

Gold Collins and Frederick Majesty meet in college. Frederick a typical playboy and Gold a girl who only cares about her studies meet Frederick a typical playboy who refuses to admit his ability to love and only toys with girls. will Gold be different from other girls? will he fall in love with her? find out in the novel LOVE'S SCANDAL BY MELZY_907 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT JOB DGE ME FOR THE BOOK COVER, IT'S SOMETHING THAT I DID BY MYSELF WITH SOME PICTURES THAT I GOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope you guys like my book. please don't forget to vote,rate and comment on my book. it gives me a whole lot of joy. I love you all from MELZY_907.

MELZY_907 · 都市
25 Chs


I jumped on his neck and he twirled me around and I held his neck, and he put me down "you're here, you should have told me you were coming, come in "I said and he went in and said

 " this place hasn't changed a bit "

" of course I don't want it to change " we were so engrossed in our talk that I totally forgot about Frederick who definitely unhappy about my interactions with Richey then he cleared his throat to get my attention and we both looked at him and Richard asked me

 "Goldie who is he "

"oh sorry I totally forgot about you " I stood up to Frederick and held his hand, " Richey this is Frederick my boyfriend and Frederick meet Richard my best friend in the whole world" "BOYFRIEND" 


 "BESTFRIEND" both of them said at the same time " you have a boyfriend " Richard asked looking surprised " how long was I gone"

he said " your best friend is a boy, wow " Frederick said also looking surprised I mean what's the problem " I thought it was Lizzy and Nora " Frederick said

 " those two party girls " I chuckled

" so you two" I cleared my throat " shake hands" I said and they shook their hands

" Frederick Majesty " Frederick said

 " Richard Williams " Richard said

 " I hope you two get along very well " I said

" so what do you guys want to eat " I said looking at both of them and they didn't say anything but looked at each other " you guys will eat whatever I cook " I said

" so who wants to help me cook " I asked and they both ran into the kitchen and said at the same time " I'll help you "

 "I'll help you" they both said at the same time again!!! " what is wrong with both of you " I asked and they both looked at each other as if they were exchanging words through the eyes " so what do we cook " I asked them " I would cook whatever you want" Frederick said " and I would cook whatever you like " Richard said " what can both of you cook " I asked " I can cook those yummy ramen and dumplings that you watch in your Korean movies " Frederick said proudly


"and I can cook pounded yam and vegetable soup as you liked it back in Nigeria " Richard said ' are they turning this into a competition or what ' I thought " uhmm I don't have the ingredients here, you would have to go to the super market which is a 10minutes drive from here" I said " so why don't we just use what I have here " I said " mo gold I want to cook those for you I will go to the market to get them, he may stay " Frederick said while taking his car keys " I'll also go get the ingredients for you at the market " Richard said and kissed me on my forehead " bye " he said and Frederick walked up to me and cleaned the spot that Richard kissed me on and kissed me on my right cheek " bye Goldie " Frederick said to me " yeah bye Freddie "I replied and both of them got into their various cars and zoomed off and I sighed...

 About 25minutes later Richard first arrived and started with the yam and started peeling it, I'm guessing Frederick is looking for some ingredients because some of those ingredients are scarce and about 5minutes later Frederick arrived and started cooking too and in approximately 1hour 30minutes they had served the food on the table for me to eat " here darling have this " Frederick said pushing a bowl of ramen and dumplings on my plate and it was delicious so tasty " you like " he asked " I love it " I said " here Goldie have this " Richard said pushing a plate of pounded yam and vegetable soup towards Gold.