
Lost in the Desert

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What is Lost in the Desert

WebNovel で公開されている、Aehtisham_Saheto の作者が書いた Lost in the Desert の小説を読んでください。History is Mystery...


History is Mystery


His Pretty Nerd

Blair Kingston is a sarcastic, straightforward girl who doesn't have a care of what other people think of her, except for Jayden, her older brother's best friend. She comes off as a nerd, but in reality she is much more than that. She's a person who's looking for her real identity. Jayden Anderson is what you call a 'bad boy', a troublemaker to say the least, he on the other hand is in love with his girl best friend, Emma or that is what he makes himself think. He sleeps around with girls leaving them wanting more. Does Jayden only see Blair as his best friend's little sister or does he actually find her somewhat captivating? Will Blair get over her crush on Jayden or will she let it consume her? Is Jayden denying his feelings for Blair or does he actually not feel anything for her? • • • 'My eyes widened, "But you're body is fit..." my voice trailed off. His smirk got wider at what I had just said, "Do you like what you see?" He teased me, before saying, "I guess it's my turn." "I mean you can try," I told him, shrugging. "Okay, so you're the most popular girl in school being the cheer captain of the cheerleading team. You are currently dating the captain of the football team and you pretend to be a bitch when you're really not," he practically said half of it. "Wow, are you a psychologist?" I questioned sarcastically. "Been training my whole life," he jokes around, "am I right though?" He tells me. "Partly," I replied.'

carmendelaveg2004 · 若者
13 Chs

The Rondo of Blood: A Rewrite of Castlevania Nocturne

On the eve of celebration, Richter Belmont witnesses both his mother and his entire family murdered by a horde of night creatures led by the mysterious demoness Sabrina le Fay. As he neared his death, the young boy was rescued by his grandfather Juste, who takes him away somewhere safe and hidden from the clutches of the shadows. Nine years later, Richter would continue his family legacy of hunting down vampires alongside his adoptive siblings Annette and Maria Renard in the French village of Croix de Lune, a seaside town suffering in poverty and festering beneath the growing influence of the ruling Marquis le Guin. But one fateful night brought upon the arrival of Layla and Edouard, two strangers from a foreign land out in their own hunt for a great evil proclaiming himself as the "Lord of Blood", upon which Richter and his unlikely group of allies must put a stop to their plans before they unleash an invasion never seen before. Their adventures pits them against a legion of vampiric nightmares, a swarm of hellish creatures who dwell the night, horrific atrocities and corruption among their own mortal kin, old wounds reopened and tragic pasts rediscovered, as well as uncovering a deep conspiracy buried right beneath the growing revolution in France, ready to erupt in a fountain of human blood. (This is an unofficial fan rewrite of Castlevania: Nocturne. Do read with both caution and a grain of salt. I do not own the Castlevania brand nor any of its characters. All rights belong to Konami.)

midnightCarl · テレビ
8 Chs

The Amber Sword, Traducción al Español.

"Un jugador veterano del muy realista 'The Amber Sword', se despierta en un mundo que se parece mucho al juego tomando el cuerpo de un NPC recién muerto. Cargando con los sentimientos del, demasiado real, "NPC", y sus propios recuerdos desgarradores del juego, se dispone a cambiar el destino de un reino que estaba condenado y lidiar con sus arrepentimientos." Esta es una traducción de la novela traducida al Inglés por Silent Wolfie, quién desapareció de P*treon hace unos meses, la leí cuando estaba en mis 15 y me pareció bastante buena, pero la tuve que dejar caer cuando le hackearon la página a Wolfie, página en la que subía los capítulos gratis, y la recuperación borró muchos capítulos que ya había subido y editado, por lo que decidió dejarla como estaba y solo trabajar en P***. Como la página solo está paga hasta este año, o eso dice la alarma que puse por esos días para mi yo actual, decidí descargar todos los capítulos y traducirlos para que no se pierdan, y de paso practico mi inglés. No se preocupen, hay más de 300 capítulos que descargué, y en el patreon hay más, solo que sin ninguna edición. Ahora, como soy un universitario, y la traducción es difícil y lenta (me disculpo con todos los traductores de los que me quejé mentalmente a lo largo de mi vida, incluidos los de textos académicos), me comprometo a traducir un capítulo por semana; y en vacaciones tendré una breve desaparición seguida de la subida de los capítulos más un pequeño, o no tanto depende de mi humor, bonus; esto debido a que no tengo Internet en mi casa y en vacaciones no tengo razón para ir a la U. Con eso dicho, ni Wolfie ni yo ganamos nada de esto, por lo que espero no lo conviertan en un negocio y simplemente lo disfruten. Si alguien quiere apoyar a Wolfie, por muy desaparecido que esté, les dejo el Link a continuación, solo tienen que quitar los asteriscos: https://www.p***atreon.com/SWolfie No tengo ni idea de cómo ganar dinero con esto así que los buenos deseos son muy apreciados. No tengo los derechos ni de la Novela, ni de la imagen, esta última me la descargué del Fandom. Actualmente en hiatus pues estoy en tesis, no hay tiempo libre...

Hanni_Baal · 書籍·文学
9 Chs


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