
Ch 5: Knowledge

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Finally, someone I can talk to though using echolocation like that is a little strange it's incredibly useful, but for now, it's time to go to bed and then discuss with the big man tomorrow'. as I nestle myself into the dirt and watch Holefish swim by with no regard that I could easily eat them.

(The whale's POV)

'I've never seen such a unique leviathan, I watched him eat a jellyray but he seemed reluctant as well as different once he finished eating it. Most leviathans wouldn't care especially those stupid reapers they don't even think'.

'though the fact I haven't seen anything even close to a leviathan like him, he has the traits of several other leviathans and other creatures like the dorsal ridges of a stalker and the heatable fin blades which are similar to Scythefish'.

'though what is unsettling is that I can sense him growing larger with every passing moment with my echolocation if he is given enough time he might be able to rival the grudge in strength or even worse become the size of a gargantuan though they are thankfully extinct'.

'but for now, he seems respectful and seems to abide by the laws that he seemingly doesn't know much about, so I should inform him for the safety of him and myself if he learns'.

'I'm really getting too old for this though maybe my son will finally get a mate and take my spot as territory leader. I just want to finally relax and be done with kicking those sharpshooters and reapers out every time they think they can get a quick snack here'.

'but for now, I will survey the territory line and then get back before he wakes up so we can talk when he does'. as I slowly swim above the mushroom forest canopy making sure no reapers snuck in or somehow a guardian got pissed off again.

(MC's POV)

'That was probably my best nap yet it's also very nice that the Holefish are cleaning the dirt off of me its very considerate even though I know they are doing it for a quick meal'.

'but now it's time to talk to the whale as he's quite curious about what he can tell me as even trades are lovely'. As I slowly swim out of the cave I was in and shift back to my normal size once I'm above the canopy.

'I wonder where he's at though he did sound exhausted yesterday so he might just be sleeping though I guess I should look around a bit if he isn't'.

I then start quickly swimming above the canopy looking for a sign of the giant whale and don't turn up anything until I end up towards the biome line between the mushroom forest and bulb zone.

seeing that the whale leviathan is fighting against what looks like an electric betta fish. as well as the whale leviathan looking three times bigger than it did yesterday but the betta fish just keeps swimming around it and shocking specific joints.

I then quickly propel myself forward to help the whale leviathan but the whale leviathan suddenly swipes its tail down knocking the betta fish to the ground.

me seeing this makes me quickly rocket down and quickly bite down on the betta leviathan's head killing it while it was struggling to understand what happened.

"well this isn't what I was expecting to do the moment I woke up today but it seems like you needed a bit of help," I say to the whale leviathan with a bit of surprise to his bigger size.

"Thank you for the help, Though I wasn't expecting you to kill a Beta Kadachi so easily especially because of their naturally radiating electricity," The whale leviathan says slightly stunned by my speed and strength as he starts to slowly shrink to a smaller size.

"Well I'm pretty much immune to electricity so I wasn't concerned by that. However, I wasn't expecting you to be able to enlarge your size like that" as I watch the whale Leviathan finish shrinking to his normal size.

"It's something anyone in my species can do though now that we are done we the Beta Kadachi I would like to have a talk now" While the whale leviathan slowly swims toward the mushroom forest.

"I would love to have that talk now but can I eat this guy first" I ask side eyeing the dead Beta Kadachi while also watching the whale leviathan swimming away.

"Go ahead though please be quick there are a lot of things I want to discuss with you" the whale leviathan answers though not stopping his movements as he gets above the canopy.

'I would have eaten the leviathan anyways though I didn't want the guy to think eating is more important'. As I quickly start eating the leviathan making sure I get every bite.

[DNA Absorption]

Beta Kadachi DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well that sucks but to be expected I guess as I already have everything it could offer me now to go catch up to the big guy'. as I quickly turn myself around and dart towards the top of the canopy to see the whale leviathan at the big tree in the middle of the forest.

