
Lost Bird

Unfold the story of a knight who's been tangled up with an assassin on a cold night.

Xihan · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Winter Night

" Sir. Sten, you don't really have to overwork yourself. You can go home now. I can manage these. I'll be finish with all of these not later than thirty minutes."

" But Dame, I can still help you finish these. Four hands are better than two " he insisted.

" I'll be fine. Besides, your home is in the 7th district and it's faraway from here." I let a smile.

" Are you sure you'll be fine on your own Dame?" he asked. Worried.

" Yes, I will be" I reassured him.

" Thank you Dame. I'll see you on monday."

" Yes"

I was left with files on my table when he left the room. The cold has made my bones tremble. I sped through all of the papers because the weekend starts tomorrow, and I won't be bringing paperwork with me on weekends. After all, who wants to work on weekends?

I completed everything and cleaned up my table. I shut all of the windows and doors. I took a stroll through the dimly lit corridors. Only the street lights shining through the windows provide illumination for the passageways. Through the stairwell, I heard footsteps. I didn't come to a halt. I continued going, sensing that someone was approaching.

" Good evening Dame Raine." He greeted.

He's right there in front of me. I can see his golden wavy pulled back hair and green eyes that stand out from his features thanks to the light refracting through the windows.

" Good evening, Sergeant Milligen." I greeted back.

" Are you on your way out Dame Raine? "

" Yes, I am. I suppose you too are heading to the same direction as I am."

" Ah yes, Dame. Is it fine if I join you?"

" Of course."

We walked down the halls together, and when we got to the entrance, he offered to escort me home, but I declined.

My residence is located in the second district. Because my office is in the first district, it's not far away. I walked past a bakery and saw that they still had the bread I love. Five loaves of bread and a cup of hot chocolate milk were purchased. Because of the bread and hot cocoa, my hands are warming up. The smoke appears to be visible when it goes right through the paper bag and the cup lid. Dannet was standing in the corner as I walked briskly through the streets. He's making eye contact with a woman. The lady appears to be stunning. Her black hair complements her attractive face shape and brown eyes, giving her a youthful appearance. The woman appears to be in good shape, but witnessing Dannet flirt with her makes my stomach turn.I strolled by them, pretending not to see them. I spotted Dannet staring at me, so I sped up my pace. Dannet forcefully grasped my shoulder.

" Where do you think you're going?" He asked. Menacingly.

" Abandoning her just like that is rude, Sir. Dannet " I said.

" Come on, Raine. I didn't even know her name." He said grinning.

" What an asshole"

He laughed. " I know."

The air was deafeningly quiet. No one spoke or even attempted to speak. Our footsteps and the snow crashing on our shoes can be heard. Street dogs barking and families gathering inside their homes. I came to a halt and gazed at the river. It's iced over. The river that was once vibrant and clear. It's cold and still right now. Dannet was just standing there from where he had stopped walking when I looked at him.

" Why am I even friends with you?" I teased.

" Hmm, I wonder why." He replied.

" Shut up, womanizer. Where are you heading off to?" I asked.

" At the pub." He said. Puts his hand in his pocket.

" Pub? You're spouting lies again Sir. Dannet. There's no pub around this corner. " I smirked.

He laughed. " You know I'm kidding, right?" He's smiling so hard.

" I know. "

" Raine, I know dating isn't really your kind of thing but get some life, you know."

" Look who's talking. You can't even date a woman properly. "

He sighed. I laughed at him. He bumped his fist on my shoulder.

" Hey. Be careful. My hot chocolate's going to spill." I grumbled.

" oh, sorry 'bout that."

" I don't know why you're popular with the ladies. You're not even a gentleman yourself."

" Am I not? Really?"

" Yeah, definitely. We've been walking for almost 10 minutes now and you never offered to assist me to carry this." I presented my paper bag.

" How many bread did you bought? " he asked as he looks at my paper bag.

" Five." I answered plainly.

" Well, if you give me four of those, I would gladly carry that paper bag. " he joked.

" No, thank you."

" Look, I walked you home. See?" he stood in front of me. We're in front of my house.

"And you still not see me as a gentleman." he grumbled. He's attempting to be sad and dissatisfied, but as he tries more, he becomes more amusing to look at.

" Sir. Dannet Boid, thank you very much for walking me home. You are TRULY A GENTLEMAN. THE BEST GENTLEMAN I have ever met. "

He smiled widely.

" Ha. Anything for you, MY LADY." he said as he bowed.

