
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Title: Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl Synopsis: In a world where power and wealth reign supreme, a heartless billionaire, Alex Grande, rules with an iron fist. As the CEO of the illustrious Grande's Group, a global conglomerate, he commands respect and inspires fear. His aura is intimidating, his words are law, and his actions are ruthless. But beneath the surface, a spark of humanity remains, waiting to be fanned into a flame. Enter Jenny Core's, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart. She lives a simple life, untouched by the luxuries and excesses of the wealthy elite. Her world is one of humility and kindness, where love and compassion reign. When their paths cross, the unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Alex, the cold-hearted billionaire, is inexplicably captivated by Jenny's innocence and beauty. Jenny, the ordinary girl, feels an intense connection to Alex, as if she's found a missing piece of herself. As they lock eyes, the air is charged with an electric tension. Their gazes intensify, and the world around them melts away. For a moment, they forget who they are and what they represent. All that remains is the thrumming of their hearts, beating as one. Will this chance encounter ignite a spark that changes their lives forever? Can the cold-hearted billionaire find redemption in the arms of an ordinary girl? Dive into the world of Love's Unexpected Fortune to discover the secrets of their forbidden love. Book Excerpt: Jenny POV: This party was a snooze-fest, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I turned to leave, and that's when I saw him. There was something about him that sparked a connection. I felt it deep within me. The music had shifted to a lively swing tune, but I didn't notice, my eyes fixed on him. Alex POV: I watched Jenny with a detached curiosity. She was a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome. I would uncover her secrets, exploit her weaknesses. And when I was done, I would move on. It was simply the way I operated. Jenny POV: Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, and I felt an undeniable bond. Why did I feel like I was meant to be with him? I quickly looked away, trying to shake off the feeling. The music, the laughter, and the chatter faded into the background as I struggled to process my emotions. The book is already completed, and their love story is waiting to be devoured.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · 都市
72 Chs

Chapter 72

Alex POV:

I was about to sign the documents when I suddenly stopped and kicked the table, sending the gun and papers flying. I caught the gun and pointed it at Jerul. "Alex, we could talk nicely," Jerul said, but I cut him off. "Shut your mouth or I'll shoot it. Put your guns down or I won't hesitate to blow your boss's head off." They dropped their guns, and I ordered Jerul to come to me. I checked his body and removed the small knife and gun.

The police immediately arrived and handcuffed all the men. "Sorry, Jerul. You didn't win this time. See you in court." I told them to take him away, or I would turn into an officer and kill him myself. They quickly complied, and I informed them that there was one person remaining - Franklin. He was arrested, and all were taken to the station.

I went home, where my wife and Jack were waiting for me. We hugged, and I decided to reward those who had stood by me. It was a family reunion. I was shocked when Jack told me they had escaped alone without the help of my men. Jen confirmed it, and I decided to reward him by giving him two months off. He was overjoyed and hugged me. I took my little baby in my arms and smiled.

We didn't tell anyone about what had happened to us, not wanting to worry them. Families and friends came to visit us, congratulating us on our baby. My mom scolded me for not telling her Jen was pregnant, but we just laughed and accepted the many gifts they brought.

The courtroom was filled to capacity as Jerul stood trial for his heinous crimes. The air was thick with tension as the prosecutor presented the case against him.

"So, Jerul, you are accused of killing Tina, kidnapping my wife, baby, and Jack, and selling illegal drugs to sustain your account. How do you plead?" the judge asked, his voice firm and authoritative.

Jerul sneered, showing no remorse. "Not guilty," he spat.

The prosecutor presented evidence, including testimony from Jack and Jen, as well as documentation of Jerul's illegal activities. The defense tried to poke holes in the case, but it was clear that Jerul was guilty.

Finally, the judge delivered the verdict. "Jerul, you have been found guilty on all counts. Your punishment is death, and your company will be shut down. You will also pay restitution to the victims and their families."

Jerul's face turned red with rage as he was led away in handcuffs. I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that justice had been served.

As we left the courtroom, Jack turned to me and said, "Thanks, Alex. I'm glad he got what was coming to him."

I nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Me too, Jack. Me too."

We walked out of the courtroom, ready to start our new life, free from the shadows of Jerul's evil deeds.

After that, we had a happy life. We had three kids - Daros, Fred, and Stella - and Jack was happy to have someone to look after, teach, and play with.


My three grandchildren, "Grandma is here!" Mom exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. The three small toddlers squealed with delight, "Grandma is hereeeeee!" they chimed in unison, running to meet her with open arms.

"Mom, I think it's high time you take the kids on holiday with you, so Jen and I can have some private time," Alex said, his voice calm and collected.

"Alex, stop it," Jenny said, playfully rolling her eyes and hugging him. "You two can go and do whatever you want, I'll watch over the kids and don't worry, I'll take them with me," Mom reassured them.

"Thanks, Mom," Alex said, smiling and leaving with Jen.

Tasha had gotten married to her Mr. Raymond, a manager at the prestigious Zuric Bank, and they had two kids together. The bond between Tasha and Jenny grew closer, and they would often spend hours talking and laughing together.

And lastly, Jen's Dad got to play with his grandchildren and cook delicious food for them. Aunty Cathy, Cindy, and Grandma got to spend quality time with the children, spoiling them with love and attention.

The little kids were surrounded by love from their parents, grandparents, and friends of the parents. Happiness and peace, that's all Alex had ever wished for, and now he finally had it.

As they sat on the beach, watching the sunset, Alex turned to Jen and said, "You know, I never thought I'd find happiness again, but here we are, surrounded by our loved ones."

Jen smiled and took his hand, "We've been through a lot, but we made it through together."

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, they knew that their love would last a lifetime.


Thank you to all the readers who have followed me from the beginning to the end. I'm happy, thankful, and grateful for your support. Much love from Ogu Blessing (blessing stories) to you, my dear readers.

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