for her unconsciousness. "Aren't you getting enough sleep?"

"I am... Actually I sleep for at least seven hours every day," she replied, "I mean.. that's okay right?"

"Dunno." Lucian replied without smiling,

"Then why did you faint?" Lucian asked again,

"I don't know," she shrugged, "maybe a panic attack."

"Yeah, maybe..." Lucian said, "could it be related to why you were crying back then?"

Elora's mood suddenly dampened as she remembered that her boyfriend was still angry with her, 'Oh! I'm a fool, Derek is still angry with me and I'm here talking with the same guy who made us fight.'

"No, not really," Elora chuckled awkwardly, "I looked stupid, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

Elora felt her head swell in embarrassment, she felt like disappearing into the ground.

Lucian quickly noticed her discomfort and added, "I was just kidding, you didn't look stupid."

She looked up at him for the first time since they met and she almost swooned in admiration, his serious demeanor didn't give away his expression so she couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

"You don't kid someone with that poker face, why will I even believe you?"

"You don't have to."

Elora was starting to doubt that he cared about her, he was replying as if he was a robot.

"Tch!" She turned away from him,

"So... What's your name?" He asked,

"Elora, my name is Elora."

"Okay, I'm Lucian." He said and extended a hand to her for a handshake. She took it gently, it felt so strong and heavy in her slim and manicured hand, just like a man's.

She smiled to him and his heart skipped a beat, 'Why am I acting like this because of a human woman? This is obviously the effect of the curse... But if this is the curse, I don't want it to go away, it feels so good. Watching her beautiful face, watching her smile, watching her talk, I don't want this to end... But this is prophesied to be my end. I must meet Methe, there has to be a way to end this.'

Elora suddenly sat up as if she just remembered something, "oh my God! It's getting late, I have to get going...."

"Already?" He asked and checked the time on his diamond Pierre Ange men's watch. It was fifteen minutes to midnight.

"Yeah.." she said and stood up, her handbag was lying by the side and she picked it up. She was a bit disappointed that her time with Lucian would be cut short.

"It's late..."

"Yeah... I'll manage."

"Well... Your choice." Lucian shrugged and turned away,

"Yeah, I can just take a taxi."

"Which taxi?" Lucian asked her and she looked out to the road, there were very few taxis on the road and those ones weren't stopping. She turned back and looked at him with pleading eyes, "Please can you drop me off?"

Lucian sighed as if she was a bother, but deep inside he was a bit excited. "Okay fine."

Elora wasn't too surprised when Lucian drove her home in a Rolls Royce, he was a billionaire after all.

They were quiet for most of their journey and they arrived at Elora's house without any conversation. They exchanged farewells before they parted ways and Elora went into her apartment with her heart swelling with happiness. It was only when he had driven away that Lucian realized that she left her contact card on the seat, he looked at it and considered returning it, but he later decided against it and kept it inside his wallet.

Lucian on his own part hated the way he was feeling, he was feeling attracted to her and he didn't like it at all, he needed to meet Methe as quickly as possible so that they would talk about it, but first he had to organize things at his condo. After all his first battalion commander had just returned and they had a lot of work to do.