
Waiting Game

"Excuse me, are you family of a patient?" a nurse asked as I followed the lines to ICU rooms.

"Yes." she looked me up and down. I don't blame her for asking. I was wearing two different shes, no jacket, burnout tank, and basketball shorts. My burgundy hair was thrown back into a messy bun and my mascara had probably run down my face at this point.

I hate hospitals. The squeaky floor, bright LED lights, smell of antiseptic wipes, and the sound of papers getting filed. I did not want to be here again in a short time.

"Kevin Gulliet's room, please." I looked at her unblinking. She waited for a minute making me think she was going to refuse.

"This way hun." I followed behind her quietly trying not to make eye contact with the rest of the staff. "He is still under. Looks like he went into diabetic shock. His insulin pump ran out of battery. Make sure he keeps that thing charged, to prevent this." she pointed at a closed curtain, room 3. I walked in to find a familiar scene.

Kevin laid out on the table with a gown on, IV hooked up to his hand, and sweat forming on his forehead. I grappled a paper towel out of it's container and started patting his head.

"Never scare me like that again Kevin. Who doesn't check their life saving pump?! Ivy is gonna skin you alive!" I kept rambling on about things when a soft cough was heard behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find Kevin's mom standing in the corner.

"Hello, you must be Ms. Gulliet. I'm Alyssa Snyder, I came with him in the ambulance." I extended my hand before taking a seat by his bed.

"Are you the one dating my son?" she gave me the once over. Taking in my disheveled appearance.

"No. My friend Ivy, she is dating your son. She was in shock when the ambulance arrived so I came instead."

"Oh. She didn't know about his pump?" giving me the side eye she snorted.

"None of us knew. Had I known I would have had him check it. My father is also diabetic." I gave her the evil eye as she grabbed his clothes.

"You weren't doing drugs with my kid right? I never like his choice of friends after we moved here." she glared at me waiting to see my response.

"We don't do drugs ma'am." after pushing down my rage, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. "This is my number and this is Ivan's. Have him give us a call when he is feeling better." I slammed the paper on the counter and walked out of the room.

Stopping by the nurses station I borrowed a phone.

"Hey Tyler. I forgot I didn't drive here. Will you come pick a lady up?"

"How is Kevin? He isn't messed up from the two bitch beers he had right?"

"Nope, insulin pump wasnt charged. His mom is here though. She is a VERY lovely lady."

"I'll come get you. X hospital right?"

"Ya I will meet you out front. Grab my vape would you? It has been a hell of a night."

"Ya for sure. I need to go say something to his mom?"

"Nah you're good. Gave her my number and Ivan's for when he wakes up." God I hope he wakes up soon I though as I returned the phone.

Walking into the brisk autumn, chills ran through my spine. Being alone in the cold brought memories back of what I thought would have been the happiest day of my life.