
Capítulo 13: Sendero Oscuro

After Carlos' fight the roulette wheel turns and turns, since the next fighter will be chosen and ready, the next one will be Emmanuel.

When I see Emmanuel's face he knows it may be difficult to achieve but he is determined

King of shadows: well it's time for the opponent spin and spin roulette

When everyone saw that the roulette stopped at 20

King of shadows: okay, please number 20 to the combat arena, please the other contestants leave the arena and take Carlos to the medical area.

View of Emmanuel:

I see how everyone leaves and there I see them wishing me good luck and that they will return when they leave Carlos, although the signs they use are strange but I understand them.

I don't see my opponent anywhere, my radar is useless at the moment because I don't see anyone in my area, I only see the shadows of Darius and the king and Beelzebub and I don't feel the king.

Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jumped in surprise and with that it became clear to me that this enemy could not defeat them, I don't know what I can.

20: I thought you would feel me son, but it seems that not my level of stealth is very, very high I see it in your eyes you are someone who is just taking the reins of his life and you have only a few months polishing his skills, but I am someone who has been doing it for centuries, if you manage to hit me even once, I will accept defeat, do you think?

Emmanuel: what's the trick

20: the trick is that I will have some patience with you when I run out I will hit seriously

With that said my blood ran cold, but I nodded, ready, I'm going to win this.

King of shadows: I started the fight

20: fog of despair

He began to release multiple, multiple clouds of black gas covering everything around me.

Emmanuel's mind: ok I can I need to concentrate

I calmed down and tried to feel and see the future, there comes an object, I moved quickly and I only heard how the wall was destroyed,

20: well done, you are one of the few who could avoid that, you have my respects

Emmanuel: thank you, you flatter me

20: I think I can play a little more

I see it, I throw a lot of things, I try to move as much as I can with a footwork that I learned from my teacher but, ahaha

A blow to my head, that hit me really hard, damn I'm bleeding.

20: You are good, but you don't realize that

Emmanuel: What do you mean?

20: I told you why you reached the wall

Emmanuel: that's true

With my hands I touch the wall and feel it

I need to concentrate more. I take a deep breath and channel my energy. Suddenly I feel again. I can see again without my eyes. I already feel. I need multiple concentrated and connected skills.

With step by step that I take I see the bastard I see him preparing masses of objects to throw and with that I need to shut up and hit the bastard with this impulse of adrenaline I run towards him angry and concentrated I feel how everything around me moves from slow motion and with that I already had my victory card.

Seeing me go towards him, I see that he is preparing to jump. With my future vision, I see that he jumped to the right, almost to the corner of the arena, and with a rock that he took from the ground, I threw my rock towards his face and with that, his expression seemed to change.

20: you are the one who can entertain me I don't know how you see me you follow me and predict, but now I myself will destroy you

Emmanuel: That feels strange. In the future I see how he summons tentacles that would kill me. I take stones if I throw them one after another. He can't recite, concentrate to summon, so with another blow he came out of his stupor and by millimeters I almost hit his face with this. I feel good I can win

20: It's time to give you no chance, fog of nightmares

Whispers, one after another damn whisper I'm sorry

?: you are a loser

?: you're a fucking weakling

?: you won't be able to win

?: your friends don't love you

?: you are hindrance

?: your existence is a mistake

Emmanuel: his opponent's opponent

20: I see that you can't hold on, since the whispers are not just that I show you your worst fears your worst memories so that's it son checkmate




Emmanuel's mind: all I see is darkness everything I feel nothing I can't move this is being dead I did things right maybe I shouldn't have been born.

Before I gave up I heard some screams and I saw a ray of light and I heard them and I saw them more rays destroy the dark cloud and I felt it blue hands take my arms and pull me to get up and I saw them as if they were spirits of my friends and they just look at me and tell me

All: Emmanuel reacts you can win this battle.

I reacted and woke up suddenly with 20 super close to me, the punch I made was very fast, but he almost dodged it.

20: that is impossible, no one comes out of my haze of nightmares

Emmanuel: well I was the first

With that I see that the guy has reflexes of less than 20 milliseconds, that is how long it takes me to deliver a blow. I will try to deliver a kick, since it takes me less than 10.

I threw myself and with the fastest kick he doubled down and dodged it only after 8 milliseconds, but he couldn't counterattack.

I already understand his game, he can't attack in less than 50 milliseconds, but he can dodge in maybe less than 5 or even 2, so I have to break the defense, but overwhelming him is not an option, since he moves very fast.

20: ok I see that you are a very good boy, you have my respect, but I can't play anymore

20: extension of the abyss mental death, you are finished

Emmanuel: ok it's time to use it eighth consciousness creator extension

20: it can't be, you have to be fucking around

Emmanuel: I win this.

20: not if you can't see me

He tried to fade away and he did, but I have already won, since I can see where he is, plus I know where he is going to attack and I will also slow him down.

I see how I go for him trying to hit him he jumps in time and says angrily

20: like, how did you do that?

I didn't answer him I just said heavy movement

20: what are you doing hahahahaha

20: damn what you did to me

I must admit, the very powerful one could only slow down his arms and legs, not his entire body.

Now I have to do it with everything, I throw punches and blows, the rain that I unleashed on him and his movements felt strange, being limited, he moved his head and used his hips to dodge, I am impressed by how flexible he is and finally there he is with me. last kick to the limit hit his head he flew and crashed into the wall and with that I feel I screamed hahahahahaha

He looked angry, very angry, and I told him.

Emmanuel: bien gane ahahahahahaha

My friends, without me feeling them, hugged me from behind, since my space disappeared.

Darío: you did it friend

Duncan: well you are the riata

Angel: great

Shadow King: congratulations

See you tomorrow in the next chapter with love Rixsune