
Chapter 5: Back to life

"Daaaddddyyy. Sssshhhhivv is herrreee too…" she stammered in fear

Hurriedly I hid the letter under the sleeves of my shirt

"Uncle I was here to see Diya. I was worried about her" I interrupted

"Shut up you bastard and get out of here before I call the security guards!" pulling Diya's arm taking her away.

"Uncle please don't hurt her. It was my fault"

"Security take this man out of here" As two tough men approached me one of them grabbing me by the collar and the other one by the shoulder, dragging me away, I tried to protest as I was worried that Diya wasn't harmed in any way. However, was kicked out from the main gate.

At home, I kept thinking about what my uncle might do to Diya and slid the letter through my shirt and quickly opened the letter.

Dear Shiv,

I won't ask you how you are as I already know how sad you are. Don't you worry Shiv everything will be okay. I want to write to you so much and express my feelings but I won't waste your time on that. Dear brother you are not alone, we stand together so what if Leela isn't around, I am. You taught me how to fight my fears. When I was at my lowest you raised me up, making me feel someone is always watching for me. You are someone who is always there, someone who picks me up when I have fallen, someone who sticks up for me when others have deserted me.

Since I found out that my own father has killed my sister, I am devested and lonely. After that day when I told you about the murder, my father really beat me badly. That I fractured my ribs that I couldn't even move. I am not allowed to visit anyone nor go out from home. I want to run away from here however the security is tight. Don't you worry brother I am with you so what if my own father is our culprit, I believe that he will be punished one day.

Brother the reason I wrote this letter is for you to help me get out of this living hell where you can't live your life according to yourself. I planned my escape a week ago but was caught since then father has set his minions to give them update on everything I do. Please Shiv help me out I really need your help.



It was sad about what Diya was going through I know I had to help her get out of her fathers' ploy. I wasn't really worried about Diya as Jaidev wouldn't really hurt her as she was his golden ticket for the upcoming elections. He was cunning enough to look for a rich man in town who would help him get through the elections by funding him. At the start, Diya was against it but with time she probably left on what fate had decided for her. That is the problem with ladies here I wish they knew their rights and fight back so no Diya would sacrifice her whole life for a man like Jaidev who didn't really care about people's emotions all he cared about was his self-esteem. He thought the rest of us are puppets including his own offspring.

The next day I was really looking forward to that meeting with Rebecca. Her big eyes, gorgeous smile, her blonde hair, and our short conversation is all I could think about. Perhaps, I had a soft corner for her. But could she be the one? I asked myself. The last relationship I had didn't end well. Depression made me go nuts, the lady I fell in love with cheated on me with some rich brat and left me penniless. Whatever happens, happens for the best and there is no use crying over spilt milk. I believe that the future holds what you deserve best.

My closet was in a mess looking for that black shirt with white stripes, it was gifted to me on my 24th birthday by Ama. Anyways I matched the shirt with blue jeans. Couldn't remember when I last groomed.

Mrs Sharma called out for me near the café" Shiv, my handsome hunk you look stunning today are you going out on a date?"

"AHH! Thanks, Mrs Sharma… No, I am going for a business meeting" As I walked away hurriedly before she asked me another question. Obliviously wasn't going to tell her that I was going to meet up with a girl. It would have been the latest news gossip and Mrs Sharma was someone you'd avoid as she was very nosy even though it's really not her business. She would ask questions like to was interrogating a serious case.

The first impression you can give someone on your first meeting is how punctual you are. Not sure if it was our first date or just a meeting, but I didn't want to give the wrong impression. Even was not so sure if she felt the same for me or was it only one-sided.

It was like time stopped moving. I looked at the ticking clock on my wrist every minute, staring at every person entering the café and also the waiter came every 15 Minutes to check up on me. The wait was long but at the same time, I was enjoying sipping the hot tea that the waiter brought every time I called him. Finally, she arrived in a baby pink dress and loosely tied hair stepping out of the rickshaw, giving the driver his dues as she waved at me with a gorgeous smile. I smiled back as she approached and said "Sorry for keeping you waiting for that long actually was stuck somewhere."

"No worries!" I said anxiously.

We ordered coffee and some snacks. She said she was from Germany and currently staying in India all alone. Also, that she didn't really know anyone here and how hard it was for her to fit in the eastern culture. She wanted to learn the local language and also insisted that I teach her. We talked for hours and hours till the waiter interrupted saying that it was time to close. It was disappointing but we promised to meet again. At that time, we didn't have mobile phones, which made it really hard to keep in touch.

Later on, that day I was walking towards home from Kishan's place. Jaidev's black land cruiser standing outside the main street. Ignoring the car thinking that he might have come here to meet someone I walked away. As I approached the door there, he was standing at the gate with his two bodyguards. I stormed at him in anger and grabbed his coral.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I chirped angrily as his bodyguards tried to pull us apart.

"I have to tell you something important," He said as tears rolled down his eyes.