" See you on monday." I said as I opened the door.

" Nope. See ya tomorrow. 4pm at the cafe near the train station. Don't forget OUR DATE." he said as he walks away.

Every single time, he does it on purpose! Damn! I'm not going to waste my valuable weekend.

I shut the door and walked over to the kitchen to get the bread. The two loaves and the chocolate milk are reheated. After that, I went to the bathroom to get ready for my bath. I cleaned up after myself and ate my dinner.

Because of the warm water in my bath tub, I can feel my body warming up. Since I lit the hearth, the living room should be toasty when I return from the bathroom. As soon as the water became colder, I ended my bath. In front of the mirror, I blow dry my copper red hair. I looked in the mirror and saw how pale my skin was. My nose are quite small. My hair and eyes are the only features on my body that appear to be alive. I changed into my nightgown and then into my robe. From my courtyard, I heard a huge thud. When I opened the door to my courtyard, I noticed a lot of blood on the ground. I glanced around the bushes and trees but couldn't find anyone.I stood there expecting it to appear. I'm aware that someone is looking at me, and I can sense the gaze.

" I shall not tell anyone what happened here. I heard nothing. I saw nothing. Now, be on your way and leave me alone" I said. I'm still staring at the bushes on my courtyard. As if I'm expecting he's hiding there. He's not moving nor making a sound. I turned my back and grabbed the doorknob. A footstep is coming behind me. I stopped.

" Why would I believe you then?" he said. He's being careful. He has a deep and smoky voice.

" You don't have to believe me" I can feel the cold sipping in.

I couldn't hear anything because there was no sound or movement. When I turned around, he was nowhere to be found. I searched every nook and cranny, as well as the bushes. He'd simply gone away.

When I awoke the next morning, I was stiff from my arms to my back. That dreadful assassin left a trail through my yard! It's a good thing I spent two hours searching for and wiping up any traces, since if anyone found out, I'd be in big trouble. Most certainly, they'll make me an accomplice, which would land me in serious problems because many of those high-ranking jerks despise me. So, for what truly happened last night, I'm a great accomplice.



Whatever! What happened already happened!

I arose from my bed. My room is a little dark because candlelight and a single moon lamp by my bed are the sole sources of illumination. I went to my living room, grabbing a large coat from my closet.

The entire home is freezing. The fire has gone out in the hearth. I walked into the kitchen to get my breakfast ready. I built a fire in the hearth by stacking logs. The temperature in the room is rising. I walked out into my patio, breakfast in one hand and chair in the other. I took a seat in the middle and gladly ate my breakfast.

What a chilly winter day it is. I hope I can maintain this level of serenity for the rest of my life. This is where I call home.

I took a peek at the corner where the man had been standing the night before. The cloth rack is affixed to the ceiling, as I can see. I never imagined I'd be able to link my second laundry room to my courtyard with just a doorway. It didn't even occur to me that it would look cool. I can see my courtyard from here, and I'm warming up under the roof. Since the cloth rack is the only thing hanging here, it wouldn't look awful. I walked into the kitchen and scrubbed the dishes as soon as I completed my breakfast. I sat on my couch, enjoying the cool weather. I said a falsehood and saw the ceiling. It's been two years since I've had a permanent address on my own. Nothing is more important to me than this. For the time being, I'm fine with staying at home and eating warm meals to achieve my peace of mind.

I shut my eyes. The only thing I can feel is the warmth of the fire in the hearth. The phone then rang. I opened my eyes and picked up the phone.

" Hello, this is Cleraine du Gruffyd Residence. How may I help you? "

"Raaaaaiiinnnnneeee "

This loud man.

" Yes, Dannet? "

" Our date! Do you still remember?" he asked enthusiastically.

" Yeah. What about it?" My voice has an irritated tone to it.

" I changed my mind. I'll pick you up 10 minutes before 6 this evening."

" Where do you want me to go this time? I swear I'll kill you if you do something stupid again."

" Come on. Trust me like good old times buddy "

" Alright, alright. Be sure you'll be here like you said or I'll definitely see you on monday."

" Of course, of course Madame Cleraine. Bye, see you later " then he hunged up the phone.

What the hell is going on here? I'm not sure how to read that person. I'm envious of him. He's always been a easygoing guy since we were youngsters. I suppose there's always that one person who doesn't change over time.

It's thirty minutes before six o'clock, and I'm changing my clothing leisurely.


" I don't really feel like going out at this hour. Why must I go with him when I didn't even agreed in the first place?!"

I sighed out of frustration.

