

Gold Collins and Frederick Majesty meet in college. Frederick a typical playboy and Gold a girl who only cares about her studies meet Frederick a typical playboy who refuses to admit his ability to love and only toys with girls. will Gold be different from other girls? will he fall in love with her? find out in the novel LOVE'S SCANDAL BY MELZY_907 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT JOB DGE ME FOR THE BOOK COVER, IT'S SOMETHING THAT I DID BY MYSELF WITH SOME PICTURES THAT I GOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope you guys like my book. please don't forget to vote,rate and comment on my book. it gives me a whole lot of joy. I love you all from MELZY_907.

MELZY_907 · 都市
27 Chs


"I'm so so sorry… I didn't know, you should have told me.. I'm so sorry" Gold said feeling bad

 "it's okay, you didn't know, do you still want to meet her" Frederick asked

 "if you're comfortable with it " she replied "then let's go" Frederick said and came down and Gold did the same, then Frederick entwined their hands together

 "Frederick I'm so sorry" gold said still feeling guilty

 "shhh I'm not angry" he said and kissed her forehead, then continued walking with entwined hands. They reached a private section and on the grave it was written 'Elisa Majesty

' "mum I'm here after a very long time, and I brought someone to meet you, she's my girlfriend, her name is Gold and she's very special to me" Frederick stated

"I think I should excuse you" Gold said and and was about to leave "no I want you to stay" Frederick said "but…" gold wanted to say but was cut short by Frederick "please I need you' Frederick said and hugged Gold, it was the first time that Gold ever saw Frederick be like that

 "there, there do not show her your tears, I know you miss her a lot, but you have to wipe your tears, she would want you to be happy, okay" Gold said

 "okay." He said and detached himself from Gold and placed the flowers on the grave

"can I call her mum" Gold asked and Frederick smiled in affirmation.

"good day mum, uhmm I'm Gold your son's girlfriend, I wish you were alive to see me, but that's just how things are meant to be, and I also believe that you are watching over your son, he loves you a lot and I promise you that I will take care of him, I will love him and try my best to protect him in every little way that I can, so please be at rest" Gold said and bowed then glanced at Frederick, his eyes looked glassy and a drop of tear came rolling down and Gold wiped it away with her palm "let's go." She held Frederick hands and together they walked out of the place.

"you feel better now" Gold asked "yeah, thank you" Frederick replied "it's my fault I should have never asked, it was so stupid of me to ask when we haven't even dated for that long…" Gold said angry at herself

 "hey don't blame yourself, I told you I'm not angry. Okay" Frederick said and smiled at Gold and Gold muttered 'okay.'

"And baby, I have a question, when you said 'I will take care of him and love him' what did you mean" Frederick asked which made Gold blush. "Go away don't ask me " Gold said and started running with Frederick behind her.

please don't forget to vote and review my book. I would also appreciate it if you also tell me if there are any mistakes in my book, so I could make corrections.

Thanks for choosing LOVE'S SCANDAL

From MELZY_907.

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