
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Being that heartless billionaire who could destroy a nation if I choose, command a thousand people, move with aura which makes people gets scared meets an ordinary girls whose never smell or touch a pint of riches and lived a normal lives. Hi I'm Alex Grande known as the cold heartless billionaire. I'm someone who enjoys making people suffer. I am the CEO of the Grande's groups which is the best and most famous around the globe. meeting this girl named Jenny Core's change my lives. Will there be a spark between us find out as you read it. Let me show you a glimpse of the book Jenny POV This thing was boring and If I had known I wouldn't have come. I decided to turn and saw him. He was truly the one because I felt something. Alex POV Jenny why do you make me feel this way. Why do I feel she's mine. Jenny POV We stared at each other intensively and I could feel a deep connection. Why does it feels l belong to him. l quickly averted my gaze. The book is already completed.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · 都市
72 Chs

Chapter 70

Alex POV

I was in the bathroom when I heard Jen shouting.

My water has broke. I think I'm about to... She said.

I quickly left the bathroom and went to see her. I called Mrs Qilin to get the baby stuff ready and I carried Jen to car gently. Jack joined us too.


Sir I was able to find where he is an expert hacker said.

Where? Jerul asked.

He just entered his car with his heavily pregnant wife and a boy. I think they are going to the hospital he said.

Hmm. Keep track of them Jerul said and ended the call.

Jerul POV

Plan starts now l said.

Alex POV

We had headed to the hospital and I made sure to keep her calmed down.

Take it easy l said.

We got to Grande's hospital and immediately we were attended too. Jen was pushed to the theatre room. I Iollowed her in to support her.

Doctor Nancy assessed Jen vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature.

They also examine the progress of labor by checking the dilation of the cervix.

She discuss pain relief options available, ranging from natural techniques to medications like epidurals and explained the benefits and potential risks associated with each option and help Jen make any informed decision.

She used various methods to monitor the well-being of the baby throughout labor. This include intermittent or continuous fetal heart rate monitoring to ensure the baby's health and detect any signs of distress.

During the second stage of labor, when the Jen was fully dilated, the doctor guided her through the pushing phase.

She had an open communication with Jen and explained each step of the process, addressing her concerns, and answering any questions she had.

The baby was ready to be born so the doctor guided Jen through the process of pushing and delivering the baby. I also said some encouraging words to her so she could push more.

After the baby was born, the doctor ensured the my wife well-being by monitoring her for any complications, helping with the delivery of the placenta, and managing any immediate postpartum concerns.

After the baby was brought back to us after checking and other things l took my baby in my arms and wanted to cry. I was crying.

Jen you have made me the happiest man on earth l said.

I'm happy I did she said.

The doctor said she wanted to talk to me so l kissed Jen and the baby and said Jack watch over her.

Jenny POV

I breastfeed the baby.

Is he not cute? I asked

He is very cute. He looks like big bro Jack said smiling.

Oh l see the resemblance. His Alex mini copy my beautiful baby l said.

Jack POV

A nurse came in the ward. Looking at her he sense some bad smell not like she's smelling but something else.

Ma I was told to inject you and make you sleep she said.

Why? Jenny asked..

I don't know why. She just told me to do it.

Okay Jenny said.

She wanted to inject Jenny when I hit the injection and it flew away.