

SHE WAS LOST . SINCE AGES. HE WAS LOST , AWAY FROM HIMSELF. THEY WERE LOST IN SEARCHING . ...... WILL SHE BE FOUND? WILL HE FIND HER, OR HIMSELF? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER? ........ Hope u like it . I am new . This is new. There some action drama romance and mystery coming your way,

lvly · ファンタジー
13 Chs


****somewhere in the wilderness on an island in middle an ocean****

A female body clothed in leaves is lying on the ground . As the sun rays hit her face she stirs . Opening her eyes she looks around . Everything is same as she saw yesterday ,as she is seeing since years now. But it is better than that place . She gets up from her leafy bed on the ground(bed made by gathering lots of leaves on the ground) and walks off into a distance to attend her morning calls.

Its been like this since years now living in this wilderness like an prehistoric human being ,with no human interaction or any outside contact away from this place. She is used to this life now . Its just her ,these trees and plants and these birds and animals . And nothing else.

Over the years she made her own humble abode in a small cave which protects her from wind and rain. leaves became her clothing and her food consisted of fruits ,leaves and small plants.

That was her life now . Absolute wild .

Six years ago she would have never expected this would be her life in future . But now it is .

If someone asked how she ended up here she wont be able to answer . She just remembers them throwing her into the water while she was on brink of losing her consciousness . And then when she next opened her eyes she was on the shore of this island .


back to Evergreen pack.


'Jamieson Fox'

Jake and Noah talked for a while more before leaving Becca's apartment.

From their talk , a conclusion was made ,that Ana started getting nightmares after she got kidnapped and Eve who was previously thought as culprit is actually not. Now the question is who was behind the kidnapping and why?

Answers of these questions were with only two people first is Ana herself and another is Eve.

Jake thought,'so.....lets go look for Eve an bring her out of her hiding.'


When both men arrived back at the pack evening was already creeping in. Jake went straight in looking for his wife where as Noah walked in with his forehead scrunched into a frown as he thought all about the day's talks. Suddenly he thought of something and turned around to enter his office , switching his laptop on he started working on it.

Hours later when he was done he gathered all the result of his effort since past few hours and then raised his head to look up at the wall clock . " oh so its almost midnight . I didn't notice. anyways lets wake up Jake. My efforts should be rewarded . " he said to himself outloud with a proud look on his face and called Jake on his phone.


Jake who was already asleep was woken up rudely by his cellphone's ringtone. Silencing his phone he looked beside him , luckily wife was sleeping calmly. Turning his head back to the phone he saw the caller and the time,

"Why the hell he's calling me at this hour?" Jake grumbled to himself and picked up the call but before he could say anything the caller spoke

" come to my office ,now."

and the call was cut. finding seriousness in Noah's weird behavior he got up lazily and did what he was commanded. And minutes later he was infront of alpha,s office.

Door opened and Jake came in ,

"what's wrong at this hour?" Jake asked

Noah turned around with papers in his hand . handing him those papers he said

" look at these. You will be thank me a hundred times for this. " Noah with a smug look said ,

confused Jake looked at the papers he was handed. First was a picture of a man who seemed familiar but he couldn't remember who the man in picture was. " Who's he ? " Jake worded the question that was in mind .

"you dont find him familiar? Noah counterattacked with a question.

" yeah i do ,but i cant remember who he is." Jake answered.

"Okay then do you remember those summer vacations we spent at Dave's place.?"

frustrated with Noah's questions at this midnight he said "yeah i do remember ,what with it? can you come to the point directly ?"

Unfazed by Jake's impatience he said with same twinkle in his eyes " if you remember that then do you remember Uncle fox?"

hearing that name something flashed in his mind and he looked at the picture for few seconds again before speaking, " Oh yeah this man does looks like him."

Noah clapped his hand in glee like he found some hidden treasure, "Looks similar because he is the same man . This picture is of him. Now tell me do you know his real name ?"

" No. we were kids then, and never bothered knowing his real name. he was a good sport , Dave called him uncle fox and for us too his name became uncle fox and it remained like that. but why are you going on about him in this middle of the night. " Jake spoke as he moved towards the couch and sat.

"That's because his real name is Jamieson Fox." Now Noah had Jake's full attention. Noah smirked and continued ,

"since the time i heard the name Jamieson fox i felt like I've heard that name before and am familiar with it and i was right. now look at all these." Jake was seriously looking at the papers now.

"and guess who's Eve?" hearing this question Jake remained silent for more than few seconds as he raised eyes and looked at Noah.

" uncle fox's daughter, Lynne ." he answered slowly and then continued to ask " are you sure you are not mistaken?"

" I already cross checked thrice. There's only one Jamieson fox who was stupid rich six years ago in the city and whose only daughter named Evelyn fox went missing. " Noah said with all seriousness.

" Evelyn , that cute little girl who used to play with us and had great affinity with Dave and Elliot-" Jake said in a murmurer but was interrupted by Noah .

" naa uh , affinity with Dave but enmity with Elliot . she loved annoying him. She was great with all of us except Elliot ,she loved poking him at the wrong time." he said as he reminisced. " infact her actual nick name is Eve . Its only us who called her Lynne ."

"that's because Dave called her with that name ,even he introduced her to with that name only." Jake added.

" yup. ... you should read those papers thoroughly ." Noah said. giving Noah a look Jake did as he was asked.

after few minutes of intense reading in silence Jake spoke, " you mean to say that this man hasn't been seen by public since 3 years and his daughter more than six years ?"

" yeah , actually most of the news regarding her has been removed . some says that she went missing but was found , some says she ran away with one of her guard and blah blah there are many speculations about both of them . but the last authentic news about them is very old .like six to seven years old" said Noah in all seriousness .

" we should talk to Dave . He can provide us the leads . He should know something . right ?" Jake suggested .

"yeah. Its been long we last talked to him. We should hit him up . sooner the better." Noah agreed .

" hmm." earning a hum from jake he got up from his chair and said ,

" we'll talk more about this tomorrow , i am going to sleep lost too much of my beauty sleep on you" yawning he left his office leaving Jake behind to lock the doors .

(Dave, Elliot, Jake, Noah and Kate . They are childhood best friends. through them their parents became friends too and let them spend their vacations together .

Eve is Dave's cousin from his mother's side . he adores her too much and used call her Lynne. )



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