'This is a nice view of the tree and he looks really majestic circling around it'. I then swim towards the tree and see that there are several jellyrays on his body cleaning his wounds.

"that was faster than expected though you are about the same size as the beta kadachi so it makes a little sense," the whale leviathan says with a slightly pained voice.

"I'm a fast eater but are you okay? You seem a lot more hurt now than you did earlier" I ask with slight concern as my eyes turn a light gray. "I'm fine it's just that jellyrays are a great way to clean up the wound though it hurts like hell" The whale leviathan answers with a slightly annoyed and pained voice.

"ahh okay, So what did you want to talk about again besides my species" I ask with curiosity as my eyes change from grey to yellow. "Well, I wanted to also talk about you coming through my territory but we kind of already went through that yesterday," The whale leviathan says while observing the change in eye color.

"Okay that makes sense but I also want a trade of knowledge as well for this as me telling you things about myself can possibly do me more harm than good," I say with conviction and realization that this could possibly go wrong.

"Understandable, and since I want to know of you I should at least start with my species name which are known as the Great Humpback Jagras and protectors of the mushroom forests," The Jagras says with a royal and confident tone.

"So that means there are more of your species in other mushroom forests besides this one. Does that also mean I should call you Jagras or something else" I ask with slight confusion over the situation

"call me whatever you wish but Jagras works though by other leviathans I'm called juggernaut at least by the ones that can talk like us," Jagras says with a nonchalant voice.

"Okay, so Jagras it is but if there are other leviathans juggernaut got it, Though I guess it's my turn the name of my species is the devourer leviathan but you can call me Livyatan," I say with a slightly carefree tone but also a little pride.

{A/N I hope you guys enjoy the name I gave him as I spent I think 3 hours looking for a name I liked that wasn't all too bulky but could have some impact in the future.}

"your species has an intimidating name though were does your species originate Livyatan" Jagras asks with slight caution and interest as he thinks over the origin of the name my species has.

"well, my species doesn't really originate from anywhere as we don't stay in one place and explore around the world to see what we can. Also after we are born we practically fend for ourselves" I say with fake sadness and hoping my lie works.

'I really hope this works I honestly should have made up a backstory sooner in case this happened though I guess I didn't really have to worry about it'.

"I guess that makes sense on why I have never seen anyone else like you though if I may ask what is the backstory of your species name" Jagras asks with interest.

"Well, honestly I believe it's from our need to pretty much eat anything and our love to eat. Though I don't really know as I was born and told to survive" as I act like I'm trying to think of the reason behind my title.

"Makes sense since you were told to survive since birth. Besides that what does your name mean Livyatan" Jagras asks with curiosity but also slight worry I can't seem to identify.

"I'm not sure though I'm pretty sure it means envy, but besides that, I have no idea," I say with slight confusion over the name I gave myself and wondering why it felt right for it to be my name.

"well on to the next topic I should inform you of some of the rules in the crater especially when related to territories," Jagras says with a serious tone as he seems to go over a certain memory.

"You have my full attention Jagras so please do inform me," I say with full intent to learn and memorize everything he says. 

"well first off you can't just swim into the territory of another leviathan without expecting some sort of consequence," Jagras says with a stern tone.

"These consequences can range from several things from just a quick reminder to tell you that you shouldn't do it again or quickly becoming food," Jagras says while looking like he is having a flashback.

"So be careful of where I go though nothing has really stopped me since I have been here and you are the only one who has actually talked to me," I say with a thoughtful look and wondering why it has been easy so far.

"That's because 2 days ago was the eclipse so every leading leviathan of a territory goes to above the trench and talk about recent events and possible disturbances," Jagras says

"so that's why I didn't see a leviathan in the kelp forest," I say with realization why my start was a little too easy for me. "you were in the kelp," Jagras says with a slightly fearful tone as he looks at me like I did the most stupid thing anyone could do.

