
Lost divine king

Kluxia-chen Who's has been reincartned after being killed in a prison, he did not work with a school shooter to kill innocent people but the judge and the evidence was to much of just an coincidence so he was sentenced to 20 years in prison with no lesser trial to come. Now in this New world with cultivators and monsters, he will become a supreme cultivator. Who no one shall ever look down upon. All humans shall speak the name Kluxia-chen for 100000 years to come, The Immortal who has no equal.

Lasse_hansen · 都市
11 Chs

What has been lost

The age of coexisten With monsters and beasts is long now gone the humans and monsters fights over cultivation buff and landmark, and of course for chaos itself. While the beasts are born strong, humans is Born weak and fragile That were the cultivation buffs strengthen our bones, flesh, inner strenght and the New state of mind.

the rules of humans has almost the same rules of Monsters. With strenght. force of great strenght rules and status of nobilty reign high.

I Kluxia-chen was a 27 In my past life i died In prison wrongly Charged by a high school shooter In the same place at the same time.

i knew the who had murded 14 young People but I never knew he was so sick to just consious go out and kill Random high school Kids In age bewteen 15-19 i was 20 at the time that and I and school shooter was was good friends we came in to know each together throw our friends, friends, we was In the same car as I drived over to New hights the name of school he said that i should wait for him i Asked what he was gonna to which he replied im just gonna take care of small things while he smilled.

That bastard is the on In fault that i was charged 20 years In prison Even though i thought that my lawyer was very professional the jugde put my case of guilty which what with working with the serial murder with the jugde said that i would had 40-60 years if there were more proven proof on the case.

My life just got ruined, even my familie rarely ever talked to me on the Phone which only my Sister did she was the only Hope i had In This life.

but after 7 Seven Cruel years in This shithole i was beaten to death with hammers from 6 bitches, which meant that prison very coppurt to its core.

with the ever nothinges i was In there gods know how long, i hearda hollow sound.

[Host connected to the Universal Grand System]

After that bizarre encounter i was weirded out but didnt care Much, i was ready for what was In the afterlife or what that was after one own death.

I could finally feel the warm In my body Again which i could not In that abyss of nothinges it was just cold and miserable.

I can see again the first thing i saw In This New World was a bunch of trees, and grass i was laying down i got up and felt my Chest was tight and that it Hurt i was very ciruos to know what was happening around me.

felling like a Child with its gum i looked around, Walked around, and Walked Till i had walked about 30 km Even though i knew it at first i did not want to have this Hope shattered, i sighed, Yup im In fucking nowwhere gods know where this place is.

As I shouted In the grass like place the sound came Again [Survial skills requirement for host chose one of the 3 skills]

This time i understood it better i said to my self ah, this most be on Thoose cliche isekais that is to popular Theese Days now that i lokkede again at the system the skills popped up with each 3 differnet skills with each Benefits.

The first skill name is (Survial of the fiffest)

when host is Down on 60% health All stats Will increase 30%

second skill (Hunter) your prey and predotars Will fell a great bloodlust coming for you Hunter thus making the unnesy and hestation shall make Them weaker.

Third skill (Great camoflaug)

you host shall become soundless and make as little sound as possible and have No smell and No inner power can be seen through you, thus making you into a shadow.

I plondered about the benefits i knew that this was life decision i havent seen Any monsters or Any living Beings In this world. Yet though I thought of the world as very dangerous so i ended up chosing (Great camoflaug)

As soon as i choose the skill i excitedly wanted to try it to make as little sound as possible When i walked i could almost hear nothing from my own steps

This must been the right choose right?