

Gold Collins and Frederick Majesty meet in college. Frederick a typical playboy and Gold a girl who only cares about her studies meet Frederick a typical playboy who refuses to admit his ability to love and only toys with girls. will Gold be different from other girls? will he fall in love with her? find out in the novel LOVE'S SCANDAL BY MELZY_907 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT JOB DGE ME FOR THE BOOK COVER, IT'S SOMETHING THAT I DID BY MYSELF WITH SOME PICTURES THAT I GOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope you guys like my book. please don't forget to vote,rate and comment on my book. it gives me a whole lot of joy. I love you all from MELZY_907.

MELZY_907 · 都市
27 Chs


"Don't ever change your mind like that again" Frederick said and carried her to his car and placed her in the front seat and buckled her seat belt for her and he got into the car and started driving.

"Gold how old are you" he asked her

"I'm 21 next year, so I'm currently 20, how about you" Gold asked

"I'm 24 next year so currently I'm 23" he said in the same manner Gold answered

"but you haven't celebrated your birthday yet so you're still 22 until the next 3-4 months, you be small pickin (you're still a small child)" Gold calculated "you're quick witted" Frederick complimented ignoring Gold's last sentence "i know, but thank you" she replied "it's about 7:23 right now so we'll be quick and be back before curfew" she said "curfew? What time is your curfew?" he asked

"10:00 clock. Once it's ten don't even bother coming back because nobody is going to open the door for you" Gold said

"okay, we're her" Frederick said after he pulled up in front of a beautiful house. It was not that big but it looked comfortable

"what are we doing here?" Gold asked "it's my house" Frederick replied proudly

"what! This is your house!!!" Gold said a little bit surprised

"do you live here alone?" she asked him "yes! I do" he replied

"so you live alone in this beautiful house" Gold said

"you can come and live with me if you want" Frederick said shamelessly and winked at Gold

"you're crazy" Gold said then punched him and walked right past him to the door

"will you open the door or will I wait here all day?" she asked and rested on the wall looking at Frederick who was still recovering from her strong punch

"strong punch you got there" Frederick said in a hoarse voice

"why, thank you" Gold replied and Frederick walked over to where she was and unlocked the door.

Gold entered into Frederick's house and it was beautiful and all but it was also a bit dirty and one thing that Gold hated most was dirt "don't mind the little mess" Frederick said and Gold looked at him and scoffed

"little mess. You call this a little mess?. This place is no little mess, and guess what, I hate dirt, we're cleaning this up now!!" Gold said with a frown on her face and put her bag down and started cleaning and Frederick joined her. It took a while but when they were done the house was sparkling clean and Gold didn't take track of time that it would soon be time for curfew.

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