
1. when we met.

Take the little girl with us, she anyway doesn't understand anything" said the man very normally and coldly. I could not understand What was happening, it was a big confusion for me.

I was only five years old when my perants where killed and I was taken away from them, I did not go to any orphanage or nobody adopted was a man who had taken me with him and he was cold to me since the time we first met.It was a rainy day and I was playing in the balcony when I heard the sound of gun shoting I was sure that it wasthe man in black and formal clothes stoped him from doing so and said "take the girl with us she anyway doesn't understands anything".

They escorded me to the car and even the do opened the for me. When I sat in the car, there was already some body sitting. It was a boy who was around 12 to 13 years