In a moment of passion Storm and Thor create a child but they decided that this child was unwanted and abandoned the infant in a dimension that held beings across the multiverse that were killed and suppressed their powers. The baby would either have to grow up fast to survive of die.
Storm wipes her eyes from the tears and smiles at Raiden.
"I promise you that I will protect you and always love you"
Raiden was confused but laughed anyway causing her to also laugh like crazy and call backwards and allowed him to lay on her chest but her phone rang and she checked it and looked shocked.
"Ok ok, Raiden baby I have to quickly sort something out with my friends because a bad man is trying to hurt them"
She placed him back in the coat with his blanket but forgot his bottle that is on the side.
Raiden cried for his mother to keep holding him but she ignored him as she rushed to the door and then shouted I will be back in just a minute.
The door closed leaving him in the dark and crying until after a few hours he grew tired and fell asleep.
(Timeskip one year)
"Mama" A little shaky voice of Raiden is heard as he now lives in a house with his mother.
"Sorry baby I have to go to work and it's really important" She kissed his forehead as she left him alone again in an empty house.
He crawled into the living room and started to draw a picture of him and her with the word mama written next to it very roughly, after an hour of making the picture it was finished.
He crawled to the stairs in front of the door and sat on it with quite a bit of effort, he sat on the step waiting for his mommy to give her his picture.
(Time skip to midnight)
He lay asleep on the step gripping the picture but was awoken by the sound of the lock being shuffled and then opened.
"Mama!" He excitedly got down and crawled a few steps and outstretched his drawing to her but as she came out she seemed tired and walked past him ignoring him.
He was confused but he pressed on by making a loud noise catching her attention she picked him up and the picture but didn't bother looking at it as she scrunched it in a ball and threw it away making him cry but she put him in the cot and left.
(Time skip two years)
Raiden was now three years old and could speak to a point where you can understand him, he was also very smart and strong for his age as his Asgardian blood and body helped him develop to the height and strength of a 10-year-old.
His life is very different to how it was before, for example, he was in a race for his mother's attention against her work which he was losing badly.
Raiden seemed to be a second priory to Storm and this caused him to act up."Ok with this she must start to notice me" he looked towards his hands and concentrated and sparks came out and the wind picked up.
"Let's do this and show her I deserve her attention."
He walked into her office and saw her looking over papers and sighing different ones, he gulped as he stepped forth and spoke.
"Umm mother I need to show you something"
"This is not the time Raiden I am busy."
"I know but this is very important please"
Storm placed down her pen as she pushed her hair to the side and shredded to listen.
Excitement radiated from him as he placed his hands forward and sparks came off and his hair started to float from the static as he concentred but when he looked up he saw her furious and before he could say if anything is wrong she raised her hand and.
Raiden fell to the floor and screamed in pain and got started to tear up and looked at his mother with a confused face.
"How dare you try and use your power without me for the first time!"He tried to get up but she shoved him back down and got closer.
"I do so much for your ungrateful ass; I work tirelessly and deal with the constant insults on my skills and if I can control my power"
Storm pushed Raiden again as he tried to get up making him groan.
"So you want to try and use your power without telling me! It's dangerous for you to do that you could have hurt yourself!"
The air in the office started to pick up and change between hot and cold.
"So tell me Raiden what do you have to say to yourself!"
Raiden got on his hands and knees with his face looking down and started to shake.
He began to whisper the same words over and over until Storm shouted.
"Speak up!"
Suddenly Raiden snapped and screamed at her.
Lightning surged on him violently until his eyes glowed with a pure light blue energy and a blinding light emitted for him followed by a massive crack
The building shook with the island shaking a tiny bit.
Nightcrawler teleported in front of the large house and saw that there was a giant hole on the side of it and smoke coming out.
He teleported into the house, rushed upstairs and tried opening the door but it was pushed against something so he looked around and saw a window he opened it and crawled to a window in the office and teleported in.
"What in the holy lord"
The scene in front of him was the child of Storm Raiden unconscious in the middle of the room but there was a scorch mark that funnelled outward from him to the hole.
"Where's Storm?"
He walked to Raiden and picked him up and noticed he was holding a static charge on him even when unconscious.
He heard something outside the hole and got ready for a fight until Storm came hovering up with her outfit which was a suit mostly destroyed and she looked angry until she saw Nightcrawler and liked scared it she quickly flew in and landed.
"Woah, what happened to you?"Nightcrawler questioned her.
Storm got silent and hesitated to answer for a minute and when he was about to say something again she began to talk.
" Umm Raiden lost control over his powers out of nowhere, we were playing and he started to say some nasty things and then lost control of his power and struck me"
Nightcrawler's eyes widened as he quickly put Raiden down and looked scared.
"Are you for certain because if he can't control his powers and he begins to hurt people who know what the world will think?"
"I know, I think we have to be careful and he can get control" She cringed and loved like she was about to cry as she talked.
Nightcrawler put his arm around her and confronted her.
"He is lucky to have someone so living and that has his needs most important lie you"
She hugged him and looked over his shoulder at her unconscious child and spoke.
"Thank you for saying those things, I have been getting stressed and I don't want to harm him in any way."
He left the hug and put a smile on and informed her that he will have to tell Xavier about this.
(Timeskip one year)
Since that day people look at Raiden as a loose cannon who could snap at any time, he tried to explain what happened but was told he was ungrateful and to stop telling lies.
Everyone ostracised him and he was alone until Rogue stepped in and defended him making everyone liked down on her for siding with a danger.
Rogue has been a part of his life since the beginning always making time to hang out with him, she never deluded herself by calling herself his real mother from how much Storm is uninvolved in his life, she was a friend but to him, she was his crush.
"Rogue what should we play."
"I do not know maybe monopoly, Scrabble, tag oh oh oh I got it maybe"
She looked around and then finished
"Cow tipping!"
Raiden burst out in laughter and responded.
"No, no let's practice our powers"
She smiled and nodded at him and took him into the danger room.
Raiden looked towards Rogue for confirmation and when she nodded he jumped excitedly but the curious thing was he didn't come down instead he began to float as the wind picked him up and he flew around the room and then landed and began charging electricity in his hands and looked towards a target that had the model of Scrull while a ball of energy formed in his palms and he thrusted his arms forwards destroying it.
"Ok calm down cowboy let's warm up first"
"I'm sorry Rogue" Raiden apologised to Rogue.
Rogue ruffled his hair and gave him a warm smile.
"It's fine just remember that the only way you can truly get better at controlling your power and making it more powerful is through a solid foundation."
She paused letting him catch up and as he nodded his head she continued.
"Sure you could learn just enough so you can control your power to release powerful strikes dinner but sooner…..or you can improve your most basic ability constantly and even if you have to crawl to get there but in the end, you can make the simplest of techniques as strong as the powerful attacks from the person who rushed"
She smirked a storm as she continued.
"Then your advanced techniques will be something the other person couldn't dream of, it would be unstoppable."
Raiden looked at his hands and uttered the word.
"Yes it would be"
His hands closed and he looked up at Rogue with a face she could not understand why he was making it.
"If it's unstoppable will that make people not able to hurt me anymore?"
Everything seemed to stop as she gave him a bittersweet smile and answered.
"Yes, no one could hurt you again"
His eyes became overwhelmed with determination as he looked up at her.
"Then I will continue to work on my basics as long as I need to if it means that the power I will get will be unstoppable"
He dashed to a more open spot, he sat down and closed his eyes allowing his mind to focus solely on his powers as he started his journey to perfecting his powers.