When I hear a knock on my main door, I put on my socks and winter gloves. When I opened the door, Dannet was grinning from ear to ear.

" You are way to early young man " I muttered.

Snow droplets glisten in his ash brown hair. As I changed my coat in my quarters, I welcomed him in then he sat on the sofa.

" Tik tok, Raine"

This jackass arrived early and began telling me to hurry up. The fuck's wrong with him?!

" I'm coming out now. "

As soon as he heard me walking down the stairs, he stood up.

" Wow" he expressed.

" You've seen me wearing these clothes countless times already."

" You're right, that's why I'm awed at how ugly and boring you look right now"

I smiled at him.

" You done mister?"

" Yes." He smiled back at me.

I sighed and walked over to the door.

" Hurry up and get out or I'll lock you up here"

" Yes madame."

We're walking along a street near the 2nd and 1st district boundaries. Every night, you'll observe a lot of young people getting inebriated on these well-known streets.

" As I suspected, you really went for the pub, Dannet Boid."

"Of course, baby. Now come on or the others will go home if they don't see me coming in the pub." he grabbed my hand. He seems excited. Who did he invite though?

We went inside the pub and there are way too many people.

" Who are we looking for Hermano?"

"Them" he said as we walked towards a table near the counter.

" You're late Dannet" Wyliame complain.

" Sir. Mystogan, you just waited 3 minutes for me so stop with the complain." Dan replied.

" It's Milligen not Mystogan, Boid." Wyl countered.

We both took a seat. Dan took a seat next to me. Randal is on the other side of me. Lynette, Wyl, Sten, Rollo, and Zane. ——— Sten I had no idea he was going to show up.

" Alright guys, lets get wasted tonight and rest like a dead person all day tomorrow " Randal cheered.

They cheered and went on to the counter and get their ales.

" They look like excited little kids " I murmured.

" Missy, you should enjoy while you're young " Zane whispered. He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

" Get me my ale, Z. "

" Alright! Randal, get two pints for Raine!!" he shouted.

" AAAYYYEEEEE!!! " Randal frantically ordered on the counter.

Oh, the horror. As he placed the two pints in front of me, I shook my head. They were staring at me. I returned their stare.

I stood up then raise the pint " Well, I won't back down when it comes to drinking"

They sprang to their feet and applauded loudly. Dan finished his ale and went on to drink another. Everyone was making a racket. Laughter and applause can be heard all around me. Sten and Rollo are busy flirting with each other as if we aren't around.

" You two stop it. I'm missing my girlfriend and yet here you are flirting in front of me. Show some mercy please" Lyn stated.

" Go get your own partneeersssss!!!" Zane exclaimed.

" You're single too, motherfucker" Randal replied.

Randal and Zane got in a tease fight. As they teasingly hit each other, we giggled.

" Oh! Here he is! " Lyn exclaimed.

Huh? She invited another one?

Lyn motioned to someone behind the counter. My gaze was drawn to the counter. A towering man is approaching us. His golden eyes stick out the most against his jet black hair, but he still manages to appear stylish with it.

Lyn stood up and approached him.

" Guys " she said to catch our attention.

" Sir. Aspen Grenville " He stood there and smiled.

"Good evening ladies and gents" he greeted.

They all smiled in response to his greeting. His tone is frigid and uninviting. Is it just me who thinks this way?

Everyone took a seat. Randal sat in front of me after offering him a seat. Because of his golden eyes, I feel like I'm standing in front of a crow. His gaze was drawn to mine. I averted his stare and shifted my gaze to the counter. I unintentionally locked eyes with the girl who had been staring at me for quite some time now. To get Aspen's brew, Dan headed to the counter. That took my attention away. I then joined Lynette and the others in their talk.

The tavern fills up as the night goes on, and more customers coming in and out. I'm starting to feel a little tipsy. Zane, Dan, and Rollo are constantly talking nonsense and laughing at everything. Wyl continues nagging me to go out with him and buy him ice cream in the streets. Lyn, on the other hand, is attempting to shove Wyl away from me.

" We look like a mess here" Sten muttered while he's looking at us.

Randal is busy capturing a photograph of us. " Sing Dan! Siinnnng!!!"

Wyl began wailing on the corner after I pushed him away. Lyn consoles him and eventually begins to cry as well.

" Lyn, I can't believe Raine pushed me just like that. She doesn't love me anymore" he sobbed.

I really wanted to laugh at them, but I just couldn't. I'm terrified I'll puke here the instant I open my mouth, and that would be so awful.

