
Capítulo 14 Control anatómico

King of shadows: well congratulations on your victory now the next one will be.

I lower the roulette wheel and spin and since there were only 3 of us left, well we didn't get scared, I remain silent in the name of Ángel

King of shadows: and the opponent will be, 27, please go down to the combat arena, please leave those who do not participate in the arena.

We say goodbye to Angel

Duncan's mind: now that I see her and I continue to see her I see that Beelzebub is very uncomfortable, I don't think she is planning anything yet.

We gave luck to Ángel before leaving and with that we stayed attentively watching the beginning of the way to analyze how to help Ángel.

Angel View:

I was waiting for my opponent and with that I saw him in the distance before a woman, a Dark Elf, wearing light armor, jumped out of the stands, but what caught my attention was the number of knives she had, since her armor He had thorns and in his hands two daggers and in his braided hair he had small knives in his braids, I suppose he was trying to kill me with that.

27: Ugh, a handsome boy, I think I'll cut off your little friend and keep him as a trophy.

Angel's Mind: I don't know who the hell she is, but I'll tear this one to pieces, I'll cut her hair.

King of shadows: begin

She ran away and jumped when I tried to hit her with my fist I see her face millimeters from mine, I saw her obsidian black eyes with that playful look, since she didn't see me as a threat she sees me as prey so I have to improvise.

27: wow you are very attractive if you keep holding on I might play with you if you know what I mean.

Angel: What do you mean by holding on?

A pulsating pain began to emanate from my chest, the bastard cut me and began to paralyze me I think, it doesn't hurt like hell, so with that I have to get serious from the beginning.

With my skill I try to close my wound and with that, I manage to close it, with a playful giggle she continues to approach, with this I begin to solidify the earth beneath me and I make a small Masó

27: What's wrong, are you tired? There's something interesting about my knives. They're not poisoned, but they do steal energy.

Angel: there is an advantage to being attacked one learns from mistakes

With my earthen mallet I hit her on the arm and her knife went flying.


She ran and with that she threw cuts one after another I could barely defend myself so she did what she shouldn't, she stabbed my hand and I stopped the bastard with that I see how all her knives are coming towards me trying to finish and keep her word and so it was that I used it transformation of matter.

All of her knives disappeared and most of her hair. The angry scream she gave was terrifying and blood-curdling, she went into despair.

27: why my hair was something very precious to me

Angel's Mind: Shit, I screwed up and my hand also hurts like hell and I need to take it off. It steals my energy. It's already reaching its limit so I need a little more time.

27: neutral space extension realm of needles

Everything around me changed, as a thousand needles and knives were forming from all damn sides. I was very screwed, but very, very screwed. She with a growling cry was the most afraid. All the knives began to see me and they launched themselves. .

Transformation of matter, one by one I saw the knives slowly, since it was the strongest thing in her space in her name, since I formed them into a shield, she became desperate because when she saw my tranquility I have everything under control although She doesn't believe it, I'm tired, very tired from handling all her weapons, her needles, her knives, and now I don't know what she's doing. I'm almost on my last legs, but I have time to rest with this great shield that I've made, but it can't be. She made a great dagger, since it looks like a game about killing monsters, as the reptile killer was called, it is huge and the truth is that I am still going backwards because my shield has more than 12 meters of pure steel that it generated,

A big hole and the tip is sticking out, I penetrate one I throw it and another I don't think the barrier can hold much I have to use it, since I don't think it can hold much, I sit down and try to recover as much energy as I can.

It wasn't long before the barrier fell and she saw that her armor was destroyed, only her clothes were a small sports bra and short shorts.

27: no, don't even think about it, I must win, I win

Angel: extension of the abyss disruption of matter

27: noooo

Her last attempt was to throw a knife at me, but I blocked it. I am now omnipresent in this place. Matter is my plasticine, my blank canvas. I win, whether she wants it or not.

27: You are a monster I should have won

View of the boys

We were eating something while watching Ángel's fight

Dario: Hey, I should have told him to control himself with her.

Duncan: na smile and wave

Emmanuel: give me more potatoes

Returning to Angel:

Since I became a god in my space she lost, since matter is my slave the rocks become metal and I chain her she is now at my mercy I win

With this she is tied hand to foot she is almost naked with a light knife I pierce her chest

She who was about to die again, she already started crying and her last words were, you are a monster, you took away everything that cost me...

And he died, that is, he returned to the king of shadows.

King of shadows: congratulations Ángel won

Shadow King's Mind

27: sobs, I'm sorry, teacher, I failed you.

King: no my girl you just ran into the wrong opponent, because like 20 you should feel proud

27: but my hair my weapons

King: I'll talk to Ángel ok

27: and mother

King: good girl

She hugged me and I cry now comfortingly

Returning to the sand

When everyone saw that great capacity they shouted with fervor.

Dario: you did it, you're great

Duncan: That's gangster gangster.

Emmanuel: well done

Some time after my friends give me the congratulations of my life under the king of shadows,

King of shadows: hello Angel, can you return what you did?

She took out 27 and she kept crying

Angel: oh I understand yes I'm sorry 27 I didn't want to hurt you so much I was scared when you said you would cut off my member

27: well it's fair I also behaved like an idiot so yes you can give me back my hair at least not so much my knives

Angel: sure, come closer

When she came closer to my touch her chest well one of them she got confused so when I see her heart I see the flow of matter and her long silky and beautiful hair came back with her small knives tied to their tips.

Something I didn't expect. When she saw her beautiful hair, she hugged me and kissed me. It felt strange to kiss another being of a different species.

27: thank you when you want to shake off your stress you can look for me I am in the left tower 2nd floor.

After that the space disappeared I won, but I collapsed, consciousness left me little by little

thanks for reading see you tomorrow with love Rixsune