
Lost divine king

Kluxia-chen Who's has been reincartned after being killed in a prison, he did not work with a school shooter to kill innocent people but the judge and the evidence was to much of just an coincidence so he was sentenced to 20 years in prison with no lesser trial to come. Now in this New world with cultivators and monsters, he will become a supreme cultivator. Who no one shall ever look down upon. All humans shall speak the name Kluxia-chen for 100000 years to come, The Immortal who has no equal.

Lasse_hansen · 都市
11 Chs

Ruthless bastard

WTF how is this and why do I feel a even greater force In him than I felt of the dragon woman it feels as if he could slice my throat faster than 0.1 second terrified I was so I was respectfull to this older Master.

Im sorry great Master im a foolish dog who proably got drunk sir. Tsk useless bastard you can't even do your duty right and you just go and play with whores all Day and then you go out to such a place beacouse you are drunk!? without Telling your parents and I your soverign next time I Will put you on frontlines of the great war against The tier 7 beats

I dont say anything and end up just staring down.

Klulia i Hope you raise our bastard son better than this trash i Will not allow more disgrace to the Great profound cultivation sect no more.

Yes sir we shall not put more shame on your highness.

The soverign walks out of the prince room, I finally get some water to stop this horrible thrist.

The supposply Mother says get some sleep my son when you feel that you finally are ready to your profound duty. (Duty? they both said duty it sounds that I have some responibltys that must do or he Will put on that battlefield with thoose tier 7 monsters i dont how strong that is but I dont want to meet something even sighlty close to man or that beatuful dragon. I sigh and ask my Mother the profound duty uh can you mom perhaps Tell me a little about?

She looks puzzled and disptomanted at me, Kluxia did you hit your head or something how could you forgot a royal duty of imperier?

Im very cunfused to get all this information at once, and replie please you Tell me mom despartly i want to know what this duty is supospe to be, sigh first you premarried wife there Will soon be weeding (wife? weeding?) and the second i too hold your duty under your suborntie as the 5th son of the Grand pround soverign.

Now do relax Kluxia-chen i get the servants to get you some food, 2 hours later a servant comes in to the prince with the silver the servant looks annoyed at me as if she wanted me dead in that shithole, she's putting the silver plate on stomach here is your food so great prince, i open up the silver plate to realise that there is only half of food the meat is halfed and looks digusting all the vegatbles looks like it smashed by something i look at the servant angrylily supprised the Girl servant says if that was all then goodbye by great prince, WAIT! do you know how this food came to look like raw horseshit? i say aggresiveliy nevoursly she responds no your highness i dont know what happend.

I dont belivie her, if that was really the case then why has she been so mad and disprectfull the moment she came in her, a common Maiden should be proud to serve a great prince but she basicly a bitch, I test her to his loyalty would you eat it if you had no choice? i saie gently she responds Quick No your highness i would not can i go now? (i dont feal much loyaltiy eat this half Meat NOW she comes and take the Meat hestionly but end up eating it, you May go i said.

she almost crying and I almost feal bad to do that but I my mind i know that such diskret to a royalty is dealt with death punsihment.

Yes this was just a small punsihment, before i had tryed to get up but it looks like my body is exhausted to its very core i dont how it got to this state but I dont much of it and thinks how this New world Will go as royalty but the on thing In my head was when that father figure said that Im a bastard feeling powerless i ended up falling In sleep not knowing who to deal with this ridducles and fun New life In this world.