Sten dashed to the restroom in a hurry. While the rest of us are in a state of mayhem, Aspen is sitting quietly drinking. Randal continues to take photographs. Zane is currently making a snow angel position on the floor. My head is resting on the table. I can hear Dan harmonizing with Rollo while singing 'Auld Lang Syne.' I gave the table a soft punch. Their voices are causing more pain in my brain than before. Randal joined in on the singing. It's making me puke right now. I wish they'd shut up!! They're cracking up my skull! I hurriedly went to the restroom, where rainbows appeared.

I stepped out of my cubicle. I gurgled, and cleansed my hands and face. I noticed that girl on the counter go in as I was wiping my wet face. She gave me a surprised look, as if she hadn't expected me to be here. The feeling's mutual, girl. I continued wiping my face with a tissue. She came up to me.

" How are you? Sobbered up, honey?"

" Not really but better" I replied. We both smiled at each other.

" I just can't take my eyes off of you. You're drop dead gorgeous. "

Ooohhh. I see ~~~

" You look sexy too hun but I'm not really in the mood for that now "

" Yeah. I can see. That golden eyed fellow. He keeps staring at you nonstop, you know " She noticed. Sharp

I giggled. " Don't worry hun. He won't get laid by me tonight " I winked at her.

She took a step towards me, going closer and closer. Her lips brushed across mine. She bit my lower lip.

She giggled. " See you around"

I saw her went out of the washroom.

When I returned to our table, I noticed Lyn and Wyl had joined the crack chorus. Sten is seated with his arms crossed in front of him.

" You good?" I asked.

" I feel my liver's gonna pass out anytime soon. Thanks for asking " Sten replied.

I locked my gaze on Aspen. Isn't he the quiet type? Whatever. As I sat down, I observed Zane asleep beneath the table. I'm not sure how I ended up hanging out with these guys. Sten, who doesn't move an inch even when you ask for assistance. Lyn added Aspen, a shy crow who might speak up soon. Then there's the band, which is made up of the town's biggest idiots.

" Mom " I heard Zane mumbled.

" Huh? You heard that? " I looked at Aspen.

Aspen looked at me and shooked his head. What the hell?

" Mooommmyyyy " Zane cried.

I hurriedly covered Zane's mouth, surprised by his presence. I'm now kneeling beneath the table, attempting to cover Z's mouth. Holy crap! I didn't signed up for this. Save meeeeee!!

" Heeyyyyy! Z, wake up!!!!!"

I tried to wake him up, but he was no longer wailing. Out of tiredness, I breathed and exhaled. When can I go home?

Zane then hugged me from behind.

" Please don't go away my little bear" he mumbled.


I attempted to get away from him but couldn't. I had no idea he was so powerful when he was inebriated. I can't stop myself from trying to break away.

" Zane, let me go please."

I've tried and I'm tired. Drunk tired.

Sten stood up and get Zane away from me.

" Oh gee, thanks. Thought you'd never hel----- "


When Aspen suddenly carried me, I was taken aback. I fixed my gaze on him. I can see his golden eyes staring directly at me.

" Put me down" I commanded.

He put me down without hesitation. I straighten up my clothes.

" Will you excuse me, I'm retiring for the night." I said as I put on my scarf.

" I'll walk you home " Sten suggested.

" No, tend to your boyfriend. I'll be fine."

I walked out of the bar. I can see how dark the sky is before dawn. At the very least, I'll be marginally warm when I walk home.

I'm walking alone in these snowy streets after spending the night drinking until I passed out. When I got home, the sun had already risen. I was too tired to make breakfast, so I retired to my quarters and slept all day.

I felt light-headed when I awoke. Who wouldn't after napping for the entire day? I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I can't believe I awoke only to go back to sleep. This is the laziest weekend I've ever had in my life. I stacked wood and built a fire in the hearth. I sat on the couch and ate my wheat bread while sipping my protein drink. I had better not do it again next weekend, or else my liver would give up on me. As I stared at the fire, fragments of yesterday night's events flashed across my consciousness.

" What the hell happened last night? "

I stared blankly to the fire.

" I didn't do anything embarassing, did I? "

Someone knocked on my door as I struggled to recall all that had transpired the night before. I peered through the windows of my house to see who it was. In front of my front door, I saw a man. A golden wavy hair is visible at the corner of my window. Wyliame? Dan's face flashed directly outside my window as I peered again. I pushed open the door as rapidly as I could.

