
182: I Dont Want Mama To Leave Us Papa!

Vicky was feeling restless in her sleep, she didn't know what was happening with her since she has never been this restless with some horrifying nightmares. She didn't want to wake Mike's handsome face that was sleeping next to her. He had prisoned her body in his strong arms and was not going to let her go, but she slowly removed his arms and crawled out of bed. 

She walked to the small kitchenette in their room and made herself some coffee, after filling her cup, she walked to the balcony where the fresh breeze hit her face and her curly hair blew with the tendrils of hairs blocking her view. 

Pacing back and forth on the balcony as she tried to analyze her dream, she heard some noise coming from the living room. Trying to listen keenly she heard some movement and slowly walked and stood by the door of their room. 

She saw two figures walking around in the room from one corner of the room to the other. She assumed probably it was one of the kids that were walking around trying to look for something, though the more she stood the more they kept searching something and Vicky didn't know what they were looking for. 

She walked back into her bedroom and sat on the balcony sipping her cup of coffee. 

She picked up her phone and started to look at the meaning of dreams and she didn't get the meaning of something she had dreamt of. 

She suddenly heard people talking in the living room, she walked slowly out of the room and peeped at the door, she became afraid because the people who were downstairs were now arguing, one was holding a phone while the other one was busy taking pictures on some documents that were on the table. 

She couldn't quite hear their voices because they were mumbling to themselves. She sneaked downstairs and forgot to wake Mike from sleep. 

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Vicky once she was down the stairs. 

The two figures stood like statues and flashed their lights on his face and one of them hit her with a glass jug that was on the table. 

Vicky fell and collapsed. 

"Is she okay?" Asked one voice. 

She walked over to her and tried to get her pulse and she nodded to her partner. 

"Good, let us run," 

They accidentally hit the glass jar and it fell on the ground into pieces. Mike was jolted from their dreams and he woke up to look for Vicky but he was shocked that there was no one beside him. 

"Baby, baby," he called in a panicked voice as he walked around the room. It was unlike her to wake up before him, and if she does she always wakes him up but today, 'why didn't she wake me?' He thought to himself as he tried to check for his phone. 

He saw the balcony door open and panic gripped him, he quickly walked there and only saw a cup of coffee which was half drunk on the table, he closed his eyes as he looked down the compound and then opened his eyes but he didn't see her body.

'Why would I even think she has thrown herself down?" He thought as he slapped himself twice. 

Walking back into the room, he noticed that the door was open and he was sure she probably went downstairs to pick a snack or something for the coffee.

Arriving downstairs, he tried calling for her but he didn't hear any sound from the living room, he flipped the switch that was beside their bedroom door and all the courage that he had gathered melted away, fear replacing everything as anger danced on his face after what he saw.

"Vicky!" He shouted as he saw Vicky lie on the floor and was not moving.

He jumped from the stairs and forgot that there were steps that needed to be followed, he was taking three steps and he slid downstairs, he jumped on the last four and went to his wife who was not moving, he touched her head and found blood.

"Help!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his voice. 

The rest of the people who were sleeping woke up quickly, Davids heard the sound and woke Damien who was next to her, they quickly run downstairs Davids busted into tears once she saw her dad on the floor as he held her mother. 

"Dad, dad is everything alr8sghtbwith mom?" She questioned as she slid through the stairs despite Damien holding her down.

"Someone call an ambulance," shouted Mike once again.

Damien rushed to the home phone that was beside the door and dialled the emergency numbers alerting the ambulance, Andrew heard the commotion and yelling and woke from his bed waking Annie who jumped following him.

An ambulance arrived within a second and Vicky was wheeled to the ambulance, Davids rushed near her father and was not backing down, she wanted to accompany her father and mother to the hospital, but Brian had to hold her down, though it was hard to get hold of her since she had decided to be more powerful today out If all the day. 

"I don't want to stay, I do t want to stay, I want my mother, I want my mother, leave me alone!" She shouted as she escaped Brian's grip.

She rushed to her dad who was climbing in the ambulance, "daddy, I want to go to, o don't want to stay behind I want to go," she shouted as she tried to climb after her dad. 

Her dad had to climb down to calm her, " hun, why don't you come with dad Andrew and Brian, they are coming, the ambulance can only carry one person," he reasoned with her but her daughter was not reasoning, all she could see was her mother's body lying on the stretcher.

"I don't want mum to leave me, papa, I want mama please just let me go with you, I won't mama," she cried and her voice was becoming hoarse.

Mike couldn't control his tears, they freely trickled down his face and they fell on her daughter's hair.

"Is mum going to leave me, papa?" She asked in a worried voice. You couldn't believe this we the same girl who is always happy, collected confidence all that was replaced with fear, worry and doubt in her eyes.

"Hey, baby, your mum is okay, she just got hurt and she will be okay," said her dad before signalling Andrew to come closer, " please, come with Dad Drew, because mum needs urgent attention and only two people can drive in the ambulance, okay?" 

Dave's nodded her head and walked to Andrew who hugged her, Brian followed forth and Hugged her while running her back.

"I don't want mum to leave Brian, please re me she will be okay," asked Davids while Brian was hugging her.

Brian didn't know what to tell her, he didn't see what happened to her mother clearly, so he couldn't give her any assurance.

The other parties were seated, wondering what was happening to Vicky, they had just slept late and suddenly got woke by Mike's yelling.

Andrew brought the car around and Brian, Davids and Annie got in, Daniella, Clara and Damien had to remain behind. They were told all the information will be relayed after the findings. 

The security guard had to walk back into the house to finish their sleep.

Damien couldn't sleep, he was pacing up and down in the room, he felt like something was not going right in the house, he had heard some people talking downstairs before he heard another voice asking them what they were doing, though he was not sure what he heard and he feared that explaining anything to the family might bring in unwanted problems. 

His uncle and Clara's aunt were not around because they had gone home while The Prat's were also not around, 'who could have down this?' 

He didn't know who to blame or who to ask the question to, he knew CCTV cameras are outside the house but not inside, if the person responsible for doing this is from outside then the only way to get him or her is from the outside Cameras. 

He remembers seeing broken glass on the floor, the glass was on the dining table during the day when he arrived at the house, he couldn't understand how it moved from the dining table that was far from the stairs.

He peeped at the door and saw the guards were still roaming around, he couldn't walk out and go to The girls' room because even their lights were off meaning they had already slept, 'how can they sleep yet Davids is going through a hard time, how can Daniella be comfortable in her he'd when Daniella is all in tears?' He thought to himself.

Walking back to his room, his phone was beeping, Clara was calling her. 

"I can't sleep, we can't sleep, what's wrong with Davids mother?" Asked Clara in a frantic voice.

Damien bit her tongue and was regretting why he thought they were not concerned.