
Chapter 2 Fighting to die

Eldest returned to the Bloodline that night looking sad and angry, it turned out that she had grown attached to me, to having someone to call her own,

"What took you so long" said Davien

Eldest walked on without answering him, Davien turned around and confronted her

"Am I not talking to you"

"Can you just leave me alone Davien"

*What has gotten into you"

"Just shut up Davien,. His mother put him in my charge and you made me give him away, she wouldn't have done that Davien"

"Yes she would because that's what's best for her son, do you think she would leave him here especially when the Gune are going to attack any minute from now"

Eldest didn't answer and if she was honest to herself she didn't care, for the first time since she was born she had loved something very deeply and now it was taken away from her.

"Look I know you loved and cared for him like he was your own but in order to protect him, you have to let him go"

Eldest was still dejected and so ignored him and walked on,

"The Gune will be here any minute from now"

Eldest stopped in her tracks.

"We will need all the help we can get" said Davien

"What's the point, you know more than anyone that we'll die"

Davien sighed and said,

"At least we will die trying to save what our forefathers have built"

Eldest was surprised, Davien had always been emotionless due to his past, no one knew what happened not even Eldest who knew everything, but now he spoke with so much passion as if he believed in what he was saying, determination and hope lit up in her soul as she nodded at Davien.

Just then, men in black robes surrounded the mountains where the Bloodline stayed, they had pitch black eyes and hair with pale skin, they flew on black clouds of smoke and stopped at the great gates.

"Quickly gather everyone and prepare for war"



Even women and children had to participate in the war, it was crazy, even nursing mothers were ready to fight, ready to die.

The Gune broke the gate down with their arcane magic. Rashier floated towards the vampires, he looked down on them studying their faces one by one, he didn't need magic to know that these people were ready to defend their clan to the end. He smiled at their pathetic gesture and said in the calmest way possible,


The Gune raced forward ready to shed blood, Davien looked around at the people he had considered as his family and faced forward


The vampires fought bravely some even managed to kill, but it wasn't enough these creatures had killed their best, Eldest looked around at all the dead bodies surrounding her,. she couldn't believe it, how could this happen, the bodies if men, women and children who had fought well to protect the Bloodline, she turned around to see who was left, Davien slashed a Gune's throat with a wisp of thick black smoke, he was till fighting for a clan that wasn't his, he was a Gune that had dedicated his life to the Bloodline and turned into a vampire, a shrill cry was heard and Eldest saw Davien's head roll in front of her, he was dead, uncontrollable tears started flowing from her eyes, she was the only one left.

The Gune surrounded her their black wisps of smoke ready to end her life, Rashier stood in front of her and stooped low and cleaned the tears from her eyes, she looked up into those deep black eyes, eyes that reminded her so much of Davien.

"You still have another chance, you can join us, you don't have to keep your loyalty in an already dead clan"

Eldest didn't answer.

"I know of your gifts and your power, you could finally put them to good use"

Eldest pushed his hand away and bent her head, she muttered something under her breath and a pendant appeared in her hand out of Rashier's sight, she looked up again at Rashier,

"I would rather die and join my people than..."

She was cut off by a slap.

"You know for the eldest vampire you are very stupid"said Rashier.

Instead of replying she started a spell,

"Hashi Nakan Homeru..."

"Any last words" said Rashier his black smoke ready to end her life, she used that moment to finish the spell and then said,

"Rayhu" she threw the pendant in the air as it disappeared.

The black smoke engulfed her head, she didn't scream or yell, she just closed her eyes as her head was swept clean off her body. Rashier smiled with satisfaction as he instructed his people

"Burn the place down"