
A cruel damsel

I wake up in the morning hoping for better but, my day is filled with pain and sorrows. After my parents took me to a boarding home, i get picked on by all the girls. I say to myself every morning "No hope, no faith, nothing for me". The girls in the boarding home all hate me especially the house keeper mrs.Tamaki. She forces me to do everyone's work, run errands and punishes me for anything i do. I wonder if i have any hope at all. On a saturday night, i hear a door creaking, so i go to close it. Once i turned back i found a shadow below me, not mine, it had different hair, it was tall and had no breasts. I began to feel fear. Immediately i ran back to my bed and hoped the shadow went away, i opened my eyes to peep and saw nothing,i thought i was safe so i went back to sleep.

The next morning, the room was empty only one bed occupied i walked across to see who was on the bed, so i gently yanked the blanket off only to find a boy about my age in the bed. He was fast asleep, i accidentally woke him up, he stared at me and smirked. I became uncomfortable and before i knew it he had carried me away to an unknown place. I was supppose to feel scared but, i felt comfortable in his arms. I didn't know what to do should i stay in his arms or scream for help. What should i do?