
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · 都市
473 Chs

Making contacts

After coming to the room, I could see much fewer people. Then I expected. Seeing them, the professor said, "No idea where your place is, Jack."

"Oh, do not worry. I will handle it."

Hearing my words, he nodded and walked away. Seeing it, I started walking while looking for an empty place. Finally, I came closer, and I could see my name there.

After sitting, I looked at everyone at this table.

For sure, I am the youngest. Knowing it, I took my lunch and started eating.

Truly, I haven't paid too much attention to the talks here.

When I had done all this, I took juice, and after filling the glass, and drinking, finally, an older man on my side asked, "Who are you?"

"Jack Smith."

Hearing my words, he looked at me, and as I pointed to the card, he added, "I can read which university."

"He is from this one. Jack, are you ready" Fred's voice came?

Hearing him, I nodded, and when I crept up and started my walk. When we had come to another room, I could see that Fred was smiling. Seeing it, I asked, "What?"

"I needed to act as soon as possible. America, they could buy you."

"Oh, come on. I have my own money," I said. Hearing my words, Fred shook his head, and as I smiled, I looked at him.

When I kept doing it, for some time, he added, "So as we had done all here. Rest will start soon."

"Ok," I said, and he nodded not long after the rest began.

Talks sitting and eating.

After this, I come back home late, and what I left for me is only sleep.

From Tuesday to Friday, the same thing happened.

Wake up, a school for two lessons and later to university until late.

Saturday had finally come. On Sunday, I have plans to stay at home and do nothing.

This all started becoming too huge for me.

I need to have a quick break.

After waking up, I shook my head and did my morning routine. Good that I could sleep today for later.

When I do all that I should, I come out. Seeing JJ's tired face, he said, "Last day."

"Yes. You don't like it."

"I understand nothing," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded and added, "It is the last day. So do not worry."

"Good," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and as I smiled, our drive there began.

It took us some time, and I drank around half of my coffee, and when I had done all this, I smiled and moved from the car. As today is the last day, nobody who isn't invited should come.

Knowing it, I smiled, and when I looked at JJ, he stayed in the car. Knowing it, I nodded, and when he looked at me, I smiled and walked inside.

When I looked around, I could see the professor there. Seeing me, he smiled and said, "So now will be the worst day."

"Oh, talks."

Hearing me, he nodded, and when I looked at him, I walked after him.

When we sat, I could hear an argument between two people.

As the professor looked at me, he asked, "You have an idea how it should go."

Hearing the professor's words, I looked at him and said, "No idea about what they are talking about. Going only on, which is so difficult."

"Oh," the professor said, and when he got up and walked to the side, he came back not long after with a piece of paper.

Seeing it, I nodded, and while seeing it, I took from my backpack, notebook and pen.

While having it all with me, I looked at him and started doing it.

As I kept doing it, the professor started laughing.

Probably someone saw what I am doing as more and more people show up.

I could see on the side of my eye that they were there.

As I kept doing it, all I could hear a few times were questions about why I was doing it.

After quick answers, I keep doing it after all.

When I had done this all, I smiled and showed this to the professor. When I had done this, he nodded, and as he smiled, he said, "So my thoughts were right."

"Marc," one of the people said while looking at him, and they started talking.

While hearing it, I added a few words. Why haven't I gone in some directions?

When I had done this all, I smiled and looked at everyone. When I had done this, the talks kept going on.

Seeing it, I smiled and moved to the side. No idea why, but it exhausted me.

Feeling it mentally, I walked to the bathroom, and when I was done there. I came out, and I could see Fred.

Seeing my look, he smiled and passed juice to me.

Seeing it, I sipped, and he said, "Now you will be talking all around."

"Oh, come on. I am nothing so special."

"You are '' Fred said. Hearing his words, I shook my head. When he looked at me, I smiled and continued, "No, I am not. Let's push this to the side. I need to fully focus on other things."

"We will see," Fred said, and as I nodded, I smiled, and we walked back.

While seeing the professor smiling, he kept talking.

Seeing it, I stayed on the side.

I wanted to be on the side.

It hasn't happened. When everyone started talking to me.

After finding out, that I am not studying just in high school.

On everyone's face shock had come.

Knowing it, I keep talking.

When I kept doing it, for some time we moved to the math side.

As we keep talking about this, time passed.

Now it has become more relaxed, but still.

I am a little nervous.

There are too many people around me.

When we had done this as lunch had come, I smiled and moved to my place.

When I had finished eating, all the talks kept going on. After this, all keeps going. While this all kept happening, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I moved to the side, and when I answered, I said, "Yes, Mom."

"Jack, where are you?"

"Oh, at university," I said.

"What are you doing there?" Mom asked.

"You know that the mathematicians' meeting is here. Professor Anderson asked me to be here," I said.

"Oh, ok. I will call you tomorrow," Mom said, and she hung out. Hearing it, I smiled, and when I came back inside, I could see the groups created.

Seeing it, I smiled, and I started talking with someone while I kept changing groups. Making connections and talking will be useful, for later.

This I am sure. So I tried to talk with them as much as possible. From a few, I took phone numbers.

When I kept doing it, I smiled as time passed. Even with dinner, I keep talking.

Feeling fully exhausted, I do not know how long I will spend there.

Time passed.

When all has come for me to end as almost everyone will go somewhere. I just don't want to go anywhere, not home.

When I said goodbye to most, I came back to the car, and JJ drove me back home.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming out I could see that Paula had come.

Seeing her, I smiled, and when she looked at me. We came into my place. When I hugged her, she kissed my cheek, and I waited to see what was on her head.