" Peekaboo, darling " Dan greeted.

" I'm not having guests and I'm not going anywhere. Goodbye and leave me alone. " I stated.

" Now now, don't be hasty master Gruffyd of the 2nd district. We're not here to take you anywhere. " Randal flashily said.

" Ah. What a messy hair you've got Raine. " Rollo added.

" Shut up you gu--"

I fixed my gaze on him. He's behind Zane. He's just staring me in the eyes. I never expected him to tag along with these crackheads.

Sten put his arm around Aspen.

" I see, you're not expecting Aspen to hang around, did you? "

" Uh- no, definitely. " I stutter.

" Alright, I know darling that we're full of surprises so where's th----" I blocked him from entering.

" Where do you think you're going mister? "

He backed off. " I see we're not welcome as of the moment. We can just hang around at Zane's house. See ya around "

I looked at him straight in the eyes, and it was clear that it irritated him. I just stood there in the doorway, staring at him. He gave me a sly grin. Oh boy, you think that'll work on me? I turned around and closed the door.

" Ha. This is the sole reason why you still don't have any boyfriend " he snapped.

I burst out laughing. Is it possible that I just heard Dannet shatter his nerves? With a grin on my face, I opened the door.

" Poor Dannet, you're still quick-tempered "

" Whatever "

" Fine. Come on in."

" I won't. Not until you apologize"

" Fine. The rest of you can come in. Leave Dan outside " I teased.

" Why're you such a bully? " Dannet grumbled as he went inside.

I simply shrugged it off. Talking back to him means arguing, and if that happens, we won't be talking to each other tomorrow.

Everyone was huddled in the living room, trying to stay warm. Lynette assisted in the preparation of hot supper for the guys. Wyliame and Zane are sifting through my wine collection. Randal and Sten set out to prepare the meat they had purchased. Aspen was just hanging out with Rollo and Dannet, who were keeping the fire warm by the fire place.

" Did you guys went home safely this morning? "

" We didn't went home this morning. " Lyn replied.

" Did you?"

" We just slept in the pub then when the owner actually woke us up, that's when we went home then went out again. We went to the market to buy these things. Sten actually took Rollo home. Aspen looked out for us in the pub. "

Ah. So you guys did went home. -_-

" Whoah. you guys are sick."

" I know. It's just so sad that you went home early. "

" Hmm "

I helped Lyn make the nachos and then made salsa on the way. On the dining table, Wyl and Z placed four bottles of wine. As Sten removed the meat from the oven, Randal prepared the glasses. Sten needed help putting the meat on the table, so Rollo stepped over to assist him. Dan is dozing off on the couch. Sound asleep. Aspen goes about his business.

Everyone congregated in the dining room. Dannet, who had been napping, was startled awake when the cork from the wine bottle popped out.

" Man, I still can't remember what happened last night " Zane groaned.

" Wanna know? " Sten asked.

" Hey guys, Who was it that took all of the photos in my camera? " Randal asked.

Sten took out all the photos and put it on the table. " You looking for these Randal?"

" Yo bro, I didn't know you're so quick when it comes to these kind of things " Randal took the photos.

" Can I see? " Zane tilted his head to Randal's shoulder.

" You wanna see you're ugly face here, Raine ?" Dannet teased.

" Not interested " I replied while sipping a glass of wine.

" Look at this. " Randal took one photo.

" I didn't know this happened last night."

It drew the attention of everyone. We rushed over to Randal's to check what the picture was. The photo, to my astonishment, was of me and Zane holding me from behind.

" Z, I didn't know you and Raine are a thing, huh." Rollo giggled.

" Who the fuck took this?" Zane asked. He's flustered.

" Definitely not me, bro" Randal claimed.

" That angle" I mumbled.

" Huh?" Lynette looked at me.

" You fucker. That's why you helped him get off me. " I'm glaring at him.

" You let your guard down, Raine " Sten countered.

" You !!!" I went to Sten and tried grabbing his collar but he's quick to avoid my hands.

Everyone is now attempting to calm and restrain me, but I grabbed items and hurled them towards Sten. Sten is having a great time avoiding all of them. Finally, I took out a frying pan. I extended my arm and flung it as hard as I could to Sten. I couldn't take another step because I was out of breath. I returned Sten's stare, perplexed as to why everyone was staring at me.

" Oh my god Raine " Lynette gasped.

" I just witnessed a murder " Dan said.

I looked at the floor and saw Aspen lying.


I looked at Rollo. I can see his horrified expression.

Oh, crap.