
Lord of the Truth

Robin Burton is a young man who grow with everything anyone can hope for, immense talent for cultivation, sharp mind, a wealthy family that will stop at nothing to protect and nurture him He had everything... except the willingness to take them. "Why would I take the same route as my ancestors ? why should I become stronger? to beat this and compete with that..? At the end of this road what will happen? get a harem then die and be forgotten after a few years? NO! That is not what I got my talent for... THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS BORN FOR! what I want is more... much more. I refuse... I will not take anyone's route, I will make my own... I do not want to be a legendary figure, I will be THE Legend.. I.. Robin.. will do it my way, or die trying." This is the story of a Researcher, a Warlord and... A Planetary Emperor.

TruthTeller · 軍事
906 Chs

What are you?

The light began to gather rapidly in a human form, and the clearer the human shape gets, the more the time slowed down around Rubin, until even the insects stopped beating their wings in mid-air.

"What exactly are you? Are you really human?" said the humanoid confusingly.

".....Is this a joke? You're the one who popped up out of nowhere in the form of a damned talking light and you're the one asking if I'm the human? Hey... if you're here to take my soul, just take it and get it over with, don't mess with me!" Robin shouted angrily.

"No, I'm not here to take your life, I'm a human. I was amazed when the path of truth Whispered to me just now that another one had mastered its first level, so I came to see this new brother myself.. but my astonishment increased when I saw this planet. you... your very existence should be impossible!" The humanoid said while bewilderment appeared on his simple features.

"My existence? Hey, explain your words quickly. I'm a dead man, I don't have enough time for this."

"You will only die if I allow it, rest assured. As for the meaning of my words, you are currently living in what we call a nascent planet, the laws of which aren't fully discovered and its inhabitants are weak, while the planet is still focusing on gathering energy from the primordial chaos around it to strengthen and prepare itself.

in its current state, the most the planet can do is to give a few chosen of its creatures certain talents such as : intelligence, stronger soul, stronger body..etc~

this is to help more inhabitants to grow to the levels 30~40 -what you call sages- to help in revealing more laws and strengthen the rest of creation.

But you... you shouldn't have mastered the path of truth! A planet with a cultivation history that didn't exceed sixty thousand years is definitely not ready for this yet, it was necessary to wait for an additional couple hundred thousand years at least before the inhabitants began to explore the path of truth! Tell me... how did you do it?" the humanoid light spoke with mixed emotions between puzzlement and curiosity...

Robin went silent for a while as he tried to absorb what he just heard. A nascent planet? Not ready..? hundreds of thousands of years? '....is this some kind of hallucinations before death?'

But he put this idea aside and started telling the humanoid light the story of his life from his birth until this moment, even if he was hallucinating and talking to himself, there is no harm in recalling the past for one last time~

"... I don't know if the planet is lucky or unfortunate with your presence.. instead of acting like an obedient creature and becoming a sage, you went to accelerate the plant's evolution process by at least tens of thousands of years ..." sighed The humanoid light and shook his head.

"Hehe, sorry for not playing by the rules, I guess~ but does it matter? All that's left of me are the scrolls I wrote about some minor laws. the law of truth will die with me... my heart has already stopped." Robin smiled, appearing calm but deep down he was extremely unwilling, the goal that he was after his was finally in his reach, but he was dying...

"I told you you won't die unless I allow it! ....Robin, do you want another chance?" The humanoid said slowly

"A chance? What chance..? Even if you offered to stop time until I lay my pillars with the path of truth, I wouldn't agree. I don't want to live a few more years like this... depending on my son to help me peeing! ...but if you stop the time until I pass the path of Truth to my son Caesar, I will be grateful to you," he said. Robin in a calm voice.

"Your son?..you mean the boy who drags a giant blood peacock outside? I'll bring him for you." with a thought, Caesar appeared next to his father's bed in a weird position like he was pulling something heavy, then the time-stop was canceled on him and he stuck to the wall head first.

"Damn! What the-.." The words stopped in Caesar's throat as he saw the humanoid light, then his father next to him.

The humanoid looked at Robin, "I brought him not to pass the law, but to witness our conversation so you don't have to explain it to him later... listen, Robin, I refuse to allow your death. Someone like you shouldn't die like this.

... Although this planet is not under my control, I will break the rules for you this time... I hope you remember me later!" Then he raised his hand and directed it towards Robin. Caesar watched from the side, not knowing what was happening, but he did not try to intervene.

a ball of light shrouded Robin and lifted him up. changes Immediately began to occur in his body. His weak, worn body began to harden and the wrinkles on his face that painted the fatigue of a century and a half began to fade.

Caesar opened his eyes wide as he watched this sudden change.

'Oh my god... oh my god... oh my god...!!' Caesar's heart almost exploding from the intensity of enthusiasm. seeing his dying father regaining his luster and youth, he felt like dreaming.

it was a simple operation that took about 5 minutes... but Caesar felt like it took a lifetime.

When the light finally disappeared around Robin, he fell hard on his bed then shouted "Urgh... that was uncalled for! what did you do to me?" Robyn shouted pointing his finger at the humanoid, when he noticed with the corner of his eye that this was not his hand..."ahh!!"

He used his other hand to check the one with which he was pointing, but noticed that his other hand has also changed.. 'These are the hands of a youth!' he then looked at Caesar and found him opening his mouth and eyes while looking at him in astonishment.

"Shut your mouth and go and get me a damn mirror!" Robin shouted at him, before noticing that his voice was also that of a youth.

those words brought back Caesar to reality, he quickly brought the mirror and gave it to his father. Caesar expected his father to shout and attack the humanoid with questions as soon as he sees himself, but he was met with silence...

A silence that lasted for a few minutes before a single tear fell from Robin's eye "This is me... this is me when I was young..." he said in a choked voice as he was trying to restrain himself.

"I used advanced levels of the Time major Law and Life major Law to bring your body back to that of a 12 years old child, this removed all cultivation from your body, but you still have your original soul power, intelligence, and your memory, all the laws that you mastered can still be used when you gather some energy in your body. I hope you make good use of your second chance, let's meet again if fate wills it." The humanoid light turned back the time law affecting the planet to normal before his body started to disperse... He was about to leave.

"Wa.. -wait!! Why are you in such a hurry? Can you do what you did to me to Caesar?" Robin waved his hand at the humanoid.

"Hmm? The boy is still in his twenties and his talent is passable, why would you want to bring him back to being a child?" The man of light was surprised by the request.

"He's my son!! Now that I've reached the first level in the Law of Truth, i bet it will be easier to master the rest of the Laws, I want to get him a major Law to make his pillars with."

"...how come someone so smart be so shameless? You're supposed to be scared and kneel down in front of me after you saw what I could do, but you're trying to take advantage of me even more?" The man of light did not know whether to cry or laugh.

"Kneel? Forget it. I didn't even kneel to fate! Just do it if you can, I'll owe you another one!" Robin said proudly.

The humanoid just wanted to shout 'what can you even do to repay the first favor?' but eventually he gave up and pointed at Caesar and soon a ball of light swallowed him.

During the operation, the humanoid looked at Robin and said, "Let me advise you so you don't waste your time, this is not a resurrection, you can say it's just letting the body go back to a certain point in time, it's not a perfect technique. One of its defects is that your son will have to build his pillars from the same path with which he built his pillars previously. The major law of that path is his maximum now."

"Oh? there is such a thing..? I was going to give him what i know about the Truth. but it's okay, the major law of fire isn't that bad either," said Robin, frustrated a little.

if the founding Sage of the Flame Empire had heard this he would have probably hanged himself with his own underwear.