

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Come closer, I won't bite" he said calmly as he took a sip from the wine glass while feasting his eyes deviously on her like a lost prey. Laura looked up at the masked man nervously while sitting at the other end of the sofa. She felt vulnerable and silly while biting her finger with her red rosy lips. His next action surprised her. He stood up and grabbed her unexpectedly. "I can't wait any longer" he said as he clasped his arms around her. "You're driving me crazy" the masked man added. Laura swallowed nervously, this was not going to end up well as she thought. Laura was a poor orphaned girl who was desperate for the need of money to pay for her late father's bills in order for the debtors to stop harassing their lives. And the only way out she could think of was seeking help from her best friend, who hooked her up with an unknown billionaire. That was the only way out of her mess. Spending one night with the Billionaire. But what would happen if something were to go wrong? Will this be a reoccurring affair, or is it going to be only tonight... ***** Please don't copy the cover is mine. Thanks!

DaoistJhgTfu · 都市
217 Chs

Chapter 6


Jasmine was in a pool of her own emotion.

This was very peculiar, what did Mr A want to discuss with Laura that he couldn't wait until tomorrow to discuss with her.

Besides, the girl wasn't running away but she really had no idea what he wanted to talk about.

She quickly obeyed him and passed the phone to Laura, who was staring lost fully at her friend.

Jasmine didn't tell her what had changed her mood and why she had started to look so moody all of a sudden out of the blue.

Was the person on the other end of the line that scary? Jasmine passed the phone to her and whispered slowly but only loud enough for Laura to hear.

"It's Mr A" she mouthed out to the sound of the words coming out of her mouth.

Immediately, Laura's heart started to pound like a music drum on a mission.

'Mr A?' her mind recalled the name before she placed the phone close to her ears with shaky hands.

"Hello?" Her little sweet but scared voice said, making the man on the line to chuckled to the way her voice squeaked. So cute and thin just the way he loved his lost puppies

"That sweet huh?" his voice sounded, so exotically to her ears as she swallowed along.

"What's your name beautiful?" Came in an immediate question.

She gulped at her friend who was still staring at her with worried eyes.

She seemed too worried and anxious because she didn't put it on loud speaker to hear what the man was saying.

She didn't have time to do that. Her mind was blank up with fear with why Mr A who had never bothered to call before, was calling her for the first time and demanded to speak to a girl she just introduced to him earlier that day.

He had never demanded to speak to any of the girls she had offered to him before in the past.

Why now? Of all people he chose to speak to, it was Laura a new girl. What was he planning to do?

These thoughts kept on running through Jasmine's mind as her eyes glanced blankly on her friend, who stared at her before telling the man the name he demanded for.

"My name is Laura" she said sweetly and innocently,

The man smiled. "Laura" he repeated trying to sound like her..

"Uh?" She asked confusedly, didn't he liked the name.

Finally he said after a few seconds of silence.

"Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Hope you're prepared?"

Laura first nodded and realized the man wasn't in front of her but on the phone.

"Sure sir" she said as she assured him.

"Goodbye for now Laura" he said and ended the call.

Laura didn't realize the call had ended as she still placed it closer to her ears glancing eyes widened at her friend.

"What did he say?" said Jasmine, who had waited for them to finish their call before asking her friend what the man wanted to discuss about.

"Hmm, nothing that much". Laura replied.

Shit! the phone was still hanging on her ears.Jasmine suddenly grabbed it from her to see if Mr A was still on the line.. Thank goodness he was not.