
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · 都市
473 Chs

What had you taken?

As we were driving for some time, I kept smiling.


As I kept observing Paula, I smiled, and when she hugged me, we finally came to our destination. Looking into Paula's eyes, she smiled, and when we had come to our destination, we came out.


Seeing her smile, I nodded, and not long after, we came inside. Seeing our parents talking, Paula's mom said, "Oh, you can go upstairs. Food will be in around twenty-five minutes."


"Ok, mom."


Hearing Paula's words, I smiled, and not long after, we came into Paula's room. After lying, I looked into her. Seeing her smile, and not long after, we started watching the series.


While doing it, all at one point we had come to an end, as we needed to go downstairs.


When we came downstairs, I smiled, and not long after sitting, I looked around. While smiling, I looked at everyone.


Seeing what food we had here, Paula smiled, and not long after we started eating.


As we were doing it, at one point, we had done it.


Seeing Paula's look, I smiled and seeing her look, I smiled, and not long after talks were ongoing. As this was happening, I looked into Paula's eyes.


As she was smiling, she took pills from her bag. Seeing it, I smiled, and not long after, she took it.


Seeing it, she smiled, and not long after, Mom asked, "What had you taken?"

 "To not puke."


"Oh ok," Mom said, to Paula. Seeing them, I smiled, and seeing that cakes had come, I looked into them. Seeing it, I could all smile.


When Paula's mom moved the cake away from Paula, she said, "not too much."


"Mommy," Paula said while making a sad face. Seeing it, I could shake my head. When I had done this, I could see Paula's expression. While doing it, for some time she said, "Baby wants sweets."


"Honey, give her," Paula's dad said. Hearing his words, Paula smiled, and not long after Paula received the cake.


Seeing it, I could smile, and talk move back to what was talked about. So what will we buy for our child?


While doing it, all I could hear was what each one wanted to buy. Mom moved into what sisters will need to buy.


As all was happening, time passed. When we had done all here with this topic, talks moved to rest.


While doing it, all at one point, we had done it all here. Looking into Paula's face, she smiled, and we moved back to the car, and not long after, we started driving back home.


While doing it, all at one point we had come back home. Seeing it, we come slowly back inside. While there, Paula looked at me, and after kissing me, she said, "apple juice."


"Ok," I said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and not long after I walked into the kitchen. While being there, I took it, and while looking into her, I smiled.


Seeing her, I sat on Paula's side, and not long after we started watching the series. While doing it, all at one point, we had done it all here. As suppertime had come.


After knowing what Paula wanted, I smiled, and we started making it. I took most things while she kept observing me, and telling me what I should add.


When we had done all this, I smiled, and not long after, we moved onto the couch to watch once again. While doing it, all at one point, we had done it all here.


Seeing Paula's expression, she said, "Bed, and we will continue watching there."


Hearing her words, I nodded, and not long after, we moved to the bedroom. While being there, we started once again watching. While doing it, all at one point, we had done it all here.


Seeing Paula walking to have a bath, I said, "I will clean it all."


"Ok," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and she walked into the kitchen. Seeing it, I smiled, and not long after I walked downstairs.


While there, I smiled, and not long after I started cleaning downstairs.


It all took me around an hour.


It was my thought.


After checking for an hour, I could see that I spent almost two hours cleaning.


Knowing it, I shook my head and walked to the bedroom. Seeing that Paula was sleeping, I took a quick bath, and after coming into bed, she hugged me.


Seeing it, I said, "Did I wake you?"


"No," she said, and after kissing me, I smiled, and not long after, we fell once again asleep.