"Yeah, I was in the kelp why" I ask with a slightly scared voice but also curiosity. "well it was nice knowing you, You're probably already dead and having your scent tracked," Jagras says in a tone you would hear from someone talking to a soon to be corpse.

"Jagras you're joking with me right I will be fine besides I only was there for a day and for a quick bite so why would the leviathan there care. Also, there weren't even any leviathans there when I went through" I say with a confused tone on why Jagras is acting like I'm already dead.

"You're dead, and the reason you didn't see any leviathans there was because the leading leviathan there is the last of its species as he killed the rest in a fit of anger. What's even worse is that he is hyper-territorial even compared to the sea dragons" Jagras says while sounding like he is talking about the incarnate of Lucifer himself.

"Okay, so you are telling me that one of the most ruthless leviathans is living in one of the most shallow areas where you would think if you're small you would be safe," I say while being slightly shocked.

"he is only weaker compared to the twin grudges but he is several times more ruthless than they ever will be and the reason he lives there is because of his sadistic taste of messing with young leviathans," Jagras says with anger and pain.

"though when he comes to kill you put up a good fight and if you by some miracle win you will have the gratitude of every leviathan, especially from the guardian," Jagras says with put hope and sadness as he knows I will die but hopes I do live and maybe even win.

"well, this got really dark so let's change the topic shall we. What else can you tell me about the crater" I say to Jagras to hopefully change the conversation.

"If you manage to live I would suggest staying away from the twin grudges as they are known to kill anyone that displeases them and have lived for who knows how long," Jagras says with less passion in his words compared to earlier.

"I will keep that in mind I guess though since you are so scared of the leviathan in the kelp forest we should wrap this up should we not" I say with lessened interest in our conversation because of Jagras clear look of seeing a Deadman.

"I guess we should, I hope you live Livyatan and even manage to kill him I wish you luck," Jagras says with one last look as he then swims away not even waiting for an answer from me.

'well that was rude he just left and didn't even let me say goodbye back to him though I should be fine against the kelp leviathan if I either stay away or quickly kill him' as I watch Jagras swim away still covered in small wounds.

( Kelp Leviathan POV )

'finally done with that infernal meeting I should just kill the others and not need to worry about it anymore I bet their looks would be so pleasing as most of them will join their kids' as the kelp leviathan swims above the floating islands.

'What's that' as the kelp leviathan quickly turns around and smells the water. 'it's a new leviathan, finally a new toy to mess with it been so boring since something new has come by'. as the kelp leviathan sniffs the water and starts following it.

'why does this lead into my territory'. the kelp Leviathan's sadistic mood quickly changes to one of pure rage. 'this peeper thinks he can come into my territory I'm going to rip him apart now I can't wait to hear him suffer as I eat his gills'.

as the kelp leviathan starts swiftly moving through his territory following the scent to a perfected degree as it seems as if he is taking the exact same movements.

while swimming through his territory any fish would think there is just a strong current as you would not be able to see him due to his camouflage and quick movements.

As he is swimming his anger starts growing more seeing that he swam through his entire territory. 'this filthy peeper dares swim throughout my entire territory. I swear on everything I embody and my name as the raging leviathan I will kill you'.


{ A/N First I would like to say sorry for taking so long but I didn't leave I promise I won't. But besides that, I hope you guys enjoyed seeing other POV's I will also probably be doing a flashback soon so we will see how that goes. 

aside from all of this, I have a job now meaning my erratic schedule is probably going to be even worse also when summer break happens for school I won't even be able to write at all so I hope you will be fine without chapters for a solid 2 months.

But now I put the usual below and will happily take suggestions as well for ideas you guys might want to incorporate though keep it away from romance and r-18 as that's for the future.


Species: devouring leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Devouring Leviathan and Giant Slayer

Length: 30m (98ft)

DNA Assimilated: 28




1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the Floating Islands


1: random mutation

[King of the Forest]


1: Become the ruler of the Kelp Forests


1: random mutation

[King of the Grasslands]


1: Become the ruler of the Grassy Platues


